Location: Bower Chalke, Wiltshire, England

Surnames/tags: Penny Walter
Spellings and layout has been maintained. Bold text has been introduced for ease of reading and was not present in the original. Transcription made from a digital image obtained from the National Archives in January 2024, and with the help of Transkribus. The Will was signed 7 Oct 1695 and proved 14 Feb 1695/6
From this Will, we can deduce the following lines:
- Jane Penny (married name)
- Henry Penny (the following children, named as Jane’s grandchildren, are assumed to be Henry’s since no other parents were mentioned for them, and Henry was the only son mentioned in her Will)
- Henry Penny
- Thomas Penny
- Mary Penny
- Edith Penny
- Jane Penny m ? Walter
- Phillip Walter
- Henry Penny (the following children, named as Jane’s grandchildren, are assumed to be Henry’s since no other parents were mentioned for them, and Henry was the only son mentioned in her Will)
Other people mentioned include:
- John Walter Senr of West Pennard in Somerset
- ”brother” John Penny (could be a brother-in-law) of North Brewham, Somerset
In the name of God Amen the Seventh day of October in the seventh yeare of the Reign of King William the third of England ye Annogg Domini one thousand six hundred ninety five I Jane Penny of Woodmantowne in the Parish of Bower Chalke in the County of Wilts widow being of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God doe make this my last will and Testament in amanner and forme following hereby revokeing and nulling all wills beretofore by me made And first of all I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the merrits of Jesus Christ to receive free pardon of all my sins and my body to be buryed n Christian buryall at the discretion of my Executrix and friends in trust hereinafter named And as for my Worldly goods which God has been pleased, to blesse me withall I give and dispose in manner and forme followeing ffirst I give and bequeath unto my sonne Henry Penny one shilling Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Henry Penny twenty shillings to buy him two silver spoones Item I give and bequeath unto my grandsoun Thomas Penny ten shillings to buy him a silver spoone Item I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter Mary Penny tenn shillings to buy her a silver Spoone Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Phillip Walter tenn shillings to buy him a silver Spoone Item my will is that after my danghter Edith Penny is really contented and satisfyed in money Estate goods chattells and Cattles to the vallue of three hundred forty and five pounds then my will is that my two daughter Jane Walter and Edith Penny shall have equally betweene them all the rest of my goods Chattells and Cattles to be parted by Mr John Walter Senr of west Pennard in in the County of Somerset and my brother John Penny of North Brewham in the County of Somersett aforesaid whome I name constitute and desire to by my friends in trust to see this my last & will and Testament to be justly performed and my will is that five shillings apeice be paid to them to buy themselves Gloves And lastlye doe constitute appoint and name and alsoe make my daughter Edith Penny Executrix of this my last Will, and Testament In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and yeare above written Jean Penny published & signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Philip Pope The: Nicholl’s Comefius Tucker
Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testament apud London. coram venti et egregio viro Domino Richardo Raines Milite Legii Doctore Curiae Praerogat Cantuarienesis Mag[ist]ro Custode, Sive Commissario (fine constituto decimo quarto die mensis ffebruary Anno Quid (stylo Angliae) millimo sexcemmo nouagemo quinto Juramento Editha Penny filiae et Extricis in dicto Testamento nominat'rui comissa fuit adm[ini]stratio omnium et singularum bonorum jurum et creditorum dictae defta de bene et fideliter adm[ini]stranto eadem ad sancta Dei Evangelia vigore commissionis) furat &c
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