Location: Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Surnames/tags: Snook Snooke
Will of John Snooke, Merchant Tailor of Salisbury, Wiltshire. John died in 1624 (aged over 70 according to his Will) in New Sarum, Wiltshire, England. His will, written 10 June 1620, passed probate on 6 August 1624.[1][2]
People mentioned in the Will:
- John Snooke, Merchant tailor of London ( son)
- Thomas Snooke (son)
- Lawrence Snooke (son)
- Robert Snooke (grandchild, son of Lawrence)
- Joyce Snooke (relationship not specified)
- Anne Snooke (wife)
- Ann Haynes (sister)
- Robert Snooke (brother)
- John Coles of Moor Farm, Whiteparish (overseer)
- Mr Robert Roberts (friend)
- Witnesses: Thomas Morgan, Lawrence Snook, William Coles?
In the name of God Amen; I John Snooke of
the Citie of New Sarum in the Countie of Wiltes Marcheannt Tayler Being sicklie and
weake in bodie and above the age of threescoare yeares and Tenn and consideringe the
frailtie of humaine nature and knowinge that I must dye although the houre of death
be uncertaine ) yet being god be thanked at this tyme of p[er]fect memorie doe declare
and make this my last will and testament this tenth daie of June in the yeare of our
Lord God One thousand six hundred twentie and fower (revoking hereby all former
Wills whatsoever by me made) in manner and forme followinge First and principallie
I give and Commend my Sowle into the Blessed handes of Almightie God my mercifull
Creator and to my Sweet Saviour and onely Redeemer Jesus Christ [e]x[ce]pt by whose merritts death
and passion I stedfastlie beleeve to be saved and to be made an inheritor of the Kingdom
of heaven Secondlie I committ my bodye to the earth to be buried in the Church porch
of St Thomas in Sarum in the south side thereof toward[e]s reparations of which
Church I give Tenn shillinges Thirdly as touchinge my Worldlie good[e]s which
God hath bestowed on mee I give and bequeath the same as followeth Imprimis I
give and bequeath unto my sonne John Snooke of the Cittie of London Marchannt
Tayler Tenn poundes in monie to be paid him w[i]thin one yeare after my decease by
my Executrix hereafter named Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas
Snooke Fortie poundes of lawfull english monie to be paid hym within one yeare
after my decease yf hee be then livinge Item I give to the saide Thomas one silver
bowle double guild weighing nine ounces Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne
Lawrence Snooke (lyving in my house w[i]th mee) fiftie poundes vizt Thirtie poundes
more to the twentie poundes w[hi]ch he hath alreadie receaved to be paide him
w[i]thin one quarter of a yeare after my decease And moreover my Will is that my
sonne Lawrence shall enioye and have the lease of my house I nowe dwell in. after
the decease of my wife w[i]th the paynted Clothes about the same house and the
table bord in the Chamber and the forme and great Chest in the same Chamber
W[i]th all the glasse waynscot and benches. and unto him the said Lawrence I give
my silver bowle double guild in weight nine ounces Also I give and bequeath to the
said Lawrence my sonne one Bedd w[hi]ch he lyeth on w[i]th the bedsteed blanketts
Coverlide and all other thinges w[hi]ch app[ur]teyneth thereto and the Silver beaker after
[Page 2]
my wives decease and my ringe Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Snooke my granchild
the sonne of my sonne Lawrence Snooke Tenn poundes to be paid and putt out to his benefit
within six weeks after my decease and I charge my wife and my sonne Lawrence to take a
speciall care that this may be duly p[er]formed according togood meaning Item I give and
bequeath unto Joyce Snooke twentie and five poundes in money to be paid her at the age
of twentie and one yeares and that my wife Anne Snooke and my sonne lawrence shall
have the benefitt of her legacie soe by me bequeathed unto her towards her education
and bringing up at schoole and at soweing w[i]th her needle Also I give and bequeath
unto her the said Joyce The Chest at my bedde feet in my Chamber, And yf it fortune
that shee dye before her age of twenty and one yeares Then her legacies so by me be=
queathed unto her to remayne and to come to my foresaid grandchild Robert Snooke And
yf he dye before the age of twentie and one yeares then the same to remaine and come
to Lawrence Snooke my sonne and immediately after Joices death if shee dye before xxj
yeares of age this legacie to be putt out for the benefitt of Rpbert Snool my grandchild
to his best benefitt Item I give and bequeath unto ^my very kind and loving brother Robert
Snooke Five poundes in monie in part of my thankfullnes towards him for his manifold
Curtesies and gratuities heretofore bestowed on my Children to be paid unto him w[i]thin
one yeare after my decease Item I give to John Coles of Moor Farme by white p[ar]ish I give
twentie shillinges and doe make him one of my overseers Item I give and bequeath to my
sister Ann Haynes tenn shilling[e]s to be paid unto her w[i]thin one yeare after my decease
Item I give to my loving freind Mr Robert Roberts of the Citie of New Sarum Six
shilling[e]s eight pence All the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable my debts and
legacies paid and p[er]formed according unto this my last will and testament I give and
bequeath the same whollie to my kinde and wellbeloved wife Anne Snooke whome I
make my sole and whole Executrix, and I doe also give her my said wife my dwelling house
I now dwell in and the rentes and profitts of my tenements in Fissherton Anger in the Countie
of Wiltes dureing her widowhood and afterwards to remaine to my sonne Lawrence and to
his heires males for ever, and for default of heires makes in him to my sonne John Snooke
and Thomas Snooke and their heires males for ever and for default of heires males in
them all, then I give and devise the same to my heires in generall, And I doe appointe
my brother ^Robert Snooke my other overseer praying and desiring him to continue his love
unto my Wife and Children after my decease in like manner as he hath done in my life
tyme, And so in confirmation of this my last will and testament I have hereunto putt
my hand and seale the daye and yeare above written John Snooke his marke./ Read and
declared and signed and sealed in the presence of. Thomas Morgan his mark,
Lawrence Snooke
Wm C[oles?]
[Probate in Latin, granted to Anne Snooke the relict 6 August 1624, Prerogative Court of Canterbury]
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 144
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #859139 (accessed 21 May 2023)
Will of Johannis Snooke, granted probate on 6 Aug 1624. Died about 1624 in New Sarum, Wiltshire, England. - ↑ Reference: PROB 11/144/72 Description: Will of John Snooke, Merchant Tailor of Salisbury, Wiltshire Date: 06 August 1624 Held by: The National Archives, Kew. (accessed 21 May 2023)
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