Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Kelsall Will
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of John Kelsall of Chester, written on 28 January 1780.
The will was first proved at the Episcopal Court of Chester on 30 March 1784, and again at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 8 April 1784. [1] This may have been due to the value of the Estate after an inventory was taken.
It is noted that the register copy is "Extracted from the Public Episcopal Registry at Chester"
A margin note next to the Probate statement shows that William Hall, the surviving executor was resworn on 3 October 1793, after Mary Kelsall's death.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks as per the register copy.
Capital F is used in this transcription rather than the ff used in the register copy.
In the Name of God Amen
I John Kelsall of the City of Chester Do make publish and
declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following First I will and direst that my Debts Legacies Funeral
[page 2]
Expences and probate of my Will be first paid of and discharged
and Subject to the payment thereof I give and bequeath to
my Loving Wife Mary Kelsall the use and Occupation of
all and singular my Household Goods and Furniture, plate
Linen and other Goods and things during her Life or
continuing a Widow and unmarried and from and after her
decease or marrying again I give and bequeath the same to
my Daughter Bridget Glegg (Wife of John Glegg Junr of
Withington Esqr. Item I give and bequeath to my said
Wife a Moiety or one half part of all my ready Money
Arrears of Rent and other Monies Due to me by Bond
Mortgages or otherwise (except a Mortgage from William Hall Esq for £1700, another Mortgage from Samuel Salisbury
for £1000 and another Mortgage from one James Houghton
for £1000 making together £3700 which Securities were Deposited
in the hands of Hugh Whishaw Gent deceased in order to
be assigned and lodged with him for securing and raising
3725 being the remainder of 5000 my said Daughter's portion
the rest have been paid and a Mortgage from one
Edward Eyton was also deposited but has been redelivered to
me as the said other Securities with the Money I have
paid makes up the 5000) and as to the other Moiety or
half part of such ready Money Arrears of Rent and
other Monies Due by Bond Mortgages or otherwise at
my Decease (Except the Securities before mentioned to be excepted
I give Devise and bequeath the same unto my said
Daughter Bridget Glegg for her sole and separate use
and to be at her own Disposal notwithstanding her
Coverture and her Receipt and Receipts from time to time
to be a full Discharge for the same to me Executors or
the person or persons paying the same without the joining
of her Husband Item I give Devise and bequeath unto Robert
Townsend of Christleton Esqr and William Hall of the City of
Chester Gent (my Executors herein after named as also Trustees)
and to their Heirs the Reversion and Remainder of in and
to the Capital and other Mortgages Lands Tenements and
hereditaments and premises situate lying and being in Dodleston
and Lower Kinnerton in the County of Chester and of my
Dwelling House with its Appurtenances in the City of Chester
Subject to the Limitations thereof in and by the Marriage
Settlement made previous to the Marriage of my said
Daughter with the said John Glegg Upon Trust that the
said Robert Townsend and William Hall and their Heirs do
stand seized of or interested in such Reversion and Remainder
in the said Estates To the use and behoof of such person
and persons and for such Estate and Estates Intents and
purposes as my said Daughter Bridget Glegg shall and
may notwithstanding her Coverture by any Deeds or
writings to be executed in the presence of two or more
credible Witnesses or by her last Will in
Writing to be by her duly executed in the presence of three
or more Credible Witnesses give Devise Direct limit and appoint
and in default thereof to the use and behoof of the right
[page 3]
Heirs of my said Daughter Bridget Glegg for ever Item I give
devise and bequeath unto the said Robert Townsend and
William Hall their Heirs and Assigns All that Messuage or
Tenement and Lands with the Appurtenances situate and lying
in the Township of Moor in the parish of Hawarden in
the County of Flint Upon Trust to sell and dispose of the
same as soon as conveniently may be after my decease
and to pay and apply one half part of the purchase
Money arising by such Sale unto my said Wife Mary
Kelsall and the other half part thereof unto my said
Daughter Bridget Glegg for her sole and separate use
notwithstanding her Coverture and her Receipt for the same to be
as sufficient discharge Item I give and bequeath unto the said
Robert Townsend and William Hall the sum of Twenty pounds a
piece for their trouble in acting and I do hereby nominate and
appoint the said Robert Townsend and William Hall and my
said Wife Mary Kelsall Executors of this my last Will and
Testament hereby revoking all former Wills In witness whereof
I have hereunto put my Hand and Seal the twenty eighth
Day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and eighty John Kelsall [seal] Signed Sealed and delivered
published and declared by the said Testator as and for his
last Will and Testament in the presence of us who also
Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in his sight and
presence and of each other the Words of my Dwellinghouse
with its Appurtenances in the City of Chester" being first
interlined Jos. Bedward -- P. Leckonby -- E. Leckonby.//
This Will was proved at Chester in
common form of Law in the thirtieth day of
March in the Year of Our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and eighty four by Mary Kelsall
the Executrix therein named, power being reserved
to Robert Townsend and William Hall the
Executors named in the said Will to do the Like
when they shall request it, the right of every
person being saved and time allowed to
exhibit an Inventory
Hugh Speed Dep[uty] Reg[istra]r
[margin note]
Proved at London 3d Oct'r 1793 before the Judge
by the Oath of William Hall the Surviving
Ex'tor to who Admin was granted [words not clear]
first sworn by [word not clear] duly to Admin[iste]r.
This Will was proved at London in the eighth day
of April in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and eighty four before the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert
Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Mark Kelsall
Widow the Relict of the Deceased and one of the Executors
name in the said Will to whom Administration was
granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the
said Deceased she having been first sworn by Commission duly
to administer, power reserved of making the like grant to
[page 4]
Robert Townsend Esquire and William Hall the other Executors
named in the said Will when they or either of them shall apply
for the same.
- ↑ Will of John Kelsall of Chester 1784 The National Archives, Kew, London, England. PROB 11/1116/57 Downloaded from the National Archives website 10 September 2021.
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