Location: [unknown]
This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of John Jackson, Clothworker and Citizen of London. [1]
Spelling and punctuation as per the original (an unusually large number of commas used), highlighting and line breaks are my own for ease of reading.
Abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets].
The image of the second page of this will is difficult to read at the start of each line due to ink bleed. If a better image becomes available, please make any corrections.
In the name of God Amen
I John Jackson Citizen and clothworker of London being at this p[rese]nt in health of bodie and of good and p[er]fect minde and remembrance , laude and praise be given to th'almightie god, doe make and ordaine this my pr[esen]t Testament and conteyninge therein my last will in mannere and forme followinge
That is to saie, firste and principallie I commend my soule into the handes of almightie god my onlie saviour and redemer, by whose pretious death and resurrection I onlie hope to be saved and to inherit life everlastinge, And my bodie where it shall please god to call me out of this transitorie life My will and minde is, that the same maie be in decent seemlie sorte buried according to the discretion of my wife and my executor hereafter named, And as the ordering and disposing of such landes Tenements and hereditaments and of such other worldlie goodes and substances, whereof (by gods good grace and benefittes towardes me) I now stand seized and possess, I order give and dispose the same, in manner and forme following,
That is to said first I give and bequeath unto my sonne Arthur and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten (for a full recompence and satisfaction of his childes parte of all my goodes and chattells) all those my landes tenements and hereditaments with their appurt[una]nces whatsoev[e]r scituat lieing and being in waldingfield parva Mildinge or els where in the Countie of Suffolk, And for default of such issue of the bodie of the saide Arthure, the same lands to discend remaine and come to John Jackson my second sonne and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten, And for default of such issue of the bodie of my saide sonne John the same landes to descend remaine and come to the heires males of the bodie of me the saide John Jackson lawfullie to be begotten, And for default of such heires males of my bodie lawfullie to be begotten, I give and bequeath the same lands to John Jackson sonne of my brother Arthure Jackson and to his heirs for ever, Provided alwaies that if my said sonne Athure shall claime challenge demande obtaine or get his childes parte of my goodes and chattells by the Custome of London or by the lawes of this Realme, That then this demise to him of my saide landes shall be voide,
Item I give and bequeath unto the poor of Waldingfield parva for and towardes their relief and maintenance all the issues and proffits that shall arise or be made of certaine woodgrounds lyeinge in Waldingfield parva the which I hould by lease for certaine yeares to come made to me by the towne of waldingfield, to be paied and distributed to the saide poore from time to time as the proffits thereof shall arise for and during all such terme of yeres as I have to come in the saide wood grounds, And I doe ordaine and appoint that my execut[o]r shall pay and discharge such Rent as is reserved or due to be paide for the saide woodgrounds for and during all my terme of yeres to come in the same And shall pay and allowe the whole proffittes that shall arise or be made of the saide woodgrounds to the poore of the saide towne of Little Waldingfield
Item I give and bequeath unto every one of the children of my sister Welsh that are nowe born at th'ensealing hereof, to each of them tenn pounds a peece And if aine of the happen to die before they shall be married or shall accomplish the age of twenty and one yeres : the I will that their porc[i]on or porc[i]ons shall remaine to the survivors to be equally
[next page]
devided amongst them
Item I give and bequeath to my brother Arthur his thre children that are nowe born at th'ensealing thereof to every of them tenn poundes a peece, And if aine of them die before marriage or that they shall attaine to the age of twentie and one yeres : then their porc[i]ons shall remaine to the survivors of the children of the said Arthure
Items I give to my sister Wade her sonne tenn pouns
Item I give and bequeath unto Christes Hospital tenn pounds
Item I give and bequeath to the companie of Clothworkers of London tenn pounds to be -est--ed uppon ---ter for the use of --th-in hall
Item I give and bequeath unto my good friende maister James Lancaster fiftie poundes
Item I give give and bequeath unto my brother Joseph Jackson one hundred markes in considerac[i]on of his paines and travill to be taken aboute the executorship of this my pre[sen]te last will,
Item I give and bequeath unto Marie my lovinge wief the somme of three hundred poundes, uppon Condition that she shall relinquish and disclaime her right interest and title in dower of in and to all of my landes in Waldingfield parva aforesaide, and that the saime shall release to the tennannts and freeholders of the same for the time being uppon requests to be made by them to her thereof, And as for the rest and remains of all and singular my goodes and chattells whtsoever nott before given nor bequeathed after my debts paied and my funerall expenses performed I give and bequeath one first Third parte thereof unto Marie my weif as a full satisfaction of her Thirdes that she may claime of my goodes according to the custome of the Cittie of London, And the other two thirde partes of the said rest and residue of my goodes I give and bequeath unto my fower children that are now alive That is to saie, to John, Alice, Marie and Anne, and to such other of my children as hereafter it shall please god to sende me and which shall be living at the time of my decease equally to be devided amongst them, And if aine of my saide fower children which be nowe the daie of the date hereof livinge; or any other of my children which hereafter shall happen to be borne and shall be living at my death shall happen to die before they shall be marryed or shall accomplish the age of twenty and one yeres : then I will that their porc[i]ons shall remaine to the Survivors, And I doe make and ordaine my brother Josephe Jackson my sole execut[o]r of this my last will. I witness whereof I the sayed John Jackson have hereunto set my hande and seale y--en the eighteenthe daie of June One thowsande Six hundred and one, and on the three and fortithe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god Queen of Englande ffrance and Ireland defendor of the faithe etc
John Jackson per me Sigillatum subscriptum et delib[or]atum decimo quarto Augusti 1602 Annoq Elizabethe Regine Quadragesimo quarto in pr[sen]tia m[on]s[igno]r Caroli Bostock ---
[Abstract of the Latin] Proved - at London, second day of February one thousand six hundred and two, by Joseph Jackson natural and lawful brother of the deceased and executor of this testament.
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