Location: [unknown]
The Will of John Slade, Yeoman of Bromham, Wiltshire was written on 22 December 1558, and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on 2 March 1558/9[1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
- Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
- Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
- Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
- Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
- Crossings through, where they occur, have been included
Struck out. - Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
- The image quality was reasonable, and the handwriting legibility poor.
Persons mentioned:
- John Slade (testator)
- John Slade (eldest son)
- Wylliam Slade (son)
- Rychard Slade (son)
- John Slade the yonger (son)
- Paule Slade (son)
- Thomas Slade (son)
- Anne Slade (wife, executrix)
- Anne Slade (daughter)
- Jone Slade (daughter)
- Agnes Overtun
- Jone Quarrell
- Rychard Overtun, John Overtun, Paule [Le...] (servants)
- John and Jone Ryche
- George Dalmer, Wylliam Pountney (overseers, witnesses)
- George Bancros/fte parson of Bromham (witness)
- Andrewe Boyntun (debtor)
In the name of God Amen The xxijth daye of December A[nno] D[omi]ni 1558 / I John Slade
of Bromeh[a]m in the countie of Wiltes, ye[o]man make my testament in maner and fourme folowynge /
Fyrst I com[m]ytte my soule into the handes of allmightie god and my body to be buryed in christe[tian]
Buryall / Secondarely I gyve to the church of Bromeh[a]m xxs / Item I gyve to John Slade my
elldest sonne all my lond[es] tenements medowes lesues[2] pastures com[m]ons woodd underwood waters rent[es]
reverc[i]ons s[er]vyc[es] and all other myne heredytament[es] which I have or ought to have sit lying and beyng
within the Parishe of Hilperington in the countie of Wiltes aforesaid / To have and to holde all the
said lands te[name]nt[es] medowes lesues pastures com[m]ons wooddes underwood[es] waters rent[es] Revesc[i]ons s[er]vyc[es]
and all other my heredytament[es] in Hilperington aforesaid to the said John Slade my eldest sonne and
to the heyres male of his bodye lawfullie begotten and yf he die w[i]thout heyres male of this bodye
lawfully begotten then to Wyll[ia]m Slade my sonne and to the heyres male of his bodye laufullye
begotten and if he die w[i]thout heyres male of his body laufully begotten then to Rychard Slade
my sonne John Slade the yonger and Paule Slade my sonnes and to theyr heyres male (as is
aforsaid) and if the said Rychard John the yonger and Paule Slade dye wythout heyres males
Then to myne heres generall forever Yeildynge and paying therefore to the chyefe lordes of
that fee all such rent[es] s[er]vyc[es] and duetyes as I ryght[fully] have or ought to be paid / Provyded all
wayes and be yt knowne to all men by this my laste will and testament that I gyve to Thomas
Slade my sonne that my mansion or manno[r] house wythall suche gardens orchard[es] pond[es] arable
londes Medowes lesues pastures com[m]ons woodd[es] und[er]wod[es] and all and singular theyr appurte[nan]c[es]
set lyinge and beynge in hilperingtun aforsaid as are now in the tenure and occupacyon of the saide
Thomas Slade / Savynge to John Slade my elldest sonne to hys heyres and Successours (as ys
aforesaide two acres of wood and tymber in the Towne called hilperyngtun Towne and a grove
called Colle grove / To have and to hold all the said mansion or maner howse gardens
orchardes pond[es] arable lond[es] Medowes lesues pastures com[m]ons woodd[es] underwooddes wyth there ap[pur]ten[an]c[es]
in Hilperington aforesaide except[e] before excepted / to Thomas Slade aforesaid and to the heyres male
of hys body laufullye begotten and if the said Thomas Slade dye w[i]thout heyres male of hys bodye
laufully begotten Then to Rychard John the yonger and Paule Slade my sonnes Successyvely
and to theyre heyres male and yf the said Rychard John the yonger and Paule Slade die without
heires male of their bodie laufullie begotten Then to my heyres generall[y] forev[er] Yellding and
payinge thearefore yearely to the saide John Slade my elldest sonne hys heyres and successours
forev[er] syx sheling[es] eight pence of currant money of england at twoe usuall tymes of the yeare that is
to saye at the feaste of thannuncyacyon of o[ur] lady iijs iiijd and at the feaste of saint michael thar=
changle other iijs iiijd by evyne porc[i]ons And the saide John Slade my elldest sonne hys heyres
successours and assignes shall at all tymes when they shall thynck good and convenyent kepe co[un]t
in the said mansion or manner house at the propre cost[es] and charg[es] of the said Thomas Slade
hys heyres and Successours forever / And yf yt happen the said rent of vjs viiijd to be behynde
in p[ar]te or in the hole one monethe after eyther of the said feast[es] when yt ought to be paide it
shall be laufull to the saide John Slade my elldest sonne his heyres and Successours to enter into the
said mansion or manner house of Hilperington aforsaid or into any p[ar]te or porc[i]ons belongyinge to the
[Page 2]
same and to take adystres and cary or dryve awaye from the same and kepe yt untill such tyme as the rent of
vjs viijd or Avverage to the said John hys heyres or successours be satystyed and paide / It[e]m I give to
Wyll[ia]m Slade and John Slade the yonger my sonnes my hole state tythe and interest that I have ought
to have in the ferme wherein I nowe dwell with all suche customes and s[er]vice[es] as belonge to the same / To
have and to hollde to the saide will[ia]m and John Slade the yonger and to theyr assignes the saide Farme
mansion house wherein I now dwell wyth all or orchard[es] gardens medowes lesues pastures com[m]ons arable lond[es]
wyth ther app[ur]tenannc[es] and all such customes and servyc[es] as belonge to the same in as large and ample man[ner]
as I nowe holde the same unto thende and terme of so many yeres as by Indenture are apoynted to me
for the same / Yellding and payinge therefore yerely to the lorde of the manno[r[ of bromeh[a]m battell[3] soe
muche rent[es] [dets] and s[er]vyc[es] as ys due and accustomed to be yelldyd and payd for the same Provyded
allwayes and yt ys my wyll that Anne Slade my wyfe shall have possesse and enioye all the profyct[es]
and Com[m]odytyes of the ferme wherein I dwell wyth all thyng[es] there to befongynge and allsoo all my rent[es]
in hylperington aforsaid soe longe as she doth contynue sole and unmaryed / It[e]m I gyve to to Rychard Slade
Wyllyam Slade and John Slade the yonger my sonnes to every of them fyfty pounds of currant mony
of englond a pece / It[e]m I gyve to Anne Slade and Jone Slade my doughters to every of them fo[r]tye
pound[e of currant money of englond a pece / It[e]m I gyve to Paule Slade my sonne xx bundell[es] of
abbe yarne[4] and a syllv[er] salte w[i]th the cover / Item I gyve to Agnes Ov[er]tun vjs viijd / Item to Jone
quarell vjs viijd / Item I gyve to Ryc[hard] ov[er]tu[n] my s[er]vant an heifer bullock of twoo yeares Item to my
servannt[es] John Ov[er]tun and to paule [le...] to eyther of them a callfe of a yeare ollde / Item I gyve to John
Ryche and Jone Ryche to every of them a bullock of ij yeres ollde / It[e]m to the repayrynge of the hygh[e]
wayes in Westbrooke xx[s] / It[e]m to every godchylld xijd / Fynally I gyve to Anne Slade my wyfe
all the rest of my good[es] and make her my sole executrix and I make George dalm[er] and wyll[ia]m pountney
my overseers and I gyve to every of them xxs a pece / These beinge wytnesse George Bancroste p[ar]son
of bromeh[a]m George dalm[er] wyllyam Pountney and others / dett[es] owed to me / Mr Andrewe boyntun xx£
- ↑ PROB 11/42A/444 Description: Will of John Slade, Yeoman of Bromham, Wiltshire Date: 02 March 1559 Held by: The National Archives, Kew. (accessed 30 January 30 2024)
- ↑ An old word for pasture https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/middle-english-dictionary/dictionary/MED25250/track?counter=1&search_id=57614222
- ↑ Bromham Battell was a manor in Bromham "Deeds: A.12701 - A.12800," in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1906), 366-386. British History Online, accessed January 30, 2024, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/ancient-deeds/vol5/pp366-386.
- ↑ A poorer quality wool https://www.yourdictionary.com/abb-wool
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