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Location: Attleborough, Norfolk, England
Surnames/tags: Cowper Cooper
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Introductory Notes
The will of John Cowper of Attleborough, Norfolk, England was written on 24 January 1566/7 and proved in the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk on 26 February 1566/7.[1]
The will is a register copy, written in English over 11 pages. The text is generally clear and easy to interpret and the paper/parchment is in good condition. The will starts halfway down folio 622 recto and the probate statement ends at the bottom of folio 627 recto.
Transcription Conventions
The conventions used in this transcription are:
- spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
- capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
- ff at the start of a word is silently modernised to F (eg "First", rather than "ffirst")
- additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
- superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
- abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
- the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
- short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
- editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
- names and relationships are highlighted in bold
- footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies
- u/v and i/j are recorded as they appear; even where modern usage would dictate one over the other (eg "haue", rather than "have" if the third letter is clearly a "u"; "vnto", rather than "unto" if the first letter is clearly a "v")
- the virgule, signifying a pause (comma, semi-colon, colon or full-stop), is recorded using a forward slash /, but only when such intent is obvious (the virgule is often indistinguishable from various check marks and otiose flourishes that are of no significance)
Persons Mentioned
The will mentions the persons below. Modern/alternative spellings for names have been included where appropriate, to help ensure this page is listed in relevant web searches.
- John Cowper: John Cooper of Hingham, yeoman, testator
- Thomas Cowper my sonne: Thomas Cooper, testator's son, under 22 years, possibly eldest son, based on relative value of property bequests
- Margaret Cowper my mother: Margaret Cooper, of Hingham, testator's mother
- Alis my wiffe: Alice Cooper, testator's wife and executrix
- Henry Cowper my sonne: Henry Cooper, testator's son, under 22 years, possibly fourth son, based on relative value of property bequests
- Will[ia]m Cowper my sonne: William Cooper, testator's son, under 22 years, possibly second son, based on relative value of property bequests
- Symonde Cowper my sonne: Simon Cooper, testator's son, under 22 years, possibly youngest son, based on relative value of property bequests
- John Cowper my Sonne: John Cooper, testator's son, under 22 years, possibly third son, based on relative value of property bequests
- Margaret my Dowter: Margaret Cooper, testator's daughter, under 22 years, unmarried
- Anne my Dowter: Anne Cooper, testator's daughter, under 22 years, unmarried
- John Cadie of great Ellingham: John Cady, supervisor
- Thomas Cowper of Depeham: Thomas Cooper, supervisor
- Symonde Beane: Simon Bean, witness
- Robert Dowe: Robert Dow, witness
- John Jollye: John Jolly, witness
- Symonde Cowp[er]: Simon Cooper, witness
[folio 622 recto]
In the name of god Amen
The four and twentie daie of January in the nynthe
yeare of the reign[e] of our souereign[e] Ladye Elizabeth[e]
By the grace of god Quene of Englonde Fraunce
and Irelande Defendor of the Feithe &c I John
Cowper of Attilbourghe in the Countie of Norff
yeoman[e] beinge in good and hole mynde praised begod do
ordaine and make this my presente Testamente and laste
Will[e] in maner and forme followinge, Refusinge settinge
voide and adnullinge all[e] other Testament[es] and Will[e]s
by me made in tyme paste Furst I bequethe my sowle
vnto the m[er]cye of allmightie god trustinge to haue the
Fruicion[e] of his glorious p[re]sens amongeste the saintes in heauen[e]
[folio 622 verso]
And my bodie to be buried in the churcheyarde of Attilburgh[e]
aforsaide Item I giue and bequethe into the pore menes Boxe
Within the perrishe Churche of Attilburghe aforsaide to
thuse of the pore there Within the same Towne six
Shilling[es] and eighte pence Item I will that euery pore p[er]sone
That shalbe p[re]sente at my buriall[e] shall haue the same
Daie a penye and meate and Drinke sufficiente for one
meale Item I giue and bequeathe vnto euery one of my god=
=children[e] twelfe pence Item I doe giue Will and bequeathe
vnto Thomas Cowper my sonne to his heir[es] and
assignes all[e] and singular my messuag[es] Londes Tene=
=mentes Medowes Pastur[es] Feading[es] Reu[er]cions and
Hereditament[es] scituate lieinge and beinge in Hengh[a]m
sauinge I will[e] my full[e] mynde and entente is that Margaret
Cowper my mother and hir assignes shall[e] haue the
occupation[e] of all[e] those same p[re]misses duringe the hole
tearme of her naturall[e] liffe and the saide Thomas
my sonne nor his heir[es] not to enter into them till[e] after
my mother[es] decease nor before he shall[e] accomplishe
Thage of xxijtie yeares, and in case my mother shall[e]
Departe from hir naturall[e] liffe before the saide
Thomas shall[e] accomplishe the same age of xxijtie year[es]
[folio 623 recto]
I wyll that then[e] from the tyme of hir decease untill[e]
The saide Thomas shall accomplishe the saide age of
xxijtie yeares That Alis my wiffe and hir Executor[es]
and assignes shall[e] haue the occupacion[e] of all[e] the
Premisses scituate and lienge in Hengh[a]m aforsaide
Prouided allwaies I will[e] and my mynde
is that the same Thomas or his heir[es] or assignes
shall[e] paie or cause to be paide vnto Henry Cowper my
sonne when the same Henry shall[e] accomplishe thage of
xxijtie year[es] or to his assignes twentie poundes of
Lawfull[e] money of Englonde, and in case defaulte
shall[e] chaunce to be made in the paymente of the saide
Twentie poundes and not paide vnto the saide Henry[e]
when he shall[e] accomplishe the saide age of two and twen=
=tie year[es] nor within halfe a yeare after beinge furst
resonablye demanded I will[e] my full[e] mynde and ente[n]t
is that then the saide Henrye my sonne his heir[es]
and assignes shall[e] enter haue houlde and enioye to
hym and his heir[es] for euer all[e] the saide messuag[es]
Londes Tenementes and Hereditament[es] scituate
and lyeng in Hengh[a]m aforsaide aney thinge a=
forsaide to the contrarye then notwithstondinge Item
I will[e] that the saide Alis my wiffe and her assignes
shall[e] haue thoccupyeinge of all[e] my messuag[es] londes
[folio 623 verso]
Tenement[es] medowes Pastur[es] and Hereditament[es] scituate
and lienge in Depeham aforsaide duringe and vntill[e] suche
tyme as Will[ia]m Cowper my sonne shall[e] accomplishe thage of
xxijtie yeares and I will[e] that then the same Will[ia]m shall[e]
Haue houlde and enioye all[e] those same p[re]misss scituate and
lieing in Depeham aforsaide to hym his heir[es] and assignes
for euer so that the same Will[ia]m or his heir[es] Executor[es] or
assignes shall[e] paie or cause to be paide vnto Symonde
Cowper my sonne when the same Symonde shall[e] accom=
=plishe theage of xxij year[es] or to his assignes twentie
poundes of lawfull[e] money of Englonde, and in case it
shall[e] chaunce defaulte to be made in the paymente of
the same twentie pounde by the space or tyme of halfe
a yeare next after suche tyme as it owghte to be
paide beinge furste resonablye demanded I will[e] and my
mynde is that then the saide Symonde his heir[es]
and assignes shall[e] enter haue houlde and enioye all[e]
and singular the p[re]misss scituate and lienge in Depeham
aforsaide to hym the same Symonde his heir[es] and
assignes for euer, aney thinge aforsaide to the contra=
=ry in aney wise then notwithstondinge Item I giue
and bequethe vnto the saide Alis my Wiffe and to her
[folio 624 recto]
Assignes all[e] that my messuage in whiche I nowe inhabite
and all[e] other my messuag[es] Londes Tenement[es] Medowes
Pastur[es] and Hereditament[es] bothe fre and coppihoulde scituate
and lienge in Attilburghe aforsaide duringe the hole terme
of hir naturall[e] liffe for and steade of suche Dower or
Thirde parte as the same Alis mighte haue by the order
of the lawe in aney other my saide messuag[es] Londes
and other the p[re]misss scituate and lienge in Hengham
and Depeham aforsaide, and I will[e] that after hir
Decease all[e] the saide Messuag[es] Londes Teneme[n]ts
and other the p[re]misss scituate and lyenge in Attilburgh aforesaide
shall[e] holye remayne vnto John Cowper my Sonne
His heirs and Assignes for euer Proui=
=ded allwaies and my full intente and mynde is in case
it shall[e] chaunce the saide Thomas my sonne to dep[ar]te
from his naturall[e] liffe before suche tyme as he shall[e]
accomplishe his saide age of xxijtie years withowte yssew
of his bodye lawfully begottone I will[e] that then all[e] the
saide Messuag[es] Londes Tenement[es] medowes Pastur[es]
and Hereditament[es] scituate and lyenge in Hengham
aforsaide shall[e] hollye remayne vnto the saide John
Cowper my sonne his heir[es] and assignes for euer and
Then after my saide wiff[es] decease I will[e] all[e] my saide
messuag[es] Londes and Tenement[es] medowes Pastur[es]
and Hereditament[es] scituate and lienge in Attilburgh[e]
[folio 624 verso]
Aforsaide shall[e] hollye remayne vnto the saide Henry my sonne
His heir[es] and assignes for euer aney thinge aforsaide to the
contrary then nothwithsrondinge, and in case the saide Will[ia]m
my sonne shall[e] chau[n]ce to departe from his naturall[e] liffe
before suche tyme as he owghte or mighte by vertue
of this my laste Will[e] enter my saide messuag[es] Londes
Tenement[es] medowes Pastur[es] and other the p[re]misss
onlye scituate and lienge in Depeham aforsaide and w[i]th=
=owte yssewe of his bodye lawfully[e] begottene The saide
Thomas my sonne liuinge untill[e] his saide age of xxijtie
Yeares or leuinge yssew still[e] aliue lawfully begotten[e]
of the bodye of the same Thomas I will that then[e]
all[e] my saide Messuag[es] Londes Tenement[es] and other
The p[re]misss scituate and lyenge in Depeh[a]m aforsaide
shall[e] holly[e] remayne vnto the saide John my sonne his
Heir[es] and assignes for euer And I will that then
also all[e] my saide messuag[es] Londes and other the p[re]misss
onlye scituate and lyenge in Attilburghe aforsaide after my
Saide wiff[es] decease shall[e] holye remayne vnto the saide
Henry my sonne his heir[es] and assignes for euer
And in case bothe the saide Thomas and Will[ia]m my
sonnes shall[e] chaunce to departe from their naturall[e] liues
before eyther or aney of them two shall[e] accomplishe
the saide age of xxij year[es] w[i]t[h]out aney yssewe of eyther
[folio 625 recto]
Of their bodies lawfully begotton[e] I will[e] and my mynde is
That then the saide Henrye Cowper my sonne and
His heir[es] shall[e] haue houlde and enioye all[e] my saide
Messuag[es] Londes Tenement[es] and other the p[re]misss
scituate and lyeng in Depeham aforsaide to hym his
heir[es] and assignes foreuer And I will[e] that then
The saide Symonde Cowper my sonne his heir[es]
and assignes after my saide wiff[es] decease shall[e]
Haue houlde and enioye all[e] my saide messuag[es] londes
and other the p[re]misss scituate and lienge in
Attilburghe aforsaide to hym his heir[es] and assignes
for euer aney thinge aforsaide to the contrary in aney
wise then Notwithstondinge Prouided allwaies
I will[e] and my mynde is that none of my saide sonnes shall[e]
Enter into aney of the p[re]misss before suche tyme as
they or he vnto whome the p[re]misss aren willed assig=
=ned or deuised shall[e] accomplishe the saide year[es] age of
xxij year[es] And I will[e] that in the meane tyme my
siade wiffe her Execut[or] and assignes shall[e] e[n]ioye
thoccupacion[e] of all[e] the same p[re]misss, sauinge I will[e] that
The saide Margaret my mother and her assignes
shall[e] enioye thoccupienge of all[e] the p[re]misss lyenge
and beinge in Hengh[a]m aforsaide duringe the hole
terme of her naturall[e] liffe Furthermore
Prouided allwaies I will my full[e] mynde
and entente is that if it shall[e] chaunce aney one of my
[folio 625 verso]
Sonnes to departe from his naturall[e] liffe before he shall[e]
accomplishe thage of xxijtie year[es] and that the other Fower
of my saide sonnes shall[e] liue till[e] eu[er]y of those of those my
four sonnes shall[e] accomplishe thage of xxijtie year[es] or shall[e]
Leaue yssew of his or their bodie or bodies lawfully begotton[e]
That then he or they which shall[e] by forme of this my
saide Testament and Will[e] enioy the saide messuag[es] and
other the p[re]misss scituate and lyenge in Hengham aforsaide
shall[e] paye vnto the youngest of those my Four Sounnes when
he shall[e] come to his age of xxijtie year[es] tene poundes
of lawfull[e] money of Englode and nomore aney thinge
aforsaide to the contrarye then notwithstondinge, and
likewise he or they which shall[e] then enioye the p[re]misss
scituate and lyenge in the Depeham aforsaide shall[e] paie
or cause to tbe paide vnto the same youngest of those my
four sonnes when he shall accomplishe his saide age of xxijtie
year[es] other tene poundes of lawfull[e] money of englond
and nomore aney thinge aforespecified to the contrary then
Notwithstondinge And in case defaulte shall[e] chaunce
to be made in the paymente of the siade some of tene
Pounde whiche is to tbe paide by hym or those that
shall[e] then haue the saide Hereditament[es] lyenge in
Hengham aforsaide by the space or tyme of half a
Yeare next after it oughte to be paide beinge Furst
[folio 626 recto]
Resonablye demaunded, I will[e] that then the same youngeste
Sonne of those my fower sonnes and his heir[es] shall[e] enter
haue houlde and enioye for euer the moytie or one halfe of
all[e] the p[re]misss scituate and lyenge in Hengham aforsaide
To hym his heir[es] and assignes for euer, And in case
defaulte shalbe made by him of them whiche owght then
To paye the othersaide tene pounde by the space or tyme
of one halfe yeare next after it owghte to be paide beinge
Furst resonablye demaunded I will[e] that then likewise the
same youngest of those my four sonnes and his heir[es] shall[e]
Haue and enioye the moytie of all[e] the p[re]misss lyenge
in Depeham aforsaide for euer, aney thinge aforsaide to
the contrary then notwithstondinge Moreouer
Prouided and I will[e] that theye and euery of
them which shall[e] enioy the p[re]misss scituate and
lyenge in Depeham aforsaide for the tyme and tymes
of their and euery of their actuall[e] Possession[e] or
Estate therin, shall[e] paye and discharge all[e] suche pay=
=ment[es] as shall[e] growe and be Payable w[i]thin that tyme
and tymes, which I do owe for the purchase of the same
otherwise I will[e] my Executrix her Execut and assignes
shall[e] enioy the profight[es] therof untill[e] the same payment[es]
be fullye paide Item I giue and bequethe vnto the saide
[folio 626 verso]
John my sonne tene poundes to be paide at his age of xxijtie year[es]
Item I giue and bequethe vnto Margaret my Dowter
to hir Execut and assignes twentie poundes of lawfull[e]
money of Englonde to be paide vnto her eyther in the daie
of hir mariage or at theher age of xxijtie year[es] at which
that come furste Item I giue and bequethe vnto Anne
my Dowter to hir execut and assignes other twentie
Poundes of lawfull[e] money of Englonde to be paide
eyther in the daie of hir mariage or ells[e] at hir age
of xxijtie year[es] at whiche shallthat come furste Item all[e]
the residewe of my goodes Cattall[e]s and Debt[es] not
before giuen nor bequethed I giue and bequethe them
vnto the saide Alis my wiffe hir execut and
Assignes paying such Debt[es] as I do owe, not beinge
otherwise afore ordered to be paide, and p[er]forming
this my Testament and last will[e] accordinge to
the trewe meaninge aforespecified sauinge I will my
bedsteade in my parlor shall[e] remayne still[e] for euer
in the same Parlor And I do ordaine and make the
same Alis my wiffe the sole Executrix of this
my Testament and last will[e] Moreouer I will[e] and
[folio 627 recto]
Desier John Cadie of great Ellingham and Thomas
Cowper of Depeham aforsaide to be superuisors of the
same my Testament and last will[e] In witnes wherof
herunto I haue sett my Seale the daie and yeare
furst aboue wretten These Beinge witnesss Symonde
Beane Robert Dowe John Jollye and Symonde Cowp[er]
w[i]th other Per me Johem Cowper
[folio 627 recto continued; translated from Latin]
This testament was proved at Buckenham St Martin before Master John Barne, Bachelor of Laws, Commissary and Official in and throughout the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, the 26th day of the month of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred and sixty six, and the administration of the goods etc was granted to the executrix named in the said testament, being sworn in due form of law etc
Exhibited inventory of goods extending to the sum of £178 10s 2d
- ↑ Court of the Archdeaconry of Norfolk, Register copy wills, v. 21, (Waterladde) 1563-1567, fol. 622 recto, will of John COWPER of Attleborough, proved 26 February 1566/7; images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ : accessed 5 April 2022) DGS no. 8045267, image 636 of 665 (can be viewed at Family History Centres and Affiliate Libraries); Norfolk Record Office.
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