Location: Stutton, Suffolk, England
Will of Jane Umfrevile written on 6 February 1707/8, proved on 8 April 1708, administration granted to Thomas May. [1][2]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Good, clear copy.
People mentioned in the Will.
- Jane Umfrevile of Stutton, spinster (testatrix)
- Dorothy Wyncoll (sister)
- Spring Wyncoll (her husband)
- Isabella Wyncoll (niece)
- Thomas May of Stutton, gent (nephew)
- Jane May (wife of Thomas, niece)
- Jane May (daughter of Thomas)
- Humphrey May (eldest son of Thomas)
- Dorothy Wynn, wife of Wynn (cousin)
- Thomas Umfrevile of London, tinman
- Jane Umfrevile (daughter of Thomas)
- Ann Umfrevile (wife of Thomas)
- Anne Umfrevile (daughter of Ann)
- Elizabeth Michell, widow (niece)
- Katharine Waldegrave, widow (niece)
- Anne Page, wife of William, Stoke by Nayland
- John Hurrill, clerk of Boxstead
- Richard Drake, clerk of Oakely
- Sarah Holland, widow of Wicham
- Capt Thomas Umfrevile (brother)
- Lancelott Baker (cousin, deceased)
- Elizabeth Baker (widow of Lancelott)
- Sarah Brewster wife of Samuel
- Richard Enock of Stutton, clerk
- Elizabeth (Richard's wife)
- John South, clerk
- Isabella Umfrevile, widow (mother in law)
- Henry May of Bulmere (nephew)
- William Umfrevile DD (brother, deceased)
- Elizabeth Umfrevile (daughter of William)
- Gilbert Umfrevile (son of William)
- Charles Umfrevile (son of William)
- Saintcleere Umfrevile (brother)
- Reynold Jolly of Stratford & Mary his wife
- Hannah wife of John Murrill of Kelvedon, barber
- Joseph Lane victualler of London, deceased
- Lawrence Lane (son of Joseph, godson of testatrix)
- Witnesses: W. Beeston, Richd Enock, Robt Hurnard
In the Name of God Amen
The Sixth day of february in the yeare of our Lord One
thousand Seaven hundred and Seaven. I Jane Umfrevile of
Stutton in the County of Suffolke Spinster being of sound
and perfect mind and memory Doe make this my last Will
and Testament in manner following. Imprimis I give and
bequeath unto my Sister Dorothy Wyncoll my best black
petycoate and my sad coloured Silk Damask Gowne with
the Silver Trimming and a gold Ring with a Christall Stone
sett in it with haire and a black velvet lining for a Gowne.
Item I give and bequeath to my Niece Isabella Wyncoll one
gold mourning Ring and a handkerchiefe laced with gold Lace
Item I give and bequeath to my niece Jane May Wife of
my Nephew Thomas May of Stutton aforesaid Gent my
best Silver Mantua. Item I give and bequeath to my Cozen
Dorothy Wynn Wife of [blank] Wynn Doctor of Law a picture
sett in gold and two Silver Spoones. Item I give and bequeath
to Jane May Daughter of my said Nephew Thomas May
a Ten Shilling piece of Gold. Item I give and bequeath to
Jane Umfrevile Daughter of Thomas Umfrevile of the City
of London Tinn=man a Silver Tankard and all the Linnen of
mine which her Mother hath in her Custody with a white
Damask Gowne and Petycoate. Item I give and bequeath to
Elizabeth Michell Widow my Niece a Jewell sett with Rubies
with a Diamond in the mid[d]le. Item I give and bequeath to
Humphrey May Eldest Son of my said Nephew Thomas
May my gold watch. Item I give and bequeath to Katharine
[Page 2 Fo. 113]
Waldegrave widow my Niece two Guineas. Item I give
and bequeath to my Cozen Ann Umfrevile Wife of the
above named Thomas Umfrevile a Sable Tippett with all
thereunto belonging and a velvet Scarfe. Item I give to
Anne Umfrevile her Daughter a piece of Gold of Three and
twenty Shillings. Item I give and bequeath to Anne Page
Wife of William Page of Stoke next Nayland in the said
County of Suffolke Carpenter Ten Shillings to buy her a
Ring. item I give and bequeath to John Hurrill of Boxstead
in the County of Essex Clerke Twenty Shillings to be paid
by my Executor soe soon as money shall come to his hands.
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Drake of Oakely
in the said County of Essex Clerke the Summe of ten Shillings
Item I give and bequeath to the said John Hurrill and
Richard Drake all my Bookes equally to be divided between
them. Item I give and bequeath to Sarah Holland of Wicham
in the said County of Essex widow ten Shillings. Item I
give and bequeath to my Brother Capt Thomas Umfrevile
Twenty Shillings to buy him a Ring the same to be paid
by my Executor soe soone as money shall come to his hands
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Baker Widow
and Relict of my Cozen Lancelott Baker deceased Ten
Shillings to buy her a Ring. Item I give to my Niece
Sarah Brewster Wife of Samuel Brewster Esqr Twenty
Shillings to buy her a Ring the same to be paid by my
Executor assoone as moneys shall come to his hands. Item
I give and bequeath to Richard Enock of Stutton aforesaid
Clerke and Elizabeth his Wife Thirty Shillings to buy
them Rings to be paid as in the Legacy last mentioned.
Item I give and bequeath to my said Nephew Thomas
May and to his heires forever all those my two parts and
Shares of and in all those Mills in Stratford in the said
County of Suffolke called Stratford Mills with their and
every of their appurtenances. Item I give and bequeath to
my said Nephew Thomas May the summe of two hundred
and twenty pounds (that is to say) One hundred and fifty
pounds due to me by Bond from Thomas Umfrevile of the
City of London Tinn=man and fifty pounds he himselfe owes
me And Twenty pounds due to me from John South Clerke
And I doe hereby make and constitute and appoint my said
Nephew Thomas May sole Executor of this my last Will
and Testament. Item I give to Twenty poore Widowes of
the parish of Langham in the County of Essex and Stutton
aforesaid the summe of five pounds to be paid by my
Executor assoone as moneys shall come to his hands and
to be equally distributed amongst them at his Discretion.
Whereas I am entitled to a Sixth Share or parte of and in
that Capitall Messuage and Lands called Langham Valley
scituate and being in Langham aforesaid (after the death of
Isabella Umfrevile Widow and Mother in Law. Now I give
[erased] the Rents and profitts of the same (after the
Death of my said Mother in Law) untill the same shall be
[Page 3]
be sold unto my said Executor Thomas May and the
Moneys arrising upon the Sale thereof I give and dispose
thereof as followeth. Item I give and bequeath to my
Nephew Henry May of Bulmere in the said County of
Essex Gent the Summe of Eighty pounds to be paid within
Six months after the said Sale. Item I give and bequeath
to my Brother in Law Spring Wyncoll of Langham afores[ai]d
Gent the Summe of Thirty pounds ^to be paid within Six months after
the said Sale And I give to my Sister Dorothy Wyncoll
his Wife the Summe of five pounds to be paid in manner
aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath to my Niece Eliz:
Umfrevile Daughter of my Brother William Umfrevile
late of Saint Andrews Holbourne Doctor of Divinity dec[ease]d
the Summe of Twenty pounds to be paid within Six months
after the said Sale. Item I give to my said Niece Eliz:
Umfrevile a gold Watch that was her Fathers, and the
gold Seale thereunto belonging I give to my Nephew
Gilbert Umfrevile her Brother And if he dyes to Charles
Umfrevile his Brother. Item I give and bequeath to my
Brother Saintcleere Umfrevile the Summe of five pounds
to be paid within Six months after the said Sale. Item I
give to Mary the Wife of Reynold Jolly of Stratford
aforesaid the Summe of Ten pounds to be paid within Six
months after the said Sale. Item I give to Hannah the
Wife of John Murrill of Kelvedon in the said County of
Essex Barber the Summe of five pounds to be paid within
Six months after the said Sale. Item I give to Lawrence
Lane Son of Joseph Lane late of the City of London Victualler
deceased my GodSon the Summe of forty Shillings to be
paid as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath out of the
monies arising upon the said Sale the Summe of Six pounds
to buy a piece of plate which I give to the parish church of
Stutton forever. Item the Rest and Residue of the moneys
arising upon the said Sale my Debts and Legacies being
first paid I give and bequeath to my Executor Thomas
May And my mind is That my said Executor should bury
me as privatly and with as litle charge as may be. In
Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale
Day and yeare above written.// Jane Umfrevile. Signed
Sealed published and declared to be the last Will and Testam[en]t
of the said Jane Umfrevile in presence of us W. Beeston
Richd Enock. Robt Hurnard.//
- ↑ PROB 11/501/81 Description: Will of Jane Umfrevile, Spinster of Stutton, Suffolk Date: 08 April 1708 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 501
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #951367 (accessed 10 November 2023)
Will of Jana Umfrevile, granted probate on 8 Apr 1708. Died about 1708 in Stutton, Suffolk, England.
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