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Surnames/tags: Cooper Cowper Attleborough_Norfolk
Will of Joan Cooper 1605
This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Joan Cooper of Attleborough The will was proved in the ARchedeaconry Court of Norfolk and images are available on Family Search using a FHL or FHC. Norfolk Record Office reference is ANF will register Carre fo. 178 - Cooper, John, of Attleborough 1605-06 Note will is described as being the will of John Cooper but is actually Joan
Transcription conventions
- spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
- capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
- ff at the start of a word is silently modernised to F (eg "First", rather than "ffirst")
- additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
- superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
- abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
- the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
- short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
- editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
- names and relationships are highlighted in bold
- footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies
- u/v and i/j are recorded as they appear; even where modern usage would dictate one over the other (eg "haue", rather than "have" if the third letter is clearly a "u"; "vnto", rather than "unto" if the first letter is clearly a "v")
- the virgule, signifying a pause (comma, semi-colon, colon or full-stop), is recorded using a forward slash /, but only when such intent is obvious (the virgule is often indistinguishable from various check marks and otiose flourishes that are of no significance)
Persons mentioned
- Joane Coop[er] of Attleborowe testator
- Thomas Cooke tenant of land
- Thomas Cooper nephew son of Thomas Cooper of Old Buckenham
- Thomas Cooper brother of testator, lives in old Buckenham
- Johan Davy goddaughter of testator
- Johan Jolly goddaughter of testator
- Agnes Davy possibly grandchild
- Abraham Pullham witness
- William Athill the younger
- Alice Sparks widow
- Reynold Pullham married to testator's sister ELizabeth
- Elizabeth Pullham sister of testator
- Agnes Davy sister of testator
- William Hill senior witness
- William Hill minor witness
- William Davy husband of Agnes sister of testator
- John .... witness
In the name of god Amen
I Joane Coop[er] of Attleborowe in the counte of
Norf[olk] beinge in p[er]fect mynd and sownd memory
I thanke bgod doe make and ordayne this my last will
& test[a]m[en[t] in manner and forme following
First I bequeath
my soule into the hands of Jesus Christe my redeemer
and my body to be buryed where it shall please god and
my friends
Item I give unto the pore people of Attle
borowgh five shillinges to be distributed at the discretion
of the ministor of Attleborowogh
Item I give.three halff
acres of land laying in Swangey feilde nowe in the
occupyinge of Thomas Cooke unto Thomas Coop[er] my
nephew the sonne of Thomas Coop[er] my brother late of
of ould Buckenham deceased and to his heires for ev[er]
Item I give unto Johan Davy my goddaughter five shillings
and to Johan Jolly my goddaughter vijs &....... and to all the
reste of my godchildren xijs appece
Item I give to Agnes
Davy my beddinge sheete
Item I give to Abraham Pullh[a]m
one payre of sheets and those? ............... and .......
w[itj] follow ,,,, of William Athill the younger vijs of
Thomas Cookexl vijs & fower pence of Alice Sparks
widow xvs of Reynold Pullham xxs al w[ith].......
and bill yje reste of my goodes & moveables .....
I give unto Elizabeth Pullh[a]m & Agnes Davy my sisters & I will
my sister Elizabethdoe give unto William Davy my brother
xs and to Sara Pullh[a]m my nephew a little pillow
[page 2]
'And I make my said twoe sisters Elizabeth
and Agnes my Executrixes they p[ar]tinge my goodes equally
betwene the[m] as my meaning is and p[er]forminge this
my last will and testam[en]t In witness wherof I
have herunto sett my hand the xvith daye of Auguste
in the yeere of o[ur] lord god 1605 in the p[re]sence of those
wittnesses William Hill senior William Hill mi[no]r and William
Davy Abrah[a]m Pullham and John ..... Jun[io]r w[ith]
First name(s) Reynold Last name Pulham Name note - Marriage year 1577 Marriage date 10 Dec 1577 Marriage place Attleborough Spouse's first name(s) Elizabeth Spouse's last name Cooper Spouse's age - County Norfolk Country England Record set England Marriages 1538-1973 Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records Subcategory Parish Marriages Collections from England, Great Britain
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