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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Dowsett
This is a transcription of the original will of [[John Dowsett]], yeoman of Harlow, Essex, England. The original is held at the Essex County Record Office. [1]
John wrote his will on 30 November 1693 and it was presented at the Commissary Court by 7 December 1693. Probate appears to have been granted on 19 December, but it is not clear who to. The named executor was Alice Underwood, but probate may have been granted one of the witnesses Joseph Abraham.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks as per the original
Paragraph breaks and bold text are my own for ease of reading
ff has been rendered as F, and ligatures and abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]
Persons mentioned:
- "Cozin John Dowsett" son of the testator's brother Edward deceased - John is actually testator's nephew
- Brother Edward Dowsett deceased (of Sawbridgeworth, will 1681)
- "Cozin Mary Dowsett" Daughter of testator's brother Edward deceased - Mary is testator's niece
- "Cozin Sarah Dowsett" Daughter of testator's brother Edward deceased - Sarah is testator's niece
- "Cozin Edward Pinner of the p[ar]ish of Gilstone" son of testator's "Sister Pinner" - Edward is testator's nephew
- "Sister Pinner", testator's sister Elizabeth Dowsett married to Edward Pinner
- "Alice the daughter of my Sister Pinner and now wife of Robert Underwood of the p[ar]ish of Bishop Stortford", testator's niece, daughter of Elizabeth (Dowsett) Pinner, and Executor of the will
- "Robert Underwood of the p[ar]ish of Bishop Stortford" husband of Alice (Pinner) Underwood
In the neme of God Amen [2] the Thirtieth day of November in the fifth yeere
of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord William and Lady Mary by the Grace of God of England
Scotland France & Ireland Kinge & Queene Defenders of the faith &c Annoq Dom[in]i 1693: I John
Dowsett of the p[ar]ish of Harlowe in the Countie of Essex yeoman being sick & lame in body
But of Sound & p[er]fect minde & memory praise be therefore given to Almightie God, doe make
and Ordaine this my p[re]sent last Will and Testament in manner & forme following that is to
say First and principally I Commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God, hoping
through the merits death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full & free forgiveness
of all my Sins and to inherit everlasting life, and my body I Committ to the Earth to be
Decently buryed accordinge to the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named And as
touching the disposition of all such Temporal Estate that it hath pleased Almightie God to
bestowe upon me, I Give, devise and dispose thereof as followeth
Item I will, Give
and Devise unto my Cozin John Dowsett son of my brother Edward Dowsett of the
p[ar]ish of Sabridgworth in the County of Hertford yeoman lately deceased All that my
Messuage or Tenement with the barne & outhowses, yards gardens orchards and one
peece or p[ar]cell of land thereunto adjoyninge and one other peece or p[ar]cell of Lands Called
by the name of Doggetts Croft Conteyning by Estimacon altogether five Acres more
or less Scituate lyinge and beinge in the p[ar]ish of Harlowe aforesaid now in the Tenure
or occupacon of me the said John Dowsett, and Ralph Hutchen with all & Singular
theire App[ur]tenances To Hold unto the onely proper use & behoofe of my saide Cozin
John Dowsett and to his Heires and Assignes for ever absolutely without any Condition
Item I give and bequeath unto my Cozin Mary Dowsett Daughter of my said
brother Edward Dowsett the sume of Twentie pounds of good & Lawfull money of
England to be paid to her after my decease by my Executrix hereafter named
I give unto my Cozin Sarah Dowsett one other Daughter of my said brother Edward
Dowsett the sume of Twentie pounds of like Lawfull money to be paid to her after
my decease by my said Executrix,
Item I give to my Cozin Edward Pinner of the p[ar]ish
of Gilstone in the said Countie of Hertford the Sume of Twentie pounds of like Lawfull
money to be paid to him after my decease by my said Executrix
Item All the Rest &
Remainder of my Estate whatsoever I Give & bequeath unto Alice the daughter of my
Sister Pinner and now wife of Robert Underwood of the p[ar]ish of Bishop Stortford
in the said County of Hertford Mason, And I make & ordaine my Kindswoman the
said Alice wife of the said Robert Underwood to be full & sole Executrix of this my
last will & Testament & I order the said Alice my Executrix to Expend six pounds
in money at & for the provision for my funerall, & not under: In witness whereof I the
said John Dowsett the Testator have heereunto sett my hand & Seale the day and
yeere above written
Signed Sealed published and declared
by the testator John Dowsett in the pr[e]sence
of us
John King
The mark of Joseph Abraham
Edward Sibley
7 die Decembris 1693 Jurat coram me Michaele Altham & Surr[oga]to
On reverse: Testum Johannis Dowsett nup[er] de Harlow in Com Essex Def[unc]ti
Em'l 19 Dec'bis 1693
The last will of John Dowsett
the surrender to the use of the will is in the custody of Joseph Abraham
- ↑ Will of John Dowsett of Harlow 1693 proved at the Commissary of the Bishop of London
Essex County Record Office, Chelmsford, Essex, England.
Reference: D/ABW 10/145
Images viewed at Essex Archives Online requires subscription. Accessed 21 December 2021 - ↑ Name spelled neme
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