Location: North Stoke, Somerset, England
Surname/tag: Battman
This is a transcript of the will and probate of Joane Battman, widow, of North Stoke, Somerset. Her will was dated 20 July 1594 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 29 September 1597.
Paragraph breaks have been added to improve readability.
In the name of god Amen The three and twentith daye of Julie in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand five hundred nintie fower and in the sixe and thirtith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne [Lady?] Queene Elizabeth &c. I Joane Battman of the parish of Northstocke in the Coun[ty] of Somerset and in the Dioc[ese] of Bathe and wells widowe beinge in health of bodie and sounde and perfecte in memorie praysed be god revokinge and disadmittinge all and singular former wills and testamentes made or consented to be made by me or for me by anie meanes heretof[ore …] for divers causes and good consideracons me thereunto moveing, Doe make & ordaine [this?] my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge.
First I commend my soul into the handes and mercy of almightie god, my maker and redeemer, And my bodie to by buryed in christian buriall within the church of Northstock aforesaide.
Item I [give?] towardes the mainten[a]nce of the church of Northstocke aforesaid sixe shillinges […] pence
Item I give to the poore in money and moneys worthe twentie shillinges to be [given?] and distributed amongest them at the daye of my buriall according to my executors and overseers good discretion
Item I give to my daughter Alice Maynerd of Barton R[…] the best flockbed that I have a bolster, a pillow, a coverlid, a blankett and [a sh]eete the Coverlid to be the best saving one
Item I give to Alice Maynerd my daughter aforesaide Tenn poundes of good and lawfull money of England of that money that is in my sonn Stantons hand and this tenn poundes to be payed unto the aforesaid Alice within two yeares next after my decease, that is to saye five poundes by the yeare if she be then livinge if not then my Will is that my daughters sonne that nowe is livinge if he shall live for longe shall have five poundes therof and theother five poundes to remaine to my executors.
Item I give to my goddaughter Joane Mayn’d the daughter of Willim Maynerd of Northstocke, a flockbed a boulster, a pillowe a cov’lid a blankett and a sheete.
Item I give to my daughter Mary Maynard my blacke pa[nn].
Item I give to my sonne Stanton Battman my best and biggest brasse Crocke that I have.
Item I give to my daughter Alice Maynard aforesaid my second Crock and second pann,
Item I give to John Battman my sonn in Lawe tenn shillinges.
Item I give to Rogier Cottles Childeren twentie shillinges to be payed equallie amonge the[m] within one yeare next after the decease of theire father
Item I give to my husbandes two daughters vizt, Alice Smith and Elizabeth Abraham five shillings a peece Item I give to my sonn Willi[a]m one towe which is in the keeping of my sonn Staunton Battman
Item I give to my daughter Joane Britton my […]oting stone and my malte whiche Item I give to every one of my godchildren sixe pence a peece
Item I doe give and bequeath all the rest of my goodes and cattl[es] as well moveable unmoveable ungiven and unbequeathed my funerall being dischardged and my Legaceyes payed, unto Willim Battman my sonn whome I doe make and appoynte my whole and sole executor, to prove and fullfill this my last will and testamente according to my true meaninge herein.
Item I doe appoynte my sonne Stanton Battman and my sonn in lawe Nicholas Britton to be my overseers of [this] my last will and testamente, to see it fullfilled in all poyntes accordingelye […] whome I give for theire paynes five shillinges a peece.
Memorandum […] I do give and appoynte twentie shillinges, to be bestowed to make the neighbours […] drinke at the daye of my buriall.
Debtes that is owinge unto me the Testator
Inprimus my sonn Stanton Battman oweth me thirtie poundes, to be paid by five poundes by the yeare uppon severall bandes, which I and my assignes have in […] keepinge begining at the feast of St Michaell next vizt. in Anno Dmni millesimo quingentesimo nonage nno quarto.
Item Nicholas Britten my sonne in
[la]we twentie poundes,
witness therto Willim Maynard and Thoms Lawsdowne
[…] other Vizt, Staunton Battman and Willim Battman.
Witnesses requested […] the making of this will by the Testator John Hardinge of Bitton Robert [G?]reene and Lewes Evans clerke with others.
Probatum fuit Testamentum suorascriptum apud London coram magro Johanns Hone legum doctore Surrogato venerabilis Viri magri Willimi Lewin legume etiam doctoris Curie prerogative Cant. magri Custodis sivo Comissarij Vicesimo nono die mensis Septembris Anno Dmi Millesimo quintesimo nonagesimo Septimo. Juramento Richardi Goodall notarij pubici procuratoris Willimi Battman filij et executoris in hmnoi testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Administracio bonorum Jurium et creditorum dicte defuncte De bene et fideliter Administranda &c. Ad sancta Dei Evagelia Jurat /
- The National Archives. Reference: PROB 11/90/278. Description: Will of Joane Battman, Widow of North Stoke, Somerset. Date: 29 September 1597.
- "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858". Ancestry.com. Joana Battman of Northstocke, Somerset, probate on 29 Sep 1597. Citing The National Archives; Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 90. Ancestry Record 5111 #944661.
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