Location: Broomfield, Somerset, England
Surnames/tags: Grobham Bacon
WIll of John Grobham of Broomfield, Somerset, England.
Written 1st Nov 1638 and proved 2nd Feb 1638/9
Transcribed by Joe Farler from a copy held by the National Archives at Kew.
In the name of God Amen, the first day of November
in the year of our lord god one thousand six hundred thirty eight I John Grobham
of Broomfield in the county of Somerset yeoman do make and declare this my last will and
testament in manner and form following, First I commend my soul into the hands of All
mighty god my maker, hoping assuredly through the only merit of Jesus Christ my Saviour
to be made greater of life everlasting and my body to the earth whereof it is made to be
buried in the Church of Enmore.
Item I give unto the poor of Enmore five pounds
and to the poor of Broomfield five pounds,
Item I bequeath and remit unto my son
in Law William Bacon all such debts and moneys as he oweth me.
Item I give and
devise unto Agnes my wife the house and tenement wherein I now live, called Heathcombe
lying in Wellington in the County aforesaid, to have and to hold the same unto my
said wife during her life and after her death to my daughter Joane Bacon during her life
and after her death to my daughter Mary Grobham during her life.
All the residue of my
Chattells ????? I give and devise unto my said wife during her widowhood and after
unto my said daughter Mary during her life and after unto my daughter Joane
during her life.
Item I give unto my said daughter Mary one thousand pounds to be paid
unto her within three months next after my decease,
Item I give unto my grandchildren
William Bacon, John Bacon, and Agnes Bacon one hundred pounds apiece, to be paid
within six months next after my death,
Item I give unto my Kinsman John Grobham
who liveth in house with me five pounds and to John Marshall the elder of Enmore aforesaid
forty shillings and to my apprentice Edward Paine five pounds to be paid within three months
next after my decease.
Item I give unto my Kinsman Nicholas Mills son of Agnes
Mills twenty pounds to John Harris twenty shillings to my Servant Richard twenty
shillings to my Servant Jane Bartlett twenty shillings to Anne Bacon daughter of Henry
Bacon twenty shillings to Agnes Marshall daughter of the said John Marshall five
pounds and to Bartholemew Stafford ( ? ) my godson ten pounds to be paid within six
months next after my decease.
Item I give unto John Turle of Bridgwater five pounds
and to his apprentice boy five pounds and to Richard Turle and Edward Turle of Taunton
five pounds apiece and to my kinsman Clement Grobham five pounds and to my kinsman
Richard Dalleman five pounds to be paid within one year next after my decease,
Item I
give unto my said son-in-law William Bacon and my daughter Mary equally to be
divided between them all such benefit and profit as I shall or may have by the last will and testament of Sir Richard Grobham, Knight, deceased.
Item I give unto my son
George Grobham one hundred pounds, and to my daughter Joane Bacon one hundred pounds
to be paid within four months next after my decease.
Item I give unto William Deane my son George his Tutor ten pounds to be paid within one month next after my death
And I make and ordain Agnes my wife Executrix of this my last will and testament , In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, signed John Grobham, signed sealed and published in the presence of William Shelleck, William Jaccombe, William Bacon, William Deane, signed Johes Bartlett
Memorandum that I the within named John Grobham do hereby give the properties of all the Plate goods and household stuff in my now dwelling house unto my daughter Joane Bacon after the decease of my wife unto whom I leave only the use and occupation of all the said plate goods and household stuff during her life any thing in my within written last will contained to the contrary notwithstanding signed John Grobham, Signed and acknowledged in the presence of and on the sixth day of November one thousand six hundred thirty eight
Proved 2nd Feb 1638/9. Agnes Grobham, relict and Executrix.
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