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Will of John Ravenscroft of Munster, Ireland, 1649

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Munster, Irelandmap
Surname/tag: Ravenscroft
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This is a transcript of the will of John Ravenscroft of Munster, Ireland. His will was dated 7 December 1649 and administration was granted on 10 February 1650/1 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.


I John Ravenscroft ingaged and resolved speedily to god
over into the Province of Munster in Ireland with my honored Mr Sir Hardresse Waller
I account it a duty I owe to God, aswell as my nearest relatives to dispose of and settle
what the Lord hath vouchsafed mee before I leave this nation which is in the handes of Capt
Henry Fulcher one and Twentie poundes five shillings as appeares by his Letters to mee which
I have delivered unto my good friend Mr Francis Child All which said sume of money
I doe hereby authorize and appoint the said Mr Child to receive for my useAnd to give

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For the same which shall bee as full and effectuall discharges as if I received the same my selfe
And when the said Mr Francis Child shall have received the said sume of One and Twenty poundes
five shillings That then hee pay it over to my Loveing Aunt Mrs Anne Matters att her house in
Gray Friers gate in Newgate Markett London to bee paid by her to my Deare mother Mary Ravenscroft
which shee is to dispose of as shee shall thinke fitt And for my Truncks att my said Aunts I doe
likewise Leave to my Deare mother and all that is in them to bee disposed of amongst my Brothr[s]
as shee shall please And this paper I have delivered into the handes of my said good friend Mr
Child to the end that hee may order and dispose of these pticulars as they are here set downe which I
desire may bee of as much force and efficacie as if all the expressions and Circumstance of Law
were used in the same In Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this Seaventh
of December one thousand six hundred fortie nyne John Ravenscroft

The Tenth day of February In the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie and
one Administracon was granted to Marie Ravenscroft the naturall and Lawfull mother of John
Ravenscroft deceased haveing Goods To administer the goods Chattells and Debts of the said deceased
according to the Tenor and effect of the said will there being noe Executor named in the said Will
To whome Administracon was committed of all and singular the goods Chattells and Debts of the
said deceased which any manner of wayes concerne the said Will Shee being first sworn well and
truely to administer the same.


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