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- National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
- Prob 11/69/599
- Will of John Mounsell, Merchant of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorset
- Probate date 2 November, 1586
- In the name of God amen The xvjth daye of September in the yeare of our Lord god 1586
- I John Mounsell of Waymouth and Melcombe Regis in the county of Dorsett merchant being sick in bodye but in minde I give God thankes perfect and very well doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
- First and above all things I comitt my soule into the mercifull handes of God trusting assuredlye to have full remission of all my synnes in the onely death and meritts of his sonne Christ my Lord and onely Advocate And my bodye to be buryed in the Church of Radipole.
- Item I give to the poore of Waymouth and Melcombe R’s aforesaid the full some of forty shillings to be given and distributed by the discretion of mine executors
- Item I give to my sonne Peter my Lands called the Goare lying within the parrishe of Saint James in Shasseton [Shaston aka Shaftesbury], aswell that lands which was of the purchase of my father Peter Mounsell as that which I my selfe lately purchased of John Younge together with all and all mann’ howses, woodes underwoodes groundses meadowes leases pastures and feedings with all other proffitte whatsoever to the same apperteyning and belonging.
- Item More I give more to the said Peter all that my forehowse being my dwelling howse in Waymouth and Melcombe R’s aforesaid with all that [rendye] of howsing to the same adioyning on the East side downwards towards the water as farre as the Southern parte of the gate leading into my yarde or courte together with the same courte directly westward to the Souther parte of John Reynolds celler
- Item I give to the said Peter my sonne all that my garden lying in the Westside of St Nicholas Streete inclosed with stone wall provide allwayes and excepted and it is my full meaning will and intent that Joane my wiffe shall have holde occupye and enioy ymediately from and after my decease all that parte of my howse and all that my garden before given and bequeathed to my sonne Peter for and during the terme of her naturall life any thing herein conteyned to the contrary notwithstanding
- And likewise she shall receive and have the yearely proffitts and revennues of all my lands before given to my saide sonne Peter until he shall accomplishe th’age of twenty five yeares to have and to hold all the saide landes aforesaid and all the saide howse and other the premisses and all the saide garden with th’appurtenn’ces (except before provided and excepted) to him the said Peter and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten And if it happen that my sonne Peter dye without heires of his bodye lawfully begotten Then I give and bequeath all the same premisses and every parte and parcell thereof with th’appurtenn’ces (except before provided and excepted) to my sonne John Mounsell and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten, And if the same John Mounsell happen to dye without heires of his bodye lawfully begotten Then I give and brqueath all the same premisses and every parte and parcell thereof with th’appurtenn’ces (except before provided and excepted) to the right heires of me the saide John Mounsell privided also and my will intent and full meaning is that my saide sonne Peter when he shall accomplish the fill age of twenty one yeares shalle passe over and by all suche lawfulle meanes in lawe assine my said sonne John Mounsell all suche and the same lands howese [buyleings??] and other things to suche intent and purposes as hereafter in this my present will and testament by me given and bequeathed to my saide sonne John Mounsell at the [co-es]and charges in the lawe of the same John Mounsell as by the saide John Mounsell or his learned counsell in the same shalbe devised devised [sic]and required; whiche thing if he shall doe, then refuse to doe according to my true intent and meaning Then my will is that all my saide lands and other the premissses afore given and bequeathed shalbe and whollye remaine to my saide John and his heires for ever without condition
- Item I give and bequeathe to my saide sonne John Mounsell all that my lands in Dunnyett Marye, Charelton and in the towne of Shasston with all and all manner howses buildings orchards gardens grounds meadows leases pastures feedings comons woodes underwoods rents revertions and all other proffitts to the same belonging together with my three shambles in the towne of Blanford and with that my sowsing and building and Key in Waymouth and Melcombe R’s aforesaide downwardes to the water from the Souther parte of the gate aforesaid, and together with the stable and courte westwards directly from the saide sowther parte of the saide gate to the sowther parte of the saide John Reynolds celler, except that my saide wiffe; shall receive and have the yearley proffitts and revennues of all the same lands and other the premisses so as aforesaid given and bequeathed to my said sonne John from and after my decease untill he shall accomplishe the age of twenty five yeares from and after my decease untill he shall accomplishe the age of twenty five yeares To have and to hold all the same land and other the p[re]misses with th’appurten’ces in Dunyett Marye, Charlton in the towne of Shasseton in the townes of Blandford andWaymouth and Melcombe Regis (except before excepted) to him the saide John Mounsell and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten And for default of such issue I give all the same premisses and every parte and parcell thereof with th’appurtenn’ces (except before excepted0 to the rights heirs of me the saide John Mounsell for ever
- Item I give to my saide sonne Peter one hundred poundes lawfull Englishe money to be paide to him by my executrix whenhe shall accomplishe the age of twenty five yeares and sooner if my saide wiffe shall happen to dye
- Item I give to my saide sonne John Mounsell likewise one hundred poundes like money to be paide in manner and forme as the saide hundreth pounds is to be paide to my sonne Peter
- Item I give to Margaret Mounsell my eldest daughter one hundred and fifty poundes like money to be paid her at the age of twenty yeares or her daye of marrige which shall first happen so that she marrye with the consent of my executrix
- Item I give to my daughter Jane Mounsell one hundred and fifty poundes like money to be paide to her at her age of twenty yeares or at her daye of marriage which shall first happen so that she marrye with the consent of my executris
- Item I give to my daughter Marye Mounsell the like some of one hundred and fiftye poundes to be paide her at he age of twenty yeates or he daye of mariage which shall first happen so that she marrye with the consent of my executrix
- And whereas I have before appointed my saide wiffe to receive and have the yearely proffitts and revennues of all my landes and other the premisses before limitted and given to my saide sonnes Peter and John untill they and either of them shall accomplishe the age of twenty and five yeares is onely to this end and under this condition, if she shall so longe live and at her owne proper costes and charges maynteyne and bringe upp all my saide children. And further my will is that within three moneths next after my decease my executrix shall putt into my overseers suche sufficient assurance as they shall lyke of for the true and iust leaving and paying of all suche legacies as before are given or hereafter in this my p[resen]te last will shalbe given and also for maynteyning and bringing upp my children as aforesaid
- Item Further my will is that my executrix shall yearely allowe to my sonne Peter remayning and contynuing scholler and student in either of the universities of this realme untill he shall accomplishe the age of twenty five yeares as aforesaide, fourtene pounds lawfull English money to be paide him quarterly out of my lands and living aforesaide
- Item I give to my brother William Mounsell twety poundes lawfull English money to be paide him within three moneths after my ecease
- Item I give to my sister Elizabeth Slater tenne poundes lyke money to be paide her at the daye of her marriage
- Item I give to my kinsman John Daye twenty nobles to be paide within three moneths by my executrix to such a person as shall take him to be prentize(the same person putting to my said executrix sufficient assurance for repayment of the same to him the saide John Daye in such time as she shall thinke good
- The residue of my landes and goodes moveable and unmoveable not before given nor bequeathed I give and bequeathe to my wellbeloved wiffe Joane Mounsell whome I make sole executrix of thus my last will and testament And I desire to be overseers of thim my lase till and testament my righte trusty friendes my brothers in lawe Richard Pitt merchant John Mokett merchant William Pitt merchant and John Younge clothyer to see the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament to be fulfilled to each of whome for theire paynes to be susteyned I give the some of twenty shillings
- John Mounsell signed in the presence of Thomas Martyn snr Richard Pitt John Younge
- A Codicill made and declared and putt in writing by the said John Mounsell deceased in forme following viz vicesimo Septimo Septembris 1586
- Memorandum whereas by my saide will and testament in wrighting I have given to eche of my daughters Margaret Joane and Mary a hundreth fifty poundes to be paid each of them at suche time as uppon my saide testament dothe appeare. Nowe my will is by these presents as a codicill to be annexed to my saide testament that if any of my said daughters shall happen to decease before the time in my saide will appointed Then that parte and portion of legacys so given and bequeathed to that daughter that so shall decease shall remaine to my wiffe being my executrix And also whereas I have likewise appointed to eche of my two sonnes a hundreth pounds my will is nowe that they shall have but fifty pounds apeece, excepte my saide wiffe within two moneths next after my decease shall think uppon consideration of such debtes as are due to me and uppon safe retorne of suche goods as are nowe abroade in adventure That the saide gifte of a hundred pounds as first by me given shall stand John Mounsell
Probate clause in Latin Probate was granted to Joanne Mounsell relict of the deceased
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