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Will of John Brickell of West Orchard 1712

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 :Dorset History Centre
Will of John Brickell of West Orchard 1712
31 May 1712
Dorset Archdeaconry
Reference Number Ad/Dt/W/1712
Event Record Number 51
John Brickell (1633-1712)
In the Name of God Amen I John Brickell of West Orchard in the p’ish of Greate Fontmell in the County of Dorset yeom’n being of sound and p’fect mind and memory (thanks be to Almighty God for the same) But calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory Life Doe make publish and declare this my last Will and testament in mann’r and forme followinge That is to say First and principally I committ my soulinto the hands of Almighty God my Creator in whom and by the Merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeem’r I trust and believe to obtaine remission of my Sins and to inherit eternel Life And my Body to the Earth to be devoutly buryed by and at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named And for the disposing of such temporall estate which it hath pleased God of his goodness to bless me with I doe ord’r devise and dispose of the same manner and forme following That is to say
Imprimis whereas I am possess’ of a coppyhold tenem’t in West Orchard aforesaid within the Manner of Great Fontmell & County Dorset aforesaid (as sole purchaser) which by the custome of the said Mannor will after my decease come unto Jane Brickell my wife (in case she survives me) for her widdowhood But the rents issues and profites thereof by the same customs will belong to my executrix hereafter named untill the Mch’as or Lady day which of them shall next come after my decease Now my Will is and I doe hereby order direct and appoint that my said Executrix doe permitt and suffer my said wife to hold and enyoy the said coppyhold tenem’t and the rents issues and profites thereof to secure and take to her owne use dureing all suchtime as shee my said executrix might hold and enjoy the same by the customs of the said manno’r as fully as if there was bit such customs to the contrary
Item I give and bequeath unto my said wife threeof the milch cowes which I shall have at the time of my decease ny Bedstead and redd Rugg in the chamber and the new table in the hall of my now dwelling house in West Orchard aforesaid
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Annever Brickell all that my freehold messuage or Burgage within the Borough of Shaston [Shaftesbury] in the said County of Dors’t withall and singular its app’ternances whci I lately purchesed off John Oram and Anne his wife To hold the same to her my said daughter Anneover and to her heires and Assignes forever
Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Annever all that my leasehold tenem’t Burgage or [-antalls] of the same --- within the Burrough of Shaston aforesaid withall and singuler it’s rights members and app’tenances which I lately purchased of the Mayor and Burgagesses of the said Burrough of Shaston for a teme of yeates yett to come determinable on three lives at now in being To hold to her my said daughter her Exc’rs [A ] and Assignes for and dureing all the rest residue and remainder of this terme and estate to me therein granted and whereas I have lately surrendered to the use of my said daughter Annover and her heires certaine customary lands (being coppyhold inheritance of the mannor of Gillingham in the said County of Dors’t I doe hereby ratifie confirme give and devise the said Customary lands with their and every of their app’tennances to her my said daughter Annover and her heires forever
and whereas by a certaine Bond or Obligacon ented into by me before by marriage with the same Jane my wife I am obliged to save to her my said wife (in case she should happen to survive me) all such goods and household stuffes as before our said marriage were her owne proper goods Now in pursuance of this said Bond I doo hereby give and bequeath all such goods and household stuff which were her owne before our marriage and which shall be remaineing at the time of my decease unto her my said wife Jane Brickell
Item I give and bequeath to my said wife Jane Brickell to my said daughter Annover To my daughter Jane Ford To my Grandaughter Mary Yeatman and to my Grandaughter Jane Ford to each of the a Broad piece of Gold
Item I give and bequeath to my Grandsons Robert John and Morgan Yeatman ten shillings apeice.
Item all the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattles householdstuff and all other my personal estate whatsoever (My debts and funeral expences being first payd and discharged) I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Annover Brickell whom I doe hereby make declare and appoint whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale and published and declared this to be my last will and testam’t this twenty fourth day of July in the nynth yeare of the reign of our Sovereigne Lady Queen Anne over Great Brittaine etc Ann------- 1710 John Brikell
Signed sealed Published and declared by the above named John Brickell to be his last will and testam’t in the p’sence of us Bill Dibben Issac Vincent [torn} Henman
31 May Anno Dni 1712 Jurat fuit Executrix. Coram mei Tho.Sutton

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