Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Hammond, Hamond
This is a transcript of the register copy of the will of John Hammond, yeoman of Pirton, Hertfordshire.
John was buried on the 26th of March 1668 at St Mary the Virgin Church in Pirton, Hertfordshire, England.
The will was written on the 31st of January 1667/8. It was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 23rd of May 1668 on the oaths of Joan Hammond, his relict, and John Hammond, his son, both executors. The register copy of the will is now catalogued with the Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills at The National Archives at Kew, Surrey, England.
Spelling and punctuation are as the register copy. Abbreviations have been expanding in square brackets []. Capital 'f' has been transcribed as 'F' rather than 'ff'.
In The name of God Amen.
Io[hann]es Hamond senior
I John Hamond the elder of Pirton in the County of Hartford yeoman being not in perfect health but of perfect mind and memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God I Doe make and ordaine this my resent last will and testament in manner and forme following First and principally I Com[m]end my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the meritts death and Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ To have full and free pardon and forgivenes of all my sinnes and to inherit Everlasting life And my body I Comitt to the Earth to be decently buried att the discretion of my Executo[r]s hereafter named And as touching the disposition of such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth First I will that my debts and funerall Charges shalbe paid and discharged Item I give unto my sonne John Hamond All those my Tenn acres of Aurable land with the appurten[a]n[c]es be the same more or lesse
Lying in Hamburdge fo[u]nd upon one peece lyeing next to the Berry Meades sometymes the Land of Edward Hurst) and his heires and assigns forever upon Condition That my sonne John doe pay or cause to be paid unto my sonne Thomas Hamond the su[m]me of one hundred and Twenty pounds currant English money within one yeare next after my decease And for non payment of ^[the said] one hundred and Twenty pounds aforesaid unto my sonne Thomas att the tyme aforesaid I give all those my Tenn acres aforesaid with the appurten[a]n[c]es unto my sonne Thomas Hamond and his heires and assigns forever Item I give unto my sonne John Hamond All those my Nyne Acres Aurable land with the appurten[a]n[c]es be the same more or less lyeing in the white feild in Two peeces one peece thereof conteynnes by estimat[i]on Seaven Acres lying at Punchers Crosse sometymes the land of Edward Hurst And the other Two Acres Residue lying in the some furlong the Land of Robert Sam on the North (And sometymes the land of Thomas Spicer al[ia]s Helder) and his heires and assignes for ever upin Condit[i]on That my sonne John Hamond doe pay or cause to be paid unto my sonne Michaell Hamond the sum[m]e of Foure score pounds of Currant English money within Two yeares next after my decease And for non payment of the said Foure score pounds unto my sonne Michaell att the tyme aforesaid I give all those my Nyne Acres of Aurableland aforesaid with the appurten[a]n[c]es unto my sonne Michaell Hamond and his heires and assignes forever Item I give more unto my sonne Michaell Hamond The su[m]me of Twenty pounds of Currant English money to be paid to him within one yeare next after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Joane Hamond the sum[m]e of one hundred pounds to be paid unto her within Six months next after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Agnis Hamond the su[m]me of one hundred pounds to be paid unto her within Six months next after my decease Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hamond the su[m]me of one hundred pounds of Currant English money To be paid unto her within one yeare next after my decease All the rest of my Personall Estate goods and Chattells whatsoever I doe give and bequeath unto my loveing wife and John Hammond my sonne whom I do make my full and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament In Witnes whereof I have sett to my hand and seale this one and Thirthieth day of January in the Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith [?] and in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty and Seaven. John Hamond, Sealed and confirmed in the presence of Mathew Driver Sen Mathew Driver Jun
Persons mentioned
- John Hammond (sen.), the testator
- John Hammond (jun.), son of the testator, executor
- Edward Hurst, landowner
- Thomas Hammond, son of the testator
- Robert Sam, landowner
- Thomas Spicer alias Helder, landowner
- Michael Hammond, son of the testator
- Joan Hammond, daughter of the testator
- Anne Hammond (aka. Agnes), daughter of the testator
- Elizabeth Hammond, daughter of the testator
- Joan Hammond (nee Chalkley), wife of the testator, executrix
- Mathew Driver (sen.), witness
- Mathew Driver (jun.), witness
- Reference: PROB 11/327/141, Description: Will of John Hamond, Yeoman of Pirton, Hertfordshire, Date: 23 May 1668. The National Archives online.
- Burial: Burials, Pirton Parish Registers 1558-1914, Pirton Local History Group, online, burial of John Hamond on the 26th of March 1668 in Pirton, Hertfordshire, England, Record ID: 447.
Thank you to Jezzuh Stroud for your help with translating the Latin portion of text following the will, which allowed me to know when it was proved and upon whose oath.
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