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Will of John Sheppard of Nende (Ninde), Gloucestershire 1601

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Date: 1600 to 1601
Location: Ninde, Wotton under Edge Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Sheppard Williams
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
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THis is a transcription of the original will of John Sheppard of Nende (Ninde). The will was written on 15 February 1600 and was proved in the Consistory Court of Gloucester in 1601[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • John Sheppard testator
  • Alice Seaborne daughter of testator
  • William Seaborne husband of Alice and son in law of testator, witness to will
  • Elizabeth Wyllys (Willis) daughter of testaor
  • William Willis husband of Elizabeth, son in law of testator, witness to will
  • Johanne Williams daughter of testator
  • William Williams husband of Johanne and son in law of testator
  • Eme Phillips daughter of testator
  • William Phillips husband of Eme and son in law of testator
  • Marie daughter of testator and wife of James Baker
  • James Baker husband of Marie and son in law of testator
  • Margaret daughter of testator, unmarried at time of writing of the will
  • John Brydygs no known relationship to testator
  • John Sheppard son of testator, witness to will
  • Richard son of testator, executor
  • Margaret wife of testator, executrix
  • John Seaborne the elder overseer of will
  • John Higgs overseer and witness to will
  • William Phillips Senior witness to will

John Sheppard

In the name of God Amen the xvth daye of February Anno D[o]m[ini] 1600 [in the 43rd year of the reign of
Queen Elizabethe] I John Sheppard of
Nende in the countie of Wiltesh[ire] in the dioce of Glouc[ester] fuller beinge sicke in bodie but hoole in mynde & of
good & p[er]fecte remembrannce, thanks be geven to God do make & ordeyne this my
p[re]sent Testament contynynge herin my laste will in man[ner] & forme followinge
that is to saie, first I committ my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my Creator
trustinge onelie in his m[er]cye to be saved by the meryts & deathe of his deare sonne
Jesus Christ my Alone sufficient savio[ur] & redem[er] my bodie to be buryed in
christian buryall

Item I give & bequeathe to the poore people of the p[ar]ishe of
[illegible possibly Wotton] vijs

Item I give & bequeathe unto Alice Seaborne my daughter
[illegible] wife of Willi[a]m Seaborne of Wortley xls in money to be paied unto her
w[i]thin one yeare & a half next after my decease

Item I give & bequeathe unto
Elizabethe Wyllys my daughter wife of Will[ia]m Willis of Yate xls in money
to be paied to her w[i]thin on yere next after my decease

Item I give & bequeathe
unto Johanne Willi[a]ms my daughter wife of Willi[a]m Willi[a]ms of Synewell xls
in money to be paied unto her w[i]thin one yeare next after my decease

Item I
give & bequeathe unto Eme Phillips my daughter wife of Will[ia]m Phillips of
Knightswood xls in money to be paide unto her w[i]thin one yeare & ahalf next
after my decease

It[e]m I give and bequeathe unto Marie my daughter wife of
James Baker of Hillesley xls in money to be paied unto her w[i]thin one yere
next after my decease

It[e]m I give unto Margarett my daughter
fower pounds in money & one cowe to be paied unto her at or in the daie
of her marriage or els at or in the howre of the deathe of the Margaret my
wife if before that tyme she be not married p[rovided] allwaies, that the said M[ar]garet my
daughter do marrye by the consent of John Brydgys of Nend clothier & M[ar]garet
my wife or w[i]th the consent of one of them [struck out and illegible]
[struck out and illegible]

It[e]m I give & bequeathe unto John
Sheppard my sonne the borde & framme in the hall w[i]th all the bynches the forme
there Deys bords speeres glasse & the lettisses about in the house & the beestes
& the borde & frame in the p[ar]lour p[ro]vided alwaies & my will & myne is that
M[ar]garet my wife shall have the use & occupyienge of the said bords & other ymplements
given to my said sonne John duringe her lief

The resydue of all my goods
moveable & immoveable my debts & legacies paied & my fun[er]all expenses p[er]formed
& done I wholie give & bequeathe unto the said Margaret my wife & Richard
my sonne whom I make my sole executors And of thhe....... ..... I make
& ordeyne John Seaborne thel[der] of Wortley & John Higgs of Wotton my ov[er]seers
& I give to either of them for their paynes therin taken xijd In wittnes
wherof to this my last will I the said John Sheppard have put my hande
& seale the daie & yere forst above written These baringe wittnes to
this my last will

The marke of John Sheppard

The marke of John Higgs
William Phillips Sen.
the mark of W[illiam] Seaborne
the marke of W[illiam] Willis
John Sheppard the younger


  1. Will of John Sheppard: "Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858"
    Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 4294 #36204 (accessed 28 August 2022)
    John Shepperd probate in Wilts.

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