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Will of John Pinder, Vintner of London 1608

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Pinder Pynder Frith
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This page has been accessed 166 times.

Will of John Pinder 1608[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • John Pinder Cittizen & Vintner of London testator
  • Katherine my lovinge wiffe
  • my kinsman henry Frith Cittizen and vintner of London
  • hellin Frith the wife of the said henrie Frith
  • Margarett and Elizabeth Frith children of the said henrie Frith
  • my Lovinge Brother William Pinder of' the towne and Countie of Nottingham Joyner
  • my kinsman Francis Frith brother of the foresaid' henrie Frith
  • my kinsman Roger Frith one other of the brethren of the foresaide henrie Frith
  • my kinsman William Frith one other of the brethren of the said henry Frith
  • my kinswoman Margarett heathcotte dwellinge in Chesterfeilde in the Countie of Derbie
  • my Sister in lawe Elizabeth Chapman the wife of John Chapman of Tybshall in the Countye of Derbie
  • my lovinge kinswoman Grace Frithe
  • George Pinder Clerke the somme of twenty poundes
  • my kinswoman Agnes Mawden? widowe
    • her children
  • John Watson Cittizen and Goldsmith of London
  • my lovinge kinswoman Anne Williamson the wife of William Williamson CIttizen & vintner of London
  • Willliam and Margarett Williamson children of the said William Williamson
  • my neece Alice Hollice spinster
  • my kinswoman the wife of Thomas Willsheire Blacksmith
  • my kinswoman Susan Carter
  • John Lowe waterman
  • William Chapman Cittizen and Iremonger of London
  • William Williamson the father
  • Thomas Taylor my brother in lawe
  • my twoe kinsmen Robert Rawlinson and to [blank] Rawlinson his brother.
  • Robert Marriott gentleman deceased
  • the wife of George Holman Grocer
    • her Sister Margarett the wife of Jeffrie Kirbye
  • James Stoddard Oyleman
  • George Hamond witness
  • John Holley witness
  • George Sivedale Snr witness
  • Robert Wooddise servant to the same Snr witness

In the name of God Amen: The sixteenth daye of
Aprill Anno Domini One thousand Sixe hundred and eight, and in the yeare of the raigne of our
Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god Kinge of England France and Ireland defender of
the Faithe etc the Sixte and of Scotland the one and fortieth. I John PInder Cittizen &
Vintner of London beinge sicke in bodye but of good and perfect remembrance, praised be god therefore
and consideringe with my selfe the mutabilitye of this life and the Certaintie of death, and to
the ende to be the better prepared and setled in my minde whereso ever it shall please god to call me
owt of this transitorie life doe therefore make and declare this my present Testament wherein is
conteyned my last will in manner and forme followinge That is to saie First and above all thinges
I give and bequeath my Soule into the handes of Almightie god havinge and assuredlie beleevinge
through the death and passion of Jesus Christ to be saved and to have free remission and forgivenes
of all my sinnes, my bodie I committ to the earth from whence it came to be buried in the usuall burying
place of mercers thappell in Cheapside in London as neare to the place where my late wife and
childe nowe lyes as may be

Item I will that all such goodes and Chattells as it shall please god to
blesse my withall at the tyme of my decease shalbe devided in to twoe equall partes and porc[i]ons
accordinge to the laudable Custome of the Cittie of London, one full moytie or halfe part
whereof I give and bequeathe unto Katherine my lovinge wiffe and the other full moytie or
halfe part thereof I reserve to my selfe, and my minde and will is that the lease of my nowe
dwellinge house situate in westcheape al[ias] cheapside in London shalbe taken and accumpted as
part and parcell of my said moytie or halfe parte of my said goodes and chattells which I reserve
to my selfe owt of which I bequeathe theise legacies follwinge viz First I give and bequeath unto
my kinsman henry Frith Cittizen and vintner of London the lease of my saide dwelling house
sett and being in westcheape al[ia]s cheapside London aforesaid and all my estate right title interest
terme of yeares and demande of in and to the same more I give and bequeath unto the sameheny
Frith the somme of One hundred poundes of lawfull english money.

Item I give and bequeath
unto hellin Frith the wife of the said henrie Frith the Somme of Twentie poundes of lawfull
english money for a remembrannce.

Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett and Elizabeth Frith
children of the said henrie Frith to everie of them the somme of Thirtie poundes of lawfull
money of England a peece.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Lovinge Brother William Pinder of
the towne and Countie of Nottingham Joyner the somme of one hundred poundes of lawfull
english money to be paid unto him within Sixe monthes next after my decease (if he shalbe then

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Francis Frith brother of the foresaid
henrie Frith the Somme of one hundred and fiftye poundes of lawfull money of England.

I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Roger Frith one other of the brethren of the foresaide
henrie Frith the somme of one hundred and fiftie poundes of like money.

Item I give and bequeath
unto my kinsman William Frith one other of the brethren of the said henry Frith the somme of one
hundred and fiftie poundes of like money.

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Margarett

[page 2]

heathcotte dwellinge in Chesterfeilde in the Countie of Derbie the Somme of Twentie poundes of
lawfull money of England.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister in lawe Elizabeth Chapman
the wife of John Chapman of Tybshall in the Countye of DerbieTenne poundes of like money
And doe acquite and discharge the said John Chapman of all such debtes and somme and sommes of
money as he oweth me.

Item I give and bequeath unto the Governors of Bridewell London for the
use of the poore people of Bridewell hospital Sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and fower
pence of lawfull money of England.

Item I will that there shalbe bestowed to and amongst
poore souldiers which have beene maimed in the warres the somme of ten poundes of lawfull
money of England to be paide and distributed by my Executors hereunder named where most
neede to them shall appeere:

Item I will that there shalbe given and bestowed for and towarde
the redeeminge of poore prisoners out of the twoe Compters in London and out of Ludgate
prison London which lye for small debtes the somme of twentie poundes of lawfull englishe
money To be paide and distributed by my saide Executors where most neede to them shall appeare

Item I give and bequeath unto my lovinge kinswoman Grace Frithe the Somme of twentie
poundes of lawfull money of England and tenne poundes more of like money which I owe
unto her.

Item I give and bequeath unto George Pinder Clerke the somme of twenty poundes
of lawfull english money.

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Agnes Mawden?
widowe Sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and fower pence of like money to be paide unto her
within one month next after my decease 9yf she shalbe then livinge) And if she shall mot be
then livinge Then I give and bequeath the same Sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and fower
pence unto her children equallie betweene them to be devided part and porc[i]on alike.

I forgive John Watson Cittizen and Goldsmith of London of the one half of all such
debtes and somme and sommes of money which he oweth me

Item I give and bequeathe unto
my lovinge kinswoman Anne Williamson the wife of William Williamson CIttizen & vintner
of London the Somme of Tenne poundes of lawfull money of England for a remembrannce

Item I give and bequeath unto Willliam and Margarett Williamson children of the said William
Williamson the somme of ten poundes of lawfull English money a peece.

Item I give and
bequeath unto the Company of Vintners of the Citty of London Ten poundes in money to
make them a dynner or bannquett.

Item I give unto my neece Alice Hollice
Spinster Tenne poundes of lawfull english money.

Item I give untomy kinswoman the
wife of Thomas Willsheire Blacksmith the somme of Sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and
fower pence of lawfull english money.

Item I give to everie one of my Servaintes which
shalbe dwellinge with me at the tyme of my decease the somme of fortie shillinges of lawfull
English money a peece.

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Susan Carter the som[m]e
of twentie markes of like money.

Item I give and bequeath unto John Lowe waterman the
somme of three poundes of lawfull english money.

Item I give nd bequeath unto William Chapman Cittizen and Iremonger of London thirteene
poundes sixe shillinges and eight pence of lawfull english money.

Item I give and bequeath
unto the foresaid William Williamson the father the Somme of Thirteene poundes sixe
shillinges and eight pence of lawfull english money

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas
Taylor my brother in lawe Tenne poundes of lawfull english money and I doe forgive him all
such debtes and somme and sommes of money which he oweth me.

Item I give and bequeath
unto my twoe kinsmen Robert Rawlinson and to [blank] Rawlinson his brother...
retayninge to the Earle of Shrewburie to either of them Tenne poundes of lawfull
english money of England a peece for a remembrannce.

Item I will that there be bestowed
ymmediatlie after my decease the somme of one hundreth and fiftie poundes of lawfull english
money over and besides the saide fourtie poore mens gownes before by me bequeathed in cloth
and stuffes and a banquett at my funerall at the discretion of my Executors and Overseers

[page 3]

hereunder named.

Item I will that fower poundes shalbe paide unto the poore people of the hospitall
of Ilforde in the Countie of Essex for the use of the poore people there in liewe and full staisfaction
of those fower poundes which were given un to them by one Robert Marriott gentleman deceased
by his last Will and Testament.

Item I give to the wife of George Holman Grocer twentie
shillinges to make her a ringe.

Item I give to her Sister Margarett the wife of Jeffrie Kirbye
twentie shillinges to make her a ringe.

The rest and residue of all and singular my goodes and
Chattells before ungiven and not hereby bequeathed I fullie and whollie give and bequeath
unto the foresaide Katherine my wellbeloved wife and to the foresaide Henry Frith Francis
Frythe, Roger Frithe and William Frithe equallie amongest them to be devided part & porc[i]on
alike. And I doe make and ordaine the foresaide Katherine my wellbeloved wife and the saide
William Williamson the father full and sole Executors of this my last will and testament w[i]th
William Williamson the father I doe ioyne with the said Katherine my wellbeloved wife onely
in trust to be a Coadmtor or helper unto her. And I doe constitiute and appointe the foresaid
Henry Frith and William Chapman Overseers of this my last will. And as concerninge my
freeholde landes and Tenements lyinge and beinge within the Citty of London I give and bequeath
the same in forme followinge viz. Item I give and bequeath unto my foresaid kinsman Francis
Frithe his heires and Assignes all that my messuage or Tenement with thappurtenances
lyinge and beinge in the parishe of St Olave in the olde Jurie in London lying towardes the
west side of the messuage Tenement and Taverne there called the nagges heade and nowe
or late in the tenure or occupation of James Stoddard Oyleman or his assignes To have &
to hold the same messuage or tenement w[i]th thappurtenances nowe or late in the tenure or
occupac[i]on of the saide James Stoddard unto the saide Francis Frithe his heires or Assignes
for ever To the onelie use and behoofe of the saide Francis Frithe and of his heires and
Assignes forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my foresaide twoe kinsmen Henrie Frithe
and Roger Frith their heires and Assignes for ever All that my foresaide messuage tenement
and Taverne with thappurten[a]nces commonlie called or knowne by the name or Signe of the
Nagges heade scituate or beinge in the parishe of St Olave in the olde Jury aforesaide now
or late in the tenure or occupac[i]on of Robert Gale vintner or his Assigney or Assignes To
have and to holde the saide messuage tenement and Taverne with theappurten[a]nces unto the
saide Henry Frithe and Roger Frith their heires and assignes To the onelie use and behoofe of
them the saide Henrie Frith and Roger Frithe and of their heires and Assignes for ever. And
I doe hereby untterlie revoke and disallowe of all former willes and bequestes by me heretofore
in my wise made and this to stande for and as my last will and testament. In wittnes whereof
to this my pa[r]te testament and last will conteyninge with this fourteene sheetes of paper
I the saide John Pynder have sett my hande and Seale Dated the daie and yeere first above
written John PinderSealed delivered and pronounced by the saide John Pinder the daye and
yeares first above saide in the presence of George Hamond, John Holley, George Sivedale
Snr and Robert Wooddise servant to the same Snr.

Research Notes

Wife Catherine Kinsman [2]






  1. [https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D944227 PROB 11/112/182
  2. Marriage: "England, Boyd's Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850"
    FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 10 February 2023)
    John Pinder marriage to Catherine Kinsman in 1606 in London, England.

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