Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Auberye Awberye
1549 John Auberye of Hingham
https://nrocatalogue.norfolk.gov.uk/index.php/aubrey-awbery-john-of-hingham ANF will register Liber 12 (Hynde) fo. 398 - Aubrey (Awbery), John, of Hingham 1549
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively.
Persons mention in the Will of John Auberye:
- John Awbery, testator
- Katherin Awbery, his wife
- Cecylie Awbery, his daughter
- John Blysse, his stepson
- Enerye his godson
- Roger Smyth, supervisor of his Will
- Syr Robert Stapleton, clerk and witness
- John Cowper the elder, witness
- John Portman, witness
- Robert Wryghte, witness
In the Name of God Amen In the year of
oure Lorde god m CCCCC xlix I John Awbery of the towne
of Hingham within the countye of Norffo[lk] beynge of a
p[er]fight mynde and good remembrance praysed be god
doyth make this my last wyll and testament all my
other wylles or testaments before mayde being wtowte
strength and effecte Item I geve and bequeth fyrste my
sowle to god my maker redemed by the precious blode of or
saveoure Jesus Christe And my bodye for to be
buried wtin the church yard of Hingham aforesayde To the
w[th]hight altare for my tith and offeringes forgotton negligentley
I give and bequeth iijs iiijd Item I give to the poore mens
almes to thiyre boxe xxd Item I will that Catheryn Awbery
my wyefe shall have my howse or tenemente wt th[e]appurtenance
therto belongynge for terme of her lyfe and after her decese I
wyll that her executors of assignee shall have possession or
interest wythin my sayd howse or tenement wyth th[a]ppur-
tenance therto belonginge for the tyme and space of a
week at thire pleaseure Item after the deces of the afore
namede Katherin Awbery my wife I geve and bequeth my sayd
howse or tenement wyth th[a]ppurtenances thereto belongynge to Cicelie my
daughter in fee symple to geve and to sell at her pleasure Item also
I geve and bequeth to Enerye one of my godchyldren not named iiijd
Item I geve and bequeth to the sayd Cycelye Awbery my daughter
one brasse potte and one possenet and iij pewter plates wt also iij
pewter dishes ik candlestickes a bedstede and a mattres wt a payre
of shetes one blanket and a coverynge Item the use of all my moveable
goods not given or bequethede I geve to Katheryn Awbery my wyife
for to enioye them and possesse them at her awne to her wyll and
pleasure Also I wyll at my buryall daye that myne executors shall
make p[ro]vycyon in meate and drinke for my poore neighboures
accordinge to theyre discretyon whom I do order and make
Katheryn Awbery my wyfe and John Blyss her sonne to
the using John Blyss I geve hym for his labour vjs viijd
and his ordenarye charges And I make Roger Smyth my supervisor
of this my last wyll and testament And for his laboure and
payene I give hym vs and his lawfull exspences to be payd
and alowede by myne executors wittenes of this my laste wyll
Syr Robert Stapleton John Cowper the elder John Portman
Robert Wryghte with others
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