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- National Archives, Kew, England, PROB 11/61/305
- Will of John Miller, Gentleman of Winterborne Came, Dorset
- Prob Date 22 June 1579
- I John miller the elder of Winterbourne Came in the Countie of Dorset gent being sicke of body but of good and p’fect remembrance laude and praise be unto allmightie god doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
- First I bequeath my soule unto allmighty god And my body to be buried in the p’ish Church of Came aforesaid.
- Item If Jane my wife and her assignes at all tyme and times hereafter doe suffer my sonne John Miller the younger and his assignes quietly to enioye the farme of Winterbourne Bellett in the Countie of Dorset with thappertenances during the naturall lief of the said Jane w’thout the lett or deniall of the said Jane or any other p’son or p’sons by her assent, consent or procurement then my will and intent is that my said wife Jane shall hold and einoye the house wherein I now dwell called and knowen by the name of the Church house of Came aforesaid w’th one tenement comonly known by the name of Deberells tenement in Came aforesaid during the naturall lief of my said wife Jane And further my will ys that my wife Jane shall have and enioye during my interest in Winterborne Farringson the pasture and feeding of the sixe Ky’e appon the same farme and for this year my iiij [/\or] accres of wheate viij[/\or]accres of barley and my viij[/\or] accres of oats growing uppon the same farme and to have yearly uppon the same during the said interest th’use of said p’cells of Land And further my will is that my said wife Jane shall receive one Annuytie of fiftene poundes by the yeare to her owne use during her lief for the w’ch my sonne John Miller standeth bounden by recognizance to paie unto her father my will ys that the said Jane shall have seaventene poundes of lawful money of England w’ch is due unto me by Richard Buckler late of Ylsington in the county of Dorset and with the said xvii L the said Jane to pay and levye the wages of all my servants and my rents due at Our Lady day next Further I give and bequeath to Jane my wife all such woodes as I have bought at Addlehamston Further whereas there is a statute of three hundeth pounds in George Corkeram his handes and for that my wife Jane knoweth how the matter stands betwene us my will and intent is that the said Jane shall discharge myne executors of the prmisses Further my will and intent ys that Jane my wife shall have that occupation of all my houshold stuff untill such time as my daughter Grace shalbe marryed then immediately uppon her marriage thene halr of my houshold stuff remaine unto the said Grace during the lief of the said Jane And after the decease of the said Jane the houshould stuff to remaine wholly unto my daughter Hrace
- Item I give and bequeath Grace at her day of marriage one hundeth poundes of lawfull money of England so that she wilbe ruled by my sonne Joh Miller, Thomas Wareham and William Winterhey
- Item I give and bequeath unto viiij of the children of William WInterhey eight poundes to be devided equally amongst them And unto my godson Eward Winterhey forty shillings
- Item I give and bequeath unto iiij children of Thomas Wareham my sonne in lawe eight pounds to be equally devided amongst them.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Miller his children six pounds to be equally devided amongst them
- Item I give and bequeath unto Gyles Winterhey my sonne in lawe tene poundes to be paid by these p’cells following viz of Harbyn of Myddl’[---] three poundes, of Peter of Sutton Pointe xxs ,of Bassett five poundes and of widowe Buckler xxs and also one of my best Ky’e and the [s’paide?] mare.
- Item I give and bequeath unto the povertye of Cerne Abbotts during the yeares of my lease yer to come at two termes of the yeare forty shillings.
- Item I give and bequeath unto the p’ish of Winterborne Came vi s viiid
- item I give unto th p’ishe church of Winterborne Faringdon iijs iiijd
- Item I give unto the gaile of Dorchester iiis iiijd
- Item I give unto Thomas Knight of Stafford the debts w’ch his father John Knight oweth me
- Item I give into every of my godchildren xijd a pece
- Item I give into my servant Edith ov’ and above her wages five shillings
- Item I give unto Phillip Winterhey my sonne in lawe xls and the money he oweth me
- Item I give unto Robert Winterhey his wife one gowne and to any of her children vis viijd a pece Also whereas theare ys statute in George Corkeram his hand of three hundreth pounds And for that my wife Jane knoweth how the matter standeth betwene us my will is that the said Jane shall discharge myne executors of the premises
- Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Miller the sonne of John Miller my sonne one blacke mare
- Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Colson his children x Ls
- item my will and intent is that after the decease of Grace Miller, Thomas Miller sonne of my sonne John Myller to have and enioy the church house aforesaid and Deverels tenement aforesaid during his naturall lief paying the rent accustomed and unto his heire male and fo want of yssue heire male unto Jas’p Miller th’ouger (Jasper Miller the younger?) and his heire male And for want of heire male unto Gyles Miller
- Item I give unto Anne Bande the daughter of Mary Bande xxs
- Item I give and bequeath unto John Miller my sonne,William Winterhey and Thomas Wareham to every of them xxs yearly to be my overseers and to see my legacyes pay’s further my will and intent is my legacyes being paid I give all my goodes and Cattells unbequeathed moveable and unnmoveable unto [erased words] whome I make my whole and sole execut’
- By me John Miller There being present Michaell Meryfeild his marke, p’me Egidem Russell rectorem, Robert Colson, Gyles Winterheye teste me, Willm Fooke
- Item I give and bequeath unto those said five witnesses of my foresaid will and testament of everie of them vis viijd to be paid at the feast of all saints next and immidiatly after my decease
- Memorand that the said testator after the making of his testament diuers times before certen witnesses did nominate ordeine and make Thomas Miller the third sonne of his sonne John Miller his executor but he would not so sett yt downe at the making of his will except John Miller his eldest sonne would deliver thevidences of his hande whereby he might make the said Thomas Miller both his heire and executo whereby uppon the said Joh Miller preiving? His fathers intent answered his father that those evidences were in the handes of his uncle Wolley secretary to the Queens Maitie for the latyn tongue and so promised him to sent to hime for them and so he did And further the xviij day of Marche 1578 being the night before he died for a further confirmac’on of the same in the p’rence and hearing of Thomas Molleins and William Grove esquiers did nominate constitue and appoint the said Thomas Miller his sole executor And if Thomas dies thein he did nominateJasp’ Miller thounger brother to the said Thomas his executor and if Jasp’ died then he did nominate Gyles Miller brother to the said Thomas his executor being pre’te and hearing the p’misses Thomas Molleins and William Grove esquiers. And at another time before John Miller th'ounger, Thomas Wareham and William Fooke w’th others.
- Probate in latin was granted on 22nd June 1579 to John Miller, father of Thomas Miller nominated executor during his minority
(then follows a long latin sentence, seems to be judgment on whether Thomas was the legal executor however my latin not good enough to translate in full)
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