Location: Hales Hall, Norfolk, England

Surname/tag: Hobart
Will of James Hobart of Hales Hall, Norfolk, England[1] Will dated 5 September, 43 Elizabeth (1601)
James Hobart of Hales Hall, son of Henry Hobart and Anne daughter of John Fineaux Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Fleet Street, London[2] Both he and his wife were recusants. Died 6 February1615 buried at Loddon 23 February 1615[3]
Will proved (P.C.C.) 24 February 1615
Will of Jacobi Hubard (James Hobart)
In the name of God amen I James Hobart of Hales Hall in the countie of Norff[olk] esquire beying aged and weake of bodye yet thanks be to unto god of good and perfect memeorye. Revoking all former willes and testaments do ordayne and make this my last will and testament.
And first I commend and bequeath my soule to the mercye of my maker Savyoure and Sanctifier God the father god the Sonne and god the holie ghost hoping of my Redemption and Salvation throughe the meritts and passion of one Lorde Jesus xriste.
My bodie I will to be buryed with my Ancestors in the parrishe church of Loddon in suche decent manner and with suche distribution to the poore of Loddon, Hales and Chatgrave [Chedgrave] as to my wife and executors shall be thought fitt and convenyent.
Item I will and devise all my mannors, landes, tenements and heriditaments whatsoever to my wellbeloved friendes Michael Hare of Brusiarde, Thomas Rowse of Henham, Nicholas Tymperley of Hintlesham in the countie of Suff[olk] esquire, Henry Hobart of Intwood [coun]ttie Norff[olk]esquire, John Cowell Doctor of the civill lawes and my three sonnes Edward, John and Robert. To have and to hould for them and their heires forever to perform suche .... and purposes as I have declared by my severall deedes heretofore made.
I ordayne and make the said Henry Hobart and Edward and John my sonnes my executors of this my last will and testament leaving the government ordering and well being? of my house servannts and families to the discretion of my sayed executors together with my sayed wife whome I recommend to these my said executors care and civilitie requiring and regarding them to performe towards her the trust and confidenceI have reposed in them when I made a deede of gifte of my goodes unto them.
In witness whereof I the said James Hobart have unto these present set my hand and seale the first daye of September in the three and fortith yeare of the Reigne of our Soverreign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England Ffrance and Ireland Queene and defender of the faith.
James Hobart, Signed Sealed and pulished and Delivered with the presence of Ffrances Bury and me William Belsonn Robert Curdye and Robert Codd
Proved (PCC) 24 February 1615 by Edward Hobart one of the executors. Powers reserved to Henry Hobart another executor.
Johanne Hobart altero executore mortuo.
- ↑ The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 127
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fineux
- ↑ https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&dbid=61045&h=3976312&tid=&pid=&queryId=985f79c430ba9207cd671e0cbbf0473b&usePUB=true&_phsrc=ZHP1845&_phstart=successSource
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