Location: Redenhall, Norfolk, England
The Will of John Fuller yeoman of Redenhall, Norfolk was written on 28 January 1598/9, and proved and administration granted at Norwich on 8 May 1599 to John Pigeon & Anne Fuller. (Probate in Latin)[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Reasonably clear copy but very difficult to read writing in places so there may be errors.
People mentioned in the Will:
- John Fuller of Redenall (testator)
- Ann (wife, joint executrix)
- Thomas Fuller the younger (younger son)
- Roger (youngest son)
- mother Collinge (relationship unknown)
- Raffe/Raphe Fuller (son)
- her Sister (Ann's unnamed sister)
- Thomas the elder (elder son)
- Robert (son)
- Gateris (daughter)
- William (son, the younger of two Williams)
- William (son, the elder of two Williams, has 4 unnamed children)
- Roger Pigeon (joint executor)
- Henrye Horne & Robert lerby (witnesses)
In the name of god Amen ./ The
xxviijti daye of Januarye in the fortye yeare of the
Raigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace
of God of Ingland France & Ireland Quene &c. And in
the yeare of our Lorde God 1598º / I John Fuller of Red[e]nall
in the Countye of Norff[olk] yeoman . beinge of p[er]fect me =
= morye, thankes be to Allmightie God, Doe make this my
Last Will and Testament in manner and forme follow =
= inge./ Firste I bequeathe my Sowle to Allmightye
God who gave it ./ And my Bodye to be buryed in the
Churche yarde of Red[e]nhall aforesaide ./ Item I geve &
bequeathe to Ann my wyfe, All those howshoulde
stuffe which she brought to me, as brasse, pewter,
beddinge, and Fowles and all other thinges whatsoev[er]
was hirs ./ It[e]m I give to my saide wyfe a fetherbedd,
Bolster, and Coveringe, & all thinges thereunto belong =
= inge, duering hir naturall lyfe ./ And after hir
deceasse, I give the same to my sonne Thomas Fuller
the younger ./ And yf the saide Thomas Dye before my
saide wyfe, Then I will that Roger my yongest
sonne shall have it ./ It[e]m I give and bequeathe to
Ann my saide wyfe the litle howse with the yarde
and the appurtenn[an]ce thereunto belonginge ./ that
mother Collinge sometyme dwelt in for hir dwellinge
place after my decease dueringe hir naturall lyffe ./
[Page 2 Folio 43]
And the saide howse to be kept wynd tide & water
tyde by Raffe Fuller my sonne his heires execut[ors]
& assignes ./ It[e]m I give to my saide wyfe a round table
duering hir lyfe./ and after her Decece so to Roger ./
It[e]m I give to my saide wyfe twooe of my best [neate]
at hir ^owne choyse ./ I give hir one Combe of wheate, one
Comb[e] barley or mault ./ yf it shalbe in the howse ./
or else where / or groweing ./ and a quarter of Cheese ./
And all the haye in the further Barne w[i]th the
wood that is Felled / and all other provision of Butter,
and Chesse in the howse with the Bacon ./ It[e]m I give
all hir all her owne apparrell, & all the Lynnyn
remayninge. and not after bequeathed ./ and a Cushinge
that her Sister gave her ./ It[e]m my will and mynde ys,
that my Corne, Cattell, as horse, and neate, whiche
hereafter shall not be given ./ and bequeathed, shalbe sould
to the uttermost by my Exec[utors] ./ to paye my Funerall ./
prove my will, and paye my debtes ./ It[e]m I give to my
sonne Thomas thelder one mylche Cowe, In Full
satisfaction for all suche thinges as he Claymeth to
be in the possession of Raphe his Brother ./ It[e]m I give
and bequeathe to Roger my sonne, one twoo yearinge
heckfer, a greate rounde Chest standing in the hall ./
one kettle of Copper ./ the best kandlesticke ./ & beste
Cheese Fatt ./ & the lesser brasse pott ./ one bason ./ A
payer of sheetes, the Fetherbed over the p[ar]lor Chamber ./
and a Coveringe boulster & bedstedd in the parlor / sixe
cuppes & dishes, a bruing tubb, and killer ./ It[e]m I
give and bequeathe to Robert my sonne one mylche
Cowe, one featherbed boulster & Coveringe, one ketle,
platter, salt, and a buffett stoole ./ It[e]m I give to
Gateris my daughter my greate bason, & after hir,
to hir eldest daughter one pewter dishe ./ It[e]m I
[Page 3]
Gyve to younge William my sonne the lesser bason, and
platter on the Cubbard / It[e]m I give to Raffe my sonne,
one free peice of grounde lyeing in the Brome Hill ./
Conteyninge by estimac[i]on, A Rode, be it more or lesse./
my greater brasse panne, and one pewter dysshe, &
the brasse possnet ./ It[e]m I give and bequeathe to my
sonne Thomas the yonger, one twoo yearinge hefker.
one Cheese fatt, & Cheese breed[d/l] / & one salve ./ It[e]m I
will that those thinges that are in my howse of my
sonne Thomas thelder , to have them when he wyll,
out of the howse / It[e]m I give to the fower Children
of ould Will[ia]m my sonne, the Cupbord, & longe table
in the hall ./ It[e]m all other thinges not yet geven and
bequeathed I Refer to the discretion and distribution
of my Exec[utors] ./ whome I appoint and name to be John
Pigeon and Ann my wyfe ./ In witness whereof I
have setto my Signe & seale the daye & yeare firste
above written / Signed & Sealed in the p[re]sence of Henrye
Horne & Robert lerby his marke ./
- ↑
Probate records for the Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich:
"Probate records for the Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich"
Catalog: Probate records for the Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Regd. copy wills vol. 95 1599
Film number: 008076499 > image 92 of 348
FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSND-39C7-5 (accessed 26 November 2023)
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