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Will of John Aubrye of Hengham 1560

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Hingham, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Aubrye Aubrey
Profile manager: Susan McNamee private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 41 times.

This is the transcribed Will of John Aubrye of Hengham, 1560. It was written on 2 January 1560.

Persons Mentioned:

  • John Aubrye, testator
  • Alice, his wife
  • William, his son
  • Katheryne, his daughter
  • Thomas Abberis
  • Roger Marght, Supervisor of will
  • John Maryell, Witness
  • Richard Crome, Witness
  • Roger Marght, Wigness
  • William Corke, Witness
  • Johannen Maryell, Witness


In the name of god amen the second
daye of the month of Januarye in the yeare
of our lorde god ml CCCCC ix in the
second yeare of the reygne of our moste dread
sovereygne ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god
Quene of England Ffrannce and Irelande defender
of the faith supreme governore of this ralme of
England and Ireland and made in cause
eccleciasticall and temporall I John Aubrye off
Hengh[a]m in the countie of norff[olk] beinge of p[er]fect
mynde and rememberance praysed be god
almightie make and declare this my laste will
and testament in maner and forme followinge
Ffirste and before all thinges I comitt my soule
into the hande of god allmightie my onelye Savio[u]re
and redemer trusting mye certeyntye and surlye
thoroughe this moste precione deathe & passion onolye
to be saved and my bodie to be buryed in the
church yarde of Hengh[a]m aforesayde

Item I give
and bequethe to Alice my wifffe all my housses
tene[me]nte lande paystures peadymes and heryditamente
bothe free holde copie and customarye holde
to have and to holde to her and her assignes
duringe the normalle liffe of the sayed Alice onlye
keepinge maynetenynye repayrynge and
sufficientlye uppholdinge the poore house and
tenente withe all kynde of repayrynge on
there rynge danbdinge and _ worke
duringe her liffe naturalls and allso shall
dishesyhe and pourale the promisse of all
rentes paymente inveaye of rentes duringe
her seyele liffe and so leave them sufficientlye
repayred and disharynd at the tyme of her
deathe and decease and I next give and bequethe
all the pyrle houses tenemente lande pasturyinge

page 2
and ffeedinge with th[e] appurten[a]nce as is aforsayed
to William my sonne and I will those all shall holled
remayne after my sayede weiffes ded decease to the
sonne William his heires and assignes for ever uppon
this condition that the said Will[ia]m my sayede
sonne within five dayes after the decease of my
sayede wiffe and before he shall enter occupie land
and inidge the promisse or anye perte or
power thereof shall putt in or laye in and
bynde hym seale withe two able and sufficient
_ unto Katheryne my daughter her heyres
executor and assignes by these sufficient
manytynge obligatye to paye or cause to be payde
to the saydde Katherine her heyres executore or
assignes iiijd worth of lawfull England monye
In the thrude yeare nexte after my sayede wiffe
decease and if the sayede William my sonne shall
res?le levye or omytt to make and paye in
and beyonde hym pelsse with two able perties
within a senett or bij dayes after my sayede wiffes
decease or his intrynye ordanye or havinge or
the sayde tenent and lande or anye partie thereoff
for the forme sum of iiij or now be as if above sayede
I will that all my payede landes tenente and
hereditament withe th[e] appurtenances shall remayne
to the sayde Katheryne her heyres and assynes
for ever allso if it shall channce which god forbidd
the sayed Willi[a]m to decease and deperte arle of
this worlde withe out issue of his bodie
lawfullie begotten that than I will the sayde
lande withe out the promisse withe th[e] appurten[a]nce
shall remayne to the same Katheryne her heyres
and assiynes for ever and if the sayede William
my sonne and Katheryne my daughter shall
decease with out issue of there bodies or before
there full age than I will the sayede landes
and tenente shall remayne to Thomas Abberis
children equallie to be parted amonge them after
my sayede weiffes decease and the decease of my
sayede children

Item I give to the poore people
of hengh[a]m aforesayede xxl to be deltte quarterlye
xxd a quarter allso I give and bequethe to

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Eyther of my children I come the whiche I
will eyther of them shall have at the daye
of there marryage and if one of them shall
departe this worlde before the sayde daye off
there maryage then therfor that so shall
other lyve and survive shall hand the othere
nowe all the residue fof my goodes cattles
round as well moveable as vuwov doble the
what name tearme or tearmes they be named
or tearemied what so ever they be I give
leave and bequethe to alice my sayed weiffe
my debtte and _ payed _ and
persrewed funerolles before whom I
ordayne make constitante and appoynte my
sole executrix of this my last will and testatment
and I will declare and ordayne Roger _
to be myne Supervisor of this my testatment
and laste will and I give hym for his peynes
takynge bjs biijd and his coshe off all pyane
called to anye traville concernyinge this my
laste will and testament and where as I gave
genen my moste afforesayede my house lande
and tenente for the tearme of his life naturall
I will she shall not enroye nor hand them
excepte she shall bringe upp my sayede _
withe all thinges with and necessarye that
beinge wittness John Maryell the _
of the presente Richarde Crome Roger Marght
and William Corke _ Mr Johannen
Maryell Pripton Sparke


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Hi Susan, I think Thomas Abbout might be another Albery, looks like 'alberies children' in the original text? Would make sense for him to leave his land and tenements to family too :) I also spotted Roger Marght could perhaps be Wright and William Corke is likely William Cocke?
posted by Rachel Bulmer
edited by Rachel Bulmer