Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Gryffyn
Will of John Gryffyn, yeoman, 1553-4
ANF will register Liber 14 (Bulloke) fo. 201 - Griffin (Gryffyn), John, yeoman, of Attleborough 1553-4
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. Li, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.
Persons mention in the Will:
- John Gryffyn, yeoman and testator
- Alyce Smyth, his bastard daughter
- Agnes, his wife
- brother and sisters, unnamed
- Thomas Fludd, his cousin
- Robert Floudde, beneficiary
- Mr George Coket, beneficiary of a gold ring and witness
- Elizabeth Beane
- Simon Beane
- Simon Beane's wife (probably Elizabeth, above)
- Robert Cussyn
- William Bepas
- William Bepas's wife
- Richard Bosonne, witness, gentleman and beneficiary
- Hugh Etton,witness
- John Davye, apprentice
In the name of God Amen the xij daye of December
in the yere lord god M CCCCC Lij and in the fyrst
yere of the raiyne of owe Soverayne Ladye Quene
Marye I John Gryffyn of Attylborroughe in the county
of Norff[olk] yeoman being holl of mynde and in good and
p[er]fyghte memory lawdyd be god make this my testa=
=ment and last wyll in maner and forme folowing
renouncinge all other wylls and testaments hertofor
by me made fyrst I bequeath my soule to allmighty
god trusting by the mercye of our Savyoure
christ to have remission of my sinnes by whom and
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throughe whose passion and death I faythfully truste
to have salvacion my body to be buryed in the church
yarde of Attylbourughe to the reparac[i]on of which
church I give xs Item I give to Alyce Smyth my
bastarde daughter xxli of lawfull English money
to be payde in maner and forme folowinge that ys to
say at the daye of her maryage ten pounds whych xli I
wyll that yt shalbe delyveryd into the saffe keeping
of some honest p[er]son untyll the saide maryage of the saide
Alyce he putting sufficient suretyes w[i]thin to the sayde
Alyce for the sure payment of the said ten poundes
in forme aforesayde and the other xli to be payd to
the sayd Alyce to after the death of Agnes my wyef
by the executores of the sayd Agnes yf yt shall for=
=tune the sayd Alyce to dye before she be maryed
then I wyll and bequeath the sayd xxli in maner
and forme folowinge that ys to saye to my brother
and sister xli that ys to saye to ych of them vli
and to my cousyn Thomas Fludd the other xli the
paymente of the sayd vxli to be devyded as yt ys
aforesayde to be payd the one half to my brother and
sister and th'other half to my sayde cousyn Thomas
Fludd Item I give to my sayd cousyn Thomas Fludd
xx markes of lawfull Englysh money to be payd in maner
and forme folowinge that ys to saye immediately after
my death fyve m[ar]kes and twelve monthes after
that v m[ar]kes and after the decease of Agnes
my wyef ten markes to be payd by the executors
of the sayd Agnes Item I give to my brother and my
sisters v markes of lawfull Englyshe money
evenly to be devyded amongst them Item I give
to Rob[er]te Floudde my best gowne Item I give to
Mr Coket a gold ringe Item I give to my sayde
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cousyn Thomas Fludd a colte the myddell gray
Item I give to everyone of my servantes an ewe Item I give
a bulloke called a two yerlinge and iij ewes to
Elizabeth Beane and to the sayd Alyce Smyth a cowe
the color blake Item I give to Robart Cussyn vjs viijd
Item I give to Symon Beane my best lyveray cote
and my furdd cote It[e]m I give to Thomas Flude my
best dublet It[e]m I give to Wyll[ia]m Bepas my lyvarey
cote wyth the coony sinc and and a mare colte Item
I give to Symon Beane another mare colte and I give to
Wyllyam Bepas wyef xs and to Symon Beanes wyef
xs the resydewe of my goods not bequethed I p[rese]nt
them to the dissposic[i]on of myne executrix whom
I ordayne and make Agnes my wyef my sole
executrix and as touching my howsys landes and
tenamentes I make this my last wyll in maner
and forme folowinge that ys to saye I give to
Agnes my wyef and her heyres forever all my
howsys landes and tenementes both fre and bonnde
lyeing and being in the towne of Attylborough
or ellswhere wythin the county of Norff[olk]
upon this condicion that the sayd Agnes p[er]forme
this my last wyll and testament in wytnes wher
of I the sayd John Gryffyn have sette my hand
Rychard Bosonne George Coket these bequestes
bequeathed after my the making of my wyll which
I wyll to beasmerch in effect as any thinge before
bequeathed Item I give to Rycharde Bosonne
gentleman xs Item I wyll and bequeth to Hugh
Etton xlis Item I give to John Davye when
he come oute of his [ap]prentishood iijli
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