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Will of Jane Stolion

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Date: 9 Apr 1640 [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Stolion, Stolyon
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In the name of God Amen I Jane Stolion of London widowe being in perfect health through the divine Provinence and desirous to settle and dispose of my Landes and estate which the Lord hath given mee as I would have it to goe after my death doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and fforme folowing And first Whereas I have settled my Lands in Mayfeild in the County of Sussex upon William Hayes of Little Horsted in the County of Sussex gent. and John Maynard of Mayfield aforesaid Clerke And Nicholas Durant of Headlith and Thomas Turner of Caymer in the same County yeomen and their heires uppon certaine trusts that they should dispose of the proffits theroaf as shall bee by mee diverted My Will and mind is that the said Lands and proffits thereof if they shall not bee sold according to the trust in that behalfe declared betweene them and mee during my life shall goe and bee disposed in manner and fforme following; and ffirst that Elizabeth Stolion my Daughter shall have during her life out of Lodge ffeilds & part of my said Lands and the proffits thereof fouer pounds a yeare by Twentie shillings a Quarter att the ffeasts of Michaelmas Christmas the Annuntiation of the Blessed Virgin and Midsomer everie yeare The fist payment thereof to beginn and bee made att such of the said ffeasts as shall next happen after the death of mee and of my Sonn Abraham, and of the Survivor of us. And that all my said Lands and the additions of the proffits thereof after my death shall goe and bee disposed in the case of the same bee not sold in my life time To the use of my sonn Abraham and the heires of his Bodie lawfully begotten: And for default of such issue to my son Thomas Stalion, and the heires of his Bodie lawfullie begotten. And for default of such issue to the sonn and heire of John Edwards late of Cockfield in the said County of Sussex gent. and the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for default of such issue to my sonne Thomas Stolion and his heirs forever. And I doe make my said Abraham Stolyon the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and doe give and bequeathe unto my said sonn Thomas Stolyon all my personall estate which I have in Old England And my Will and meaning further is that my said sonn Thomas Stolyon shall give and secure unto my said daughter Elizabeth Eight Pounds a yeare (during her life) for her maintaynance and support then and from thenceforth hee shalbe freed and discharged of and from all debts and demands which I my Executors or administrators maie or can clayme off or from him his executors or administrators. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale This Nynth Daie of Aprill in the Sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our gratious Soveraigne Lord king Charles Annoque Domini One Thousand six hundred and ffortie. Jane Stolion Sealed and published to bee the Last Will of the said Jane Stolion in the presence of John White John Phelps James Morgan.

The will was proved in London on May 4, 1647.[1]


  1. England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858. PROB 11: Will Registers 1644-1654 Piece 200: Fines, Quire Numbers 63-128 (1647). Link to will at ancestry.com.

See also:

  • Waters, Henry F. Genealogical Gleanings in England, Vol. II. New England Historical Genealogical Society, 1911. pp. 999-1000. Link to pages at hathitrust.org. (A lengthy, but incomplete, abstract of the will.)

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