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Will of Johan Longe, Widow of Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1584

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This is a transcription of the filed will of Johan (Yerbury) Long widow of Trowbridge, Wiltshire. It was written on 6 January 1581/2 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 20 January 1583/4.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legibility good.

Persons mentioned:

  • Johan Longe of Trowbridge testatrix
  • Henrie, deceased son
  • Mr William Eyre son of Mr John Eyre esq, deceased
  • Margerye Taylor my sister Yerberyes daughter
    • Margerye her daughter
  • William Burde of London, cousin
    • William Burde his 2nd son
    • Francis Burde his son
    • Walter Burde his son
    • 5 daughters unnamed
  • Dorathie Westburye of Hampshire, cousin
  • Marye Burges cousin
    • Johan, Margerye her daughters
  • Anne Snowe cousin
  • John Warder cousin
    • William and John his sons
    • Elizabeth Jordane his daughter
    • Johan Bartelmewe of Sarum, his daughter
      • Edithe Bartine her daughter
      • Mirable Warder her daughter
  • William Horton of Iford, cousin
    • John Horton his son
  • Thomas Yerberye of Frome Selwood, cousin
  • William Yerberye
    • Alice Yerberye his daughter
    • Elinor and Mary his daughters
    • Margerye and Anne Yerbury his daughters
  • Margarett Yerberye of Bradford widow of Thomas Yerberye
    • Richarde Yerbery her son, living with testatrix
    • Johan, daughter of Thomas deceased
    • William son of Thomas deceased
    • John Yerbery of Bradford, eldest son of Thomas deceased
    • other unnamed children
  • Thomas son of Cousin Thomas Yerbery living at Bradford with Richarde Horne (it's unclear which Thomas this is the son of)
  • Margarette Smyth, sister
    • wife of Robert Blake her daughter
  • Walter Longe of Trowbdridge, cousin
  • Walter Warder, kinsman, living with testatrix
  • Edwarde Horton and his wife
  • William Yerberye of Trowbridge, kinsman (unclear if this is a previously mentioned William) executor
  • Grace, Johan Viger, Ducye, Deryington, Robert Prior, Anne Sadler servants
  • Richarde Stire and John Tucker
  • Mr William Eyre, Mr Edward Horton, John Yewe overseers
  • Witnesses: William Eyre, Edward Horton, John Ewe, Thomas Webbe clerk, Anthonie Peckringe, Thomas Synger, James Jeffereyes

[Page 1]
In the name of god amen, I Forasmuche as sondrye examples daylye
forsheweth us what uncertentye mans lyfe hathe hereppon Earthe and that sickenes the [Instrument]
of deathe manye tymes sodenlye assalteth mankynde by whose aperacions greate extremities are
often tymes enforced theruppon to followe, Againste w[hi]ch sharpe pinche I take yt the p[ar]te and

[Page 2]
duetie of everye christian woman so before hande to prepare her self that she maie be then readye to relin=
quishe and laye asyde all worldlye cares and affections and whollye sett her harte and mynde uppon the
wonderfull workes of Allmightie God and onelye cleave unto his ynumerable mercies layde upp in
store fornus, And remembringe also the wordes of oure savioure Jesus Christ, written in the Evan=
geliste sayinge happye are those servauntes, whiche the Lorde, when he commeth shall fynde readye and
wakinge : Whereuppon the Sixte daye of Januarye in the yeare of oure Lorde god one thowhand
fyve hundred fowrescore and one, And in the fowre and twentith yeare of the raigne of oure soveraigne
Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of Englande France and Irelande defendo[r] of the
faythe etc . I Johan Longe of Trowbridge in the Countie of Wiltesh[ire] widdowe beinge in good and
perfecte memorie (thanckes be to Allmightie god) Revokinge all other willes heretofore made, Doe make this
my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge, First and principallye I give and commende
my soule to Allmightie god my maker trustinge and assuredlye belevinge that throughe the deathe and
bloudshed of my onelie savioure and Redemer Jesus Christe I have and shall have cliere and free, remissionn
of all my synnes . And after this transitorie and mortall lief ended I shall effectuallye enioye lief everlas=
tinge Amen : Item I give my bodye to the earthe to be buried w[i]thin the Churche of Trowbridge in decent
manner in the place, wheare my sonne Henrie lyeth . Item I give and bequeathe to the Cathedrall Churche
of Sarum twoe shillinges . Item I bequeathe to the parrishe Churche of Trowbridge fortie shillinges
Item I give and bequeathe towards the mendinge and repayringe of Trowbridge bridge Sixe poundes
thirtene shillinges fowre pence to be delivered in tyme of neede to suche persons as shall w[i]thout colour of
deceipte take it in hande . Item I give and bequeath to the poore howshoulders w[i]thin the saide parrishe of
Trowbridge Fowre poundes to be given theme at theire howses by thappoyntment of my executo[r] and
overseers . Item I geve and bequeathe to the poore people of everye of the parrishes of Roade, Bradford
Philippsnorton, Westburye le playne and the Devize to everie the said parrishes Three poundes to
be delyvered to theme the saide poore of theyer howses , And that the Collectors for the poore that
yeare in every parrishe be acquainted with the deliverye of the same in everye the sayde parrishes
Item I give and bequeathe to and amongst the Prysoners at Fisherton Three poundes , Item
I give and bequeathe amongst the Prisoners within the Towne Gayle of newe Sarum twentie
shillinges . Item I give to Thirtie poore cooples that shalbe next married beinge of honest and good
behavioure and dwellinge in the Towne of Trowbridge Roade, Philipsnorton and Bradford Thirtie
poundes to be paide to everye suche poore cooples w[i]thin one monethe after theirmarriage to be equally
devided , that is to saye, to everye coople twentie shillinges : I will also that twoe course cloathes shalbe dyed
blacke and given amongest the poore of Trowbridge at the monethe next after my departinge oute of this
worlde. Item I give to everie mans wyfe that shall worke to me at the tyme of my decease dwellinge w[i]thin
the p[a]rishe of Trowbridge fyve shillinges to everie : I give to my servannt Grace Twentie shillinges.
I give to my Servannt Johan Viger Twentie shillinges. Ittem I give and bequeathe to everie howshold
Servannt that shall dwell in my howse at the tyme of my departure this lyfe aswell menn servanntes
as women Servannt[es] not havinge other Legacies given by name to ev[er]y five shillinges . Item I give to
Mr William Eyre the Sonne of the late Mr John Eyre esquier one of my best guilt Gobletts . withe
a cov[er] to the same . Item I give and bequeathe to Margerye Taylor my sister Yerberyes daughter Tenne
pounds . Item I give and bequeathe to my Cosen William Burde Customer of late of the Cittie of
London my best standinge guilt Cuppe withe a cov[er] to the same for a token of remembrance . Item I
give and bequeathe to my saide Cosen William Burde and his wife to everie of theme one golde Ringe wayinge
three Angelett[es] . I give and bequeathe unto William Burde the seconde sonne of my cosen Burde aforesaide in
lawfull englishe monneye fourtie poundes . Item I give to my saide Cosen William Burdes fyve Daughters to
every of theme one silver Ale potte percell guilte . Item I give to Francis Burde his younger sonne ten pound[es]
and twoe fyne clothes of the mark of the readd worlde . Item I give to Walter Burde his sonne Twentie pound[es]
of currant englishe monneye and twoe fyne clothes of the marke of the readd worlde . Provided allwaies that if
any of the children of my saide Cosen, William Burde happen to dye before theye shall comme to the yeares of
discression , Then my saide Legacies so given to the saide children to be equallye devided betweene the longeste
Lyvers of theme accordinge to the trewe meaninge hereof . Item I give and bequeathe to my Cozen Dorathie.
Westburye of Hampshier Sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fowre pence . Item I give and bequeathe to my
Cozen Marye Burges Twentie poundes . Item I five unto Johan the eldest daughter of my saide Cozen

[Page 3]
Marye Three poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence . Item to Margerye the daughter of any said cozen Marye
Sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence . Item I give and bequeathe to my cossen Anne Snowe Twentie
poundes . I give to my Cozen John Warders twoe younger sonnes William and John to everye of theme Fyve
poundes . I give and bequeath unto his daughter Elizabeth Jordane Fower poundes . Item I give and bequeth
to my Cosen Warders daughter Johan Bartelmewe of Sarum Tenne poundes . Item I give to Edithe Bartine
her Daughter w[hi]ch dwellethe at Southl fyve poundes . Item I give and bequeathe to her daughter Mirable
Warder tenne poundes and one diaper table clothe, and one dozen of diaper napkyns and one diaper towell, twoe
brasse pottes and twoe good brasse pannes . Item I give and bequeath ^all my best wearinge apparrell bothe woollen
and lynnen to my cosens Marye Burg[es] and Anne Snowe aforesaide , to be indifferentlye parted and devided
betweene theme by my Overseers : Also I give to everie of theme twoe my Cosens aforesaide one paire of sheet[es]
of holland of three bredthes or leaves . Item I give and bequeathe to any cosen William Horton of Yvorde[2] the
elder my best geldinge and one gould ringe wayinge three Angelett[es] . Item I give unto my cosen John Horton
sonne to my cosen William aforesaide fyve poundes of lawfull englishe money . Item I give to Margerye
the daughter of my cosen Margerye Taylor dwellinge in Gloucestershire tenne poundes in monneye , A
dosen of table napkyns of Holland and a longe table clotthe of Holland Item I give and bequeathe to my
Cosen Thomas Yerberye that dwelleth at Fromeselwood twentie poundes and also foure paire of Norma[n]dy
Cauves sheetes of twoe Leaves : Item I give and bequeathe to Alice Yerberye the daughter of William
Yerberye Tenne poundes a diaper table clothe, a dozen of Diaper napkins, one flocke bedde a fetherbedd w[i]th
a paire of blanckett[es] , a coverlett and a paire of holland sheetes, withe three leaves . Item I give to Eleno[r]
and Marye his daughters to everye of theme tenne poundes . Also I give to the same Marye one flockebedd
a featherbed a coverlett a paire of sheetes of holland of three Leaves a paire of blanckett[es] and a litle guilte
Salte of silver withe a cov[er] . Item I give to Margerye and Anne Yerbury the daughters of William
Yerbery to everye of theme Tenne poundes . Item I give and bequeathe to my cosen Margarett Yerberye
of Bradforde late the wife of Thomas Yerberye deceased tenne poundes . Item I give and bequeathe to
Richarde Yerbery her sonne that dwellethe withe me Twentie poundes twoe white Towell[es] of holland
wrought and twoe dosen of holland Napkins . Item I give to Johan the daughter of the saide Thomas
Yerberys deceassed Tenne poundes one brasse potte and one brasse panne . Item I give and bequeathe to
my cossen Thomas Yerberyes sonne called also Thomas dwellinge in Bradford withe Richarde Horne
fyve poundes . Item I give and bequeathe to William the sonne of the saide late Thomas Yerberye
deceassed Tenne poundes . Item I give and bequeathe to my cossen John Yerbery his eldest sonne of
Bradford Twentie poundes . Item I give to his seconde sonne three poundes sixe shillinges eight pence
I give to his thirde sonne Three poundes sixe shillinges eight pence . I give to his daughter fyve pound[es]
Item I give and bequeathe to the wife of Robert Blake whoe was daughter to my sister Margarette
Smythe Three poundes sixe shillings eight pence . Item I give to my cosen Walter Longe dwellinge
in Trowbridge twoe kien . Item I give to my servannte Ducye at the myll Tenne shillinges . Item I
gyve and bequeathe to Deryington my oulde Servannte three poundes sixe shillinges eighte pence and twoe
Oxen . Item I give to Robert Prio[r] my servannte Three poundes sixe shillings eighte pence and twoe
kyne . I give to Richarde Stire and John Tucker fyve shillinges a peece . Item I give to everye my
godchildren knowen and livinge twelve pence : I will and commande my executor to provide for &
keepe my Servannt Anne Sadler clenelye and comelye for her estate withe sufficiente meate, drincke,
and clothe duringe her naturall lyfe ; And I give and bequeathe unto her sixe poundes sixe shilling[es]
eight pence . Item I give and bequeathe to Walter Warder my kynnesman dwellinge withe mee
Twentie poundes . Item I give and bequeathe unto John Yerberye of Bradford twoe hundred pound[es]
of currannt Englishe monney my basen and ewer of sylver my best salte wither a cover, twoe
guilt goblett[es] withe one cover, my flockebedde my featherbedd that lyeth in the Parlor Chamber w[i]th
the hanging[es] of silke my best coverlett, a paire of blanckett[es] and twoe paire of sheetes of holland w[i]th
three Leaves . Item I give to Edwarde Horton and his wiffe to everie of theme a goulde ^ringe wayinge
three angelett[es] . Item I will that some godlye and honest preacher shall make and pronounce three
Sermons to the Lawde and praise of Allmightie god and edifyinge of Christes flocke, that is to
saye, the first at my buriall, the seconde and thirde at suche tymes as shalbe thought most necessarie
for the edifyinge of the people uppon the Saboth daye, everie of theise three Sermons to bee
preached in the Churche of Trowbridge : And further I will and require my executor that in

[Page 4]
the tyme of distribution of my Legacies to the poore people of Roade, Westburye Bradforde and the Devize,
there be also a learned sermon made vppon Sabothe or Holy daye to move the saide poore people to be thankfull
to god for his manifolde mercies bestowed uppon his Churche . Also I give unto the saide Preacher thatt
shalbe appointed to preache my three funerall Sermons in Trowbridge as is aforesaide for everie sermonn
tenne shillinges . Provided allwayes that yf annye personne or personnes to whome annye bequeste guifte
devise or Legacies is given bequeathed Limited devised or willed by this my laste will and testament goe
aboute to make voyde discredite disprove or call in question the validitie or invaliditie of this my laste
will and testament or of anye parte thereof or doe consente to Labo[r] or procure, retayne or move any person
on persons to doe the same or anye parte thereof , That then all and everie legacie guifte, devyse and bequest
given devised willed or bequeathed by this my last will and testament to suche and as manye of them as
shalbe thereunto parties or pryvey to be voyde frustrate and of none effecte : And herebye I doe adnull
and Revoke the same (anye thinge herein conteyned to the contrarye notw[i]thstandinge . The Residue of all
my gooddes moveable and unnoveable, cattall[es], debtes, [ituell], plate, readye moneye and howshould stuffe
whatsover ^is remayninge over and above my guiftes and Legacies or bequestes by me before herein not given willed
or bequeathed after my debtes paide and my funerall expences performed and ended and these my Legacies guift[es]
and bequestes herein conteyned beinge fullfilled) I wholye give and bequeathe to William Yerberye of
Trowbridge my kynnesman whome I make ordeyne constitute and appoincte my sole trewe and onely executo[r]
and profourmer of this my laste will and Testament : Also I give and bequeathe unto the same William
Yerbery my clothe m[ar]k[es] w[hi]ch my husband and I have allwaies used . Item I will command and charge my
saide executor and discharge my selfe bothe before god and the worlde as he will answer to the contrarye at the
dreadfull daye of Judgement that all suche Legacies as in this my last will and testament, before are
specifyed by me given and advisedlye bequeathed betrewlye satisfied delyvered and paide together w[i]th all such
debt[es] and dueties as I shall owe to annye personne or persons whether of right or conscience be also well and
truelye contented and paide and that within sixe monethes nexte after my decease : Provided allwaies that
if it shall happen my saide executor to be carelesse and negligent which I trust he will not to performe
this my last will and testament accordinge to the trewe litterall meaninge thereof and doe not paye
contente and satisfye the saide Legacies, debtes and other duties of righte and conscience to be paide w[i]thin
the tyme before Lymited and appoynted, Then I will that my executor so neglectinge beinge thereunto gentely
moved by my Overseers, and refuse to doe the same shall forfecte for makinge suche defalt or defaultes to
my Overseers for everye moneth Tenne poundes of Lawfull money of England besydes the charges of
the Lawe yf any be . Item I constitute and ordeyne my beloved Mr William Eyre, M^r Edward Horton
and John Yewe of Bradforde to be my Overseers of this my laste will and testament : And I give
to everye of theme for theire paynes Thirtene poundes sixe shilling[es] eighte pence : In wytn[e]s of the trothe to be knowne
that this is my Last will and testament . I thabovenamed Johane Longe of Trowbridge hereunto have
sett my hande and seale the daye and yere abovesaide And these persons whose names are hereunder
wrytten beinge by me thereunto called are witness[es] of this my owne facte and deede . By me William
Eyre , By me Edward Horton, John Ewe, Thomas Webbe clerk Anthonie Peckringe, Thomas
Synger James Jeffereyes ./

[Probate in Latin granted to William Yerbery, the executor]


  1. PROB 11/66/241 Description: Will of Johan Longe, Widow of Trowbridge, Wiltshire Date: 20 January 1584 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. Iford

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