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Will of John Gaskarth DD of Allhallows Barking 1732

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 9 Jan 1731 to 19 Dec 1732
Location: City of London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Gaskarth
This page has been accessed 199 times.

Will of John Gaskarth DD of Allhallows Barking

Written 9th January 1731/2 and proved 19th December 1732

Transcribed by Joe Farler in 2018 from a copy from the UK National Archives at Kew. Prob 11/655/179

In the Name of God Amen

I John Gaskarth S.C.D. vicar or Rector of All Saints Barking, London, Unworthy of all God’s Mercies and Blessings spiritual and temporal abundantly vouchsafed me through my whole life As which I have not answered in those due improvements to and that renewal of mind and spirit that I ought to have done and which the Grace Spring in my Blessed Redeemer thro’ my willing obediance would have advanced and wrought in me for which my unprofiting under those meanes afforded in me And those latterly Corrections with which God had Heavenly visited and for all my other numberless offences I cast myself in the deepest Contrition on his infinite Mercy in my Blessed `Redeemer assuredly believing what he had declared himselfe to be God and Man the saviour of the world and in hope of pardon and salvation through him Being at the present wishing thereof through divine Goodness aforesaid….. disposeing mind and memory I ordaine and constitute this my last Will and Testament in form following

Imprimis recommending myselfe to God and his Gracious protection in life and death that I would keepe and preserve me in his feare and love while my Sojourning here and all the time of the dissolution of my Earthly and mortal part receive my Soul into the place and state whether our Saviour went after his expiring on the Cross till the Resurrection of the Blessed.

As to my Earthly and mortal part if by the ordering of Providence I shall dye in London I desire should be buryed in the Church Yard of All Saints Barking: With respect to my worldly goods I bequeath and give them as followeth:

To Mary and Ann, Eldest daughters of my Nephew John Gaskarth deceased to each and severally Four hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Brittain. I also give to Sarah and Jane younger daughters of my said Nephew John Gaskarth deceased to each and severally Three hundred and fifty pounds of the like lawfull money of Great Brittain.

And I also give to Gawin, William and Joseph, younger sons of my said Nephew John Gaskarth deceased to each and severally Four hundred pounds of the like lawfull money of Great Brittaine provided alwaies that if any of the fore mentioned sonns or daughters should marry before the age of twenty two yeares compleated without the consent of their Mother and their Eldest Brother John Gaskarth or the survivors of them or their appointed Guardian or Guardians then my will is that the Legacy or Legavies hereby bequeathed and given to her or them so marrying without such consent as aforesaid shall goe and remaine unto the other legatees sonns and daughters in equall dividends. And my further Will also is that if any of the sonns or daughters shall dye before the said legacies become payable the said legacies be equally divided as above mentioned among the survivors sonns and daughters.

Item: I give Fifty pounds to be paid in to the hands of the Church Wardens that then shall be of the parish of All Saints Barking London for the benefit and reliefe of Poor housekeepers nott receiving weekly provision from the parish and to be distributed by the vestry men in vestry as they shall judge most due and proper.

Item I give to the parish of St Nicholas in Bristoll as a testimony of the gratefull sence I have ever had on my mind of the undeserved respects of the then parishioners att my first Ministry among them, Thirty pounds for the poor of the said parish to be paid into the hands of the Churchwardens then being and distributed by and according to the discretion of the vestry of the said parish.

Item I give to the parish of Chevening in Kent Tenn pounds for the poor of the said parish to be in the distribution of the Rector and Churchwardens of the said parish

Itme: I give to Mrs Sarah Geary for the long and faithful service of thirty two yeares and for the great care and prudent ordering of my domestic affaires Seaven hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Brittaine with all my household goods lynnen wearing apparell and all my plate except my Great Silver Tankard which I give to my Executor John Gaskarth as hereafter appointed and nominated .

Item I give to Mary Webb for her long and honest service two hundred pounds Item I give to Mrs Randall, Sexton of All Saints Barking Twenty pounds Item I give to Mr John Pearson Clarke of all Sts. Barking Twenty pounds All and every which sumes of lawfull money of Great Brittaine Item I give to Peter Keith sonn of James Keith M.D. deceased Fifty pounds Item I give to George Cheyne M.D. Fifty pounds of lawfull money Item: I give to Mr Thomas Gardener att A???ey in Gloucestershire Twenty pounds of like lawfull money Item: I give to Mr Charles Stuart Twenty pounds. Item: I give to the Green Coate Charity Schoole in Tower Ward Fifty pounds But that some particuar regard be had to the poor children of our owne parish that shall be in the said schoole Item: I give all my Books to the Master Fellows and scholars of the College or Hall of Maria de Valentia commonly called Pembroke Hall in Cambridge with Fifty pounds also of lawfull money to support the Charges of carrying them down to the College but reserving a liberty to my Executor John Gaskarth to take and have what English Books he thinks for his use and benefitt.

Item I give to Mr William Gaskarth my good friend and for the assistance he shall give to my Executor in the execution of this my Will two hundred pounds

All the residue of my goods and Estate money or lands (my just debts and funerall charges deducted and paid ) I devise give and bequeath to John Gaskarth the Eldest son of my late Nephew John Gaskarth and to his heires Executors Administrators and assigns for ever. Butt on this express Condition that he, his heires, his Executors, his Administrators shall and do pay unto my good Neice his Mother Ann Gaskarth during her natural life if so long time she continue and live unmarryed and longer the yearly annuity or sume of Eight pounds per annum of lawfull money of Great Brittaine payable and to be paid half yearly .

And I herby constitute and appoint him the said John Gaskarth the Eldest son of my Nephew John Gaskarth deceased the full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke and make void all former or other Wills by me at time heretofore devised and made .

In witness whereof I the said John Gaskarth the Testator have hereunto sett my hand and seale the nineth of January Anno Domini Seaventeene hundred thirty one and in the fifth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Brittaine and France and Ireland. Defender of the faith. John Gaskarth. Signed sealed published and declared by —— — John Gaskarth the said Testator for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunder subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in his presence: P Cranke, Hen. Cowdery, James Cappar.

Proved 19th December 1732

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