Location: Long Sutton, Hampshire, England
Surnames/tags: Porter Goodyear Terry
1599 B 3311
This is a transcription of the original will of Johan Porter written on 24 February 1598 and proved at Winchester on 25 September 1599 by the executrix named in the will[1]
In the name of god amen the xxiiijth of February in the yeare of our Lord
god on thousand five hundred fowerscore and eyghteene I Johan Porter of
Longsutton sin the County of South[ampton] widdow being sicke in bodye but of per=
fect mynde & good remembrance praysed be god, doe ordayne and make this
my Testament & last will in manner & forme following viz. First I
beqneath my soule tothe holy tuition of of Almighty god my only Creator and
Savior & my body to be buried w[ith]in the churchyard of Sutton aforsayd
It[em] I give to my parish church of Sutton xijd Item I give to the Cathedrall
church of winton vjd Ifom I give to the common poore mans boxe in Sutton
aforsayd xijd It I give to my sonne in law Roger wheeler in satisfaction
Also vls that I doe owe hym for my three horses & my Carte and the plough
with all the Implementes belonging to it [struck out and illegible] Item I give
to my kinsman John Porter of Odiham a quarter of wheate a littell
flockbedd & a bolster and one acre of wheat growing in place of my lande
being the best that he can chuse saving two. Item I give to my sonne Robert
Porter a Browne cowe with a white face & a half of dozen of ewe
sheepe & their lambes and a great cheste standing in my bedd chamber, &
all such Tymbers as are in scaffold in my barne & in my littell house which
was prepered by my sonne Stephen Porter. Item I give to my sonne in
law William goodyere A redd cowe & one acre of wheate Item I give to
Julian ward xxs in money within one yeare after my decease. Item I give
to Agnes ward xxs in money to be payd within one yeare next after my
decease. Item I give to John Goodyere a kettell of three gallons or upwards
& a brasse pott contayning a gallone or thereabout hem I give unto Elizabeth
Goodyear a possenest potenger and ten shillinges of money to be payd unto her
within a yeare after my decease. Item I give to Katerin? goodyere a platter
of pewter. Item I give to Rose Porter a skillett. Item I give to Thomas
Terry a Tryer to trye wheate, 2 powldring trowe & all the wenscote benches
& the peynted cloth within the wall. Item I give to John Porter the sonne of
John Porter of Odiham a lambe. Item I give to James wheeler vj
weether sheepe Item I give to Robert Porter my kinsman when he shall come
into the county-xijd The residue of all my goods and Cattell not before
given nor beqeathed (my debtes & legacyes fist befor payd & discharged) I give
& beqneath unto Amy /Annis goodyere my servant whon I doe make my whole &
sole Executrixe Item I defire iny neighbour Thomas Hancocke and
Richard Windeatt to be my Overseers to see that my will be performed
according to the purporte & true meaning herof If and they to have for
their labour & paynes taking herin & about the same to each of them vs
In witnesse to this my Testamente & last will Robert Porter John
Hole Thomas Hancorke & Richard Mindeatt?
Item I give to Johan Goodyere a flock bedd in ye loft, a paire of
sheetes a bolster a coverlett, and fower yardes & a half of
black frize
the aforsayd 45s is blotted out by ye Consent of me Johan
Porter the 21th of march 1598 in the presence
of Thomas Hancocks Richard Windat Robert Porter
- ↑
"Hampshire, England, Wills and Probates, 1398-1858"
Hampshire Archives and Local Studies; Winchester, England; Probate Records: Wills, Inventories and Administrations Proved in the Church Courts of Winchester Diocese, 14th Century to 1858; Reference Number: 1599b/33
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 62475 #55924 (accessed 27 January 2024)
Will of Joanna Porter, granted probate in 1599. Occupation: Widow.
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