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Will of James Marwood of Sutton died 1722

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Date: 1 May 1714 to 7 Dec 1722
Location: Sutton, Widworthy, Devon, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Marwood
Profile manager: Joe Farler private message [send private message]
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The Will of James Marwood of Sutton in Widworthy (1659-1722)
Written 1st of May1714, and proved 7th December 1722

Transcribed by Joe Farler in February 2019 from a copy held by The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 588

In the Name of God Amen
I James Marwood of Sutton in the parish of Widworthy and County of Devon, Gent being weak of body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given to almighty God do make and ordain this my last present last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say) First and principally I commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God hoping through the Merits Death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my Sins and to inherit everlasting Life and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching the Disposition of all such temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and Dispose thereof as followeth.

Imprimis I give unto my Niece Mary Marwood Daughter of my Brother John Marwood late deceased the sum of Four hundred pounds to be paid her within two years next after my decease out of the profits of Widworthy Barton, by my Brother Benedictus Marwood. But if he or his heirs Male shall refuse to pay the said Mary Marwood the Four hundred pounds within the time limited then it shall be lawful for her the said Mary Marwood to enter into, have, and possess the said Barton of Widworthy until the sum of Four hundred pounds can be risen on the said Barton clear of all Rates Taxes and necessary reparations.

Item I give and devise unto my Brother Benedictus Marwood all that my Farms Barton and Demesne Lands in Widworthy called Widworthy Barton and also in perpetual Advowson Donation presentation of in and to the Parsonage and Rectory of Widworthy during his natural Life and after his decease to the Heirs Male of his Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and for want of such Issue in Him I give and devise the said Barton and presentation unto the right Heirs of me the said James Marwood for ever,

Item I give unto my Niece Bridget Marwood Daughter of my Brother John Marwood deceased the Sum of Six Hundred pounds to be paid her by my Executor hereafter named within one year next after my decease. Item I give unto my said Niece Bridgett Marwood, my two houses and tenements with their Appurtenances commonly called by the Names of Westcots and Floods lying in the Parish of Colyton during her Natural Life.

Item I give unto Peter Stocker my Servant all that my House and grounds called Michells Tenements, part of my tenement called Burnard Trickham for Four score and Nineteen years if he shall happen to live so long and be living with me as my Servant at the time of my death, he continuing of it in good repair during his Term and paying yearly out of it four shillings by Quarterly payments unto my Brother Benedictus Marwood his heirs and Assigns.

Item all that other part of my Tenements called Burnards Trickham with the Meadow called Whitmores Meadow adjoining and the Revertion of that other part called Michells Tenement being parts of the same premises lying all in the Parish of Northleigh I give and devise unto my Brother Benedictus Marwood his heirs and Assigns for ever.

Item I give unto my Brother Thomas Marwood all that my Farm called Sutton lying in the Parish of Widworthy with all its Rights Members and Appurtenances during the term of Fourscore and Nineteen years absolute to commence immediately after my Decease,

Item I give unto my Brother Benedictus Marwood his heirs and Assigns the remainder of my term of Fourscore and Nineteen years in my tenement called Pearses Tenement lying in Northleigh, except the three pieces of Ground called Latchcombs, and half the privilege of the Common belonging to the said Tenement which my Will is should be, And I give unto my Brother Thomas Marwood and his Assigns.

Item I give unto and devise unto my Brother Benedictus Marwood all that my term of years yet to come and unexpired in my House and Tenement with it’s Appurtenances lying at Red Cross in the Parish of Colyton aforesaid and to his Heirs and Assigns.

Item all my Lands and Tenements in Fee wheresoever and not before disposed of I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Marwood his heirs and Assigns for ever.

Item All my goods and Chattels and all my Personal Estate after my Debts, Legacies, and Funeral Charges are paid. I give and bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Marwood his Executors and Assigns. making hereby my said Brother Thomas Marwood Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal this first Day of May 1714 ( James Marwood ) Signed Sealed published and declared to be my last Will and Testament in the presence of us ( after the interlining of the word Mary ). Jonas Guppy, Abraham Hitt Thos Hoskins.



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