Location: Honiton, Devon, England

Surname/tag: Murch
Transcript of the Last Will and Testament of John Murch of Honiton, Devon, England. Paragraphs and emphasis added to aid legibility. Original spelling and capitalisation preserved.
Transcribed by Ros Haywood from a copy held by the National Archives (UK); used under the terms of the Open Government Licence [You are free to transcribe, translate, index and quote from published or unpublished Crown copyright material among the records as extensively as you wish and you may publish the results in any format and any medium: in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.] ---
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me John Murch of Honiton in the County of Devon Gentleman
I give and bequeath unto Charlotte Burnard my late wife's sister the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds
To my nephew John Murch the sum of two hundred pounds and my silver tankard
To my nephew Edward Murch two hundred pounds
To my niece Sarah Murch ninety pounds
To my niece Susan Murch ninety pounds
To my niece Anna Murch ninety pounds
To my niece Hannah Mardon ninety pounds
All of them my said nephews and nieces being sons and daughters of my brother William Murch
Also I give and bequeath unto my servant Elizabeth Pollard the sum of fifteen guineas in case she shall remain in my service at the time of my decease but not otherwise
The said several legacies to be paid by my executor hereinafter named within six calendar months next after my death
Also I give devise appoint and bequeath unto my nephew Matthew Murch his heirs executors administrators and assigns all and every my freehold and leasehold messuages tenements lands and accreditaments and all my money securities for money goods and chattels and all and singular other my real and personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore by me given or disposed of or of which I have power to dispose or to appoint by this my will with their respective rights members and appurtenances to hold the same unto and to and for the only and absolute use and benefit of my said nephew Mathew Murch his heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the nature and quality thereof respectively subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of my just debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses and the said several legacies hereinbefore by me given
And I do hereby expressly will and direct that in case any or either of my said nephews or nieces who already are or is or hereof shall be married shall depart this life before my decease that the legacy or legacies property or effects respectively hereinbefore given or bequeathed to him her or them so dying shall not thereby lapse but in such case I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same legacy or legacies property and effects respectively to the heirs executors or administrators of him her or them so dying to be held and applied by such heirs executors or administrators respectively as part of the real or personal estate of him her or them so dying according to the nature or quality thereof respectively
And I do hereby give devise and bequeath all the estates vested in me or any trusts or by way of mortgage and which I have power to dispose of by this my will with their appurtenances unto my said nephew Matthew Murch his heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to the nature and quality thereof subject to and upon the equities and trusts affecting the same
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said nephew Matthew Murch sole Executor of this my last will and testament
And I hereby revoke and make void all former and other wills and testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this present writing to be my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the eighteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty one
John Murch
Signed sealed published and declared by the said John Murch the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names at witnesses thereto
Mary Morwood
Wm Carpenter
PROVED at London 22nd April 1842 before the Judge by the oath of Matthew Murch the nephew the sole executor to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.
Transcript © Ros Haywood
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