Location: Prescot, Lancashire, England
Contents |
In the Name of God Amen
I Jane Ashcroft of Prescott in the County of Lancaster
Widow being of sound mind and Memory and not
knowing how soon it may please God to call me home
do make and publish this my last Will and Testament
in manner following that is to say in the first place
it is my Will that my Body be decently interred
with my Husband and Children at the discretion of my
Executors hereinafter named I direct that all my
Household Goods Plate Linen Books china and
Furniture be sold and the Money arising from such
Sale and also the Sum of Four hundred pounds in the
hands of Mr. John Harper for which I have his
Bond and all Interest due thereon and all and every
Sum and Sums of Money due owing or belonging to
me at the time of my decease I give devise and
bequeath unto John Chorley the Younger of Prescot
Esquire and Daniel Alty of Knowsley Gentleman their
Executors and Administrators upon Trust to be applied
for the several Purposes hereinafter mentioned after
Payment of all my just Debts Funeral Expences and
the Charges of the Probate of this my Will I direct
the Sum of Twenty Guineas to be divided amongst
the Children of the Revd John Barnes of Huyton
Clerk also the Sum of Five Guineas to be paid to
Miss Frances Parr Daughter of the late Matthew
Parr and also my Silver Tankard to be given to
Edward Ashton Son of my Friend Mrs. Ashston and
as to my Wearing Apparel of every description I wish
to be divided amongst the Female Children of
Edward Tyrer William Tyrer Margaret Blackburn
and Jane Heaton hereinafter mentioned and in
as much as Mrs Pickering of Warrington Sister to
my late Husband is entitled to the Sum of Seven
Pounds Ten Shillings per Annum chargeable on my
property in case she should survive me I direct my
Executors to place out at Interest upon such Security
as they may think proper such proportion of my
property as may be Equivalent to bring in the
Annual Interest of Seven pounds to be paid as
aforesaid and the remainder to be divided into four
equal shares or proportions the Amount of Two such shares
I direct to be paid to and equally divided so soon as
convenient after my decease amongst the Children of
Edward Tyrer of Knowsley Tailor one other share or
(page 2)
equal fourth part amongst the Children of William
Tyrer of Knowsley Watch Maker and the remaining
share to be divided amongst Jane the Daughter of Joseph
Blackburn of Knowsley Farmer at such times as my
Executors may think proper and the
Children of Jane late the Wife of William Heaton of
Knowsley aforesaid and as to such Sum of money
which may have been placed out at Interest to satisfy
the said annuity of Seven pounds Ten Shillings I direct
that the same and all Interest that may be due
thereon at the decease of Mrs Pickering be equally
divided as aforesaid amongst such persons at such time
and in such proportions as above mentioned lastly
I appoint the said John Chorley and Daniel
Alty my Executors not doubting that they will
justly fulfil the Trust by me in them reposed and
that they will reimburse themselves of all Costs
Charges and Expences they or the Survivor of them
may be put unto in the Execution hereof and that
they or the Survivor of them shall not be accountable
for any loss that may happen by the
failure of any Security on which they may vest all
or any part of my said property or otherwise and
that my Executors would accept of each Five Guineas
as a small recompence for the trouble they may have
in or about this my Will revoking all others and
declare this to be my last In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand to the first side and my
hand and Seal to the second side of this my Will
this Twentieth day of August One
thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Eight Jane
Ashcroft (SS) Signed Sealed published and declared by
the within named Jane Ashcroft as and for her last
Will and Testament in the presence of us who at
her request in her presence and in presence of
each other have hereunto Subscribed out
Names as witnesses attesting the due Execution
thereof the day and Year aforesaid the words Ten
Shillings being first twice interlined Thos Johnson
Junr. /-/ Samuel Johnson //-
This Will was proved
at Chester in Common form of
Law on the thirtieth day of
March in the Year of our
Lord One thousand Eight hundred
and five by John Chorley and
Daniel Alty the Executors therein
named the right of every person
being saved and time allowed to
Exhibit an Inventory Will. Nicholls
D: Registrar. //&
This Will was proved at London the
Sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One
thousand eight hundred and five before the Right Honorable
Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
lawfully Constituted by the Oaths of John Chorley and
Daniel Alty the Executors named in the said will to
whom Administration was granted of all and Singular
the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased they
having been first sworn by Commission duly to Admi'r. //@
Research Notes
Jane Ashcroft Widow of Prescot was buried 27 Mar 1805 at Prescot St Mary's. Assuming she was buried with her husband and children, there weren't all that many Ashcrofts buried there in the preceding years - a strong candidate would be Abraham Ashcroft (curate), headmaster of Prescot Grammar School; they had at least 5 children, at least 2 of whom were buried there, as was Abraham (in 1785). No probate for Abraham listed in NA catalogue; a probate dated 8 Oct 1831 for a Revd Abraham Ashcroft (clerk of Prescot) listed in Lancashire Archives catalogue. An Abraham Ashcroft gentleman married Jane Heywood in 1757 in Liverpool. Couldn't see Abraham in Clergy of C of E database, in ACAD (Cambridge alumni database) or in Alumni Oxonienses (but his son James is in there)
There's a strong Tyrer (& Knowsley) theme to the bequests but I haven't found a Jane Tyrer - Ashcroft marriage.
Edward Tyrer (bachelor, tailor, Knowsley, aged 28) married Catherine Shaw (24, spinster, Knowsley) in 1784 at Huyton St Michael's. FamilySearch tree for them (not checked for errors). There was also a couple Edward & Ann Tyrer in Knowsley having children around then.
A William Pickering married an Ann Ashcroft in Liverpool in 1767 - possibly Jane's sister-in-law. But William a coachman and unable to sign his name.
Jane (Jenny) Blackborn b 1784 Huyton daughter of Joseph & Margaret. Joseph Blackburn married Margaret Tyrer 1782 Huyton.
- ↑
National Archives Catalogue - Reference: PROB 11/1431/262
Description: Will of Jane Ashcroft, Widow of Prescot , Lancashire
Date: 16 October 1805.
Accessed on https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D348799
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