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Will of John Strelley, Citizen and Vintner of London 1559

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Date: 1558 to about 1559
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Strelley Gonne Woolhouse
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 157 times.

Will of John Strelley of London 1559[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • John Strelley Citizen and Vyntener of London testator
  • Alice and Anne my late wives
  • Nichol[as] eldest son of testator
    • John second son of testator
      • Myllycent eldest daughter of testator
        • Fraunces second daughter of testator
          • Sara youngest daughter of testator
  • Anthonye Wolhouse husband of Myllycent Anthony Woolhouse (abt.1533-1587)
  • my said sonne Nich[o]las Strelley eldest son
  • Johanne Sympson of Chigwell in the countie of Essex widowe
  • Thomas Walk[er] my sonne in lawe
  • James Towne my Cosynne
  • Robert Towne sonne of the same James son of James Towne
  • Jane daughter of the same James daughter of James Towne
  • Agnes my last wifes Cosynne
  • my frende Robert Wheatley gentleman
  • my landes lord Robert Sandes
  • his mother Maystress warren mother of Robert Sandes
  • james Johnson vyntener and his wif' some tyme my servants
  • Willi[a]m Wall some tyme my servante
  • willi[a]m Mawnde nowe my servant
  • humfrey lyneall nowe my servante
  • Thomas Gyles my apprentice
  • Anthonye Wade my apprentice
  • Humfrey Baynton my nurse no relationship to testator stated
  • Richarde Graygoose my nurse no relationship to testator stated
  • Anthonye Towne sonne of Thomas Towne
  • Katheryne Brynley wif of Thomas Brynley no relationshipto testator stated
  • goodman Bradstrete my gardener no relationship to testator stated
  • goodman Whitacres waterbearer and his wif no relationship to testator stated
  • Alexander Carlile[2] vintner, no relationship to testator stated Alexander Carleill (-1561)
    • John Carter/Cater vintner, no relationship to testator stated
      • John hylton gentilman no relationship to testator stated
        • Will[ia]m gonne Armorer[3] and his wife no relationship to testator stated. William was Master of the Armourers in 1555. William named as joint executor
  • my cosynne Will[ia]m harp Clerke
    • Thomas Symons Clerke no relationship to testator stated
  • will[ia]m Armstronge Cooke named later as Citizen and Cook and joint executor.No relationship to testator stated
  • John Starkye Fletcher no relationship to testator stated
  • my cosynne James Towne and his wif wife un-named
  • Alexander Rotherforthe Scryvener no relationship to testator stated also signed as witness as Notary Publique
  • my cosynne page
  • James Janson and his wif
  • Robert Lucas Butcher
  • Edwarde Hodgeson vytener
  • Thomas Walker
  • Anthonye and Thomas my boyes
  • my cosynne Styrley that watcheth with me
  • mother Chibball
  • the goodwif harrys
  • margerye my wenche
  • will[ia]m Armestronge Citizen'and cooke of London
  • my very Frendes John Sulvayne Salven/Salvin [4][5] [and John Hylton] mentioned earlier]
  • my cosynne John Settill haberdasher and his wif
  • will[ia]m Traves and myldred his wif
  • e Thomas Bland thelder witness
  • John Cater probably John Carter mentioned earlier, witness
  • Alexander Carlile witness
  • Alexander Rotherforthe notarye publique witness same as the scrivener possibly Rotherford as a surname

[page one folio 468 recto ]

In the name of god Amen the xxiiijth daie of the month of december
in the yere of ower lorde god a thousande five hundred fiftie and eighte and in the firste
yeare of the Reigne of owre soveragne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god quene of England
France and Irelande Defend[er] etc I John Strelley Citizen and Vyntener of London being
sicke in bodie albeytt wholle of mynde and of good and p[er]fitt Remembrannce laude and prayse
be gyven to almyghtie god make ordeyne and dispose this my p[resen]te testament conteynyng
therin my last will in maner and fourme following that is to saye First and principally
I comende my sowle into the handes of the hollie Trynytie god the father god the sonne
and god the hollie gooste that p[er]forms and one god trusting and faithfullye beleving that through
the merrts of his most blessed passion my synnes be doubly forgiven me And I will my
bodie to be buryed in the parishe churche of Seynt Leonarde nyghe Eastcheape of London
nyghye the bodies of Alice and Anne my late wives be buryed And I will that within
conveyente tyme after my decease there shalbe layde upon my grave in decent order
a fayre marble stone with pictures of brass plate of a memoryall of me and my
saide two wives Alice and Anne withe the day and yere of my death and with two
scutchyons of the thre Tonnes at two corners and other two scutchyons of my marke
at the other two corners all in brasse Also I will that all suche detts and dueties
as I owe of ryghte or in conscince to my p[er]sone or p[er]sones shalbe well and truly contented
and payde by myne executors undernamed onlie ordeyned for so to be paied wi[th]out anye
delay or contradiction And as touching the order and disposition of all and singular my goodes
catalles silver plate jewels ready money and drebts whatsoev[er] I will that all and singuler the
same after my debts and funeralle deducted or payed shalbe devided or parted into two
equall partes according to the laudable usage and custome of this honorable Citie of London
wherof one equall moytie or parte I give and bequeath unto Nich[o][as John Myllycent
Fraunces and Sara my children equally amoungest theym to be devided and parted
according to the saide laudable usage and custome And my very will and mynde is that
suche some of money and silver plate as I gave to the said Millicent and with her for
her advauncement in maryage amountynge to fiftie poundes or above as appearithe by
an acquytannce to me made by her and Anthonye Wolhouse her husbande shalbe demed
and judged as p[ar]cell of her part and portion of my said goodes And also that the sume
acquytannce shalbe no barre to the said Millicent to have or tak the residue of her
childes parte of my goodes in suche ample wise as the Rest of my children ought to
have the som[m]e conteyned in the same agrytannce rycepted as if suche acquytaunce
had not be made and the other half part of my said goodes catalles and debts I reserve
to the p[er]formannce of my legacies and bequests hereunder mentioned That is to saye

[page 2 folio 468 verso]

First I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Nicholas Strelley one anuyitie or annual some
of fower poundes by the year from the date of my decease durying the naturall lif of Johanne
Sympson of Chigwell in the countie of Essex widowe who hath an estate for terme of her
lif in the mano[r] of Can Hall al[ia]s can hill w[i]th the members? in the countie of Essex to be
payde by myne executors at two termes of the yere by equall portions to be payde
Also I give and bequeath to the same Nicholas and his assignes my lease interest and terme
of yeres of and in the saide mano[r] of Canhall whiche I holde of the same Johanne Sympson
Also I give and bequeathe unto John Strelley my sonne untill he shall accomplishe the
age of one and twentie yeres towardes hes bringynge upp one annuitye or anuall paym[en]t
of fower poundes by the yere to be recyved at the handes of myne executors at the said two
termes of the yere by equall portions Also I give and bequeath unto Fraunces my seconde
daughter ov[er] and above her childes portion of my saide goodes Twentie poundes of lawfull money
of England

Item I bequeath to Sara my youngest daughter ov[er] and above her childes portion
fourtie poundes of lawfull money of England if (my legacies p[er]formed) my part of my goodes
will so extende unto

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Walk[er] my sonne in lawe
twentie poundes of lawfull money of England

Item to James Towne my Cosynne twentie
poundes of lawfull money of England So that he rebate and allowe oute of the same so
muche money and suche debts as he oweth me

Item to Robert Towne sonne of the same
James fourtie shillings and to Jane daughter of the same James fourtie shillings to her maryage

Item I bequeath unto Agnes my last wifes Cosynne being nowe at Smythes .... in Rompforde
xxs And I do remytt and forgive to the same Agnes all suche debts and dueties as she doth
owe unto me

Item I give and bequeath to suche of my companye of Venteners as shalbe at
my buryall for a Repast ammongest theym to be had five poundes

Item I bequeath to my frende
Robert Wheatley gentleman a soveraigne of gold of the value of xxs

Item to my landes
lord Robert Sandes fourt[ee]n shillings in money

Item to his mother Maystress Warn[er] other
fourtie shillings desyring theym to be good unto my poore children and to lett them have
a newe lease of the Saynt Johns beade payeing for itt as other will

Item I bequeath unto james
Johnson vyntener and his wif' some tyme my servants five poundes in money betwene theym

Item to Willi[a]m Wall some tyme my servante fyve poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence
in money

Item to willi[a]m Mawnde nowe my servant foure poundes in money

Item to humfrey
lyneall nowe my servante three poundes sixe shillings and eighte pence in money

Item to Thomas
Gyles my apprentice fourtie shillings

Item to Anthonye Wade my apprentice xxsto eyther
of the same Thomas and Anthony to be delyvered within one yere after there sev[er]all termes
of apprentished

Item I bequeath to Humfrey Baynton my nurse a dublett at the discretion
of myne executors and tenne shillings in money

Item to Richarde Graygoose my nurse a
dublett and a Jackitt at the discretion of myne executors and xiijs iiijd in money

Item I
bequeath to Anthonye Towne sonne of Thomas Towne fourtie shillinges in money

I bequeath to Katheryne Brynley wif of Thomas Brynley foure poundes towardes the
nursing of her children to be paied unto her and her husbande by tenne shillings ev[er]y
halfe yere Provided alwayes and my very mynde and will is that if any parte or
p[ar]cell of the said foure poundes fortune to come to thandes of her husbande then the payment
of the Rest unpayed shall cease and determyne. And to ev[ery] of my mayde servants in my house
at London xxs a pece. Also I give unto goodman Bradstrete my gardener xs in money

to goodman Whitacres waterbearer and his wif to eyther ot theym sixe shillings and
eighte pence a pece in money

Item I give and bequeath unto ev[ery] of my godchildren w[hi]ch
may be duely proved twentie pence

Item I give and bequeath to thirtene poore illegible people
at o[ur] hall to ev[ery] of theym iijs iijd

Item I bequeath to ev[ery] poore housholde within the said
parishe of Saynt Leonarde nyghe Eastcheape twentie pence in money

Item I give and
bequeath to and amongest the poore people of the paryshe of All Halowes in lombard street
of London xiijs iijd

Item i give to the poore people of the parishe of Saynt Bennett gracechurche
vjs viijd

Item I give to the prysoners of newgate LUdgate the Two Competrs the kings
benche and marshallsee to the poore people of ev[ery] of the same sixe prysons five shillings in
breade or other wise at the discretion of my executors

Item I will that there shalbe
distributed in breade at the said parishe church of saynt Leonarde to the poore people

[page 3 folio 469 recto]

thither resortinge the daye of my buryall the value of fortie shillngs

Item I will that at myne
buryall there shalbe a sermmon made by somme honest lerned and godlie preacher And I give to
the same preacher for his paynes in that behalf taken vjs viijd
br/> Item I give and bequeathe
a blacke gowne to ev[ery] of the p[er]sones hereunder named of the sev[er]all price? following That is
to saye To Alexander Carlile John Carter vynteners John hylton gentilman Will[ia]m gonne
Armorer and his wife of the price of xv or xvj shillings the yarde

Item to my cosynne
Will[ia]m harp Clerke Thomas Symons Clerke my sonne Anthonye Wollhouse my daughter his
wife Nich[ol]as and John my sonnes Fraunces and Sara my daughters That is to saye to the
same Fraunces and Sara eyther of them a gowne and a kirtell will[ia]m Armstronge cook
John Starkye Fletcher my cosynne James Towne and his wif and Alexander Rotherforthe
Scryvener ev[ery] of theym a gowne of the price of viijs iijd the yard

Item to my cosynne page
James Janson and his wif Robert Lucas Butcher Edwarde Hodgeson vytener and Thomas
Walker ev[ery] of theym a gowne of the price of xijs the yarde

Item to Will[ia]m Mawnde and
humfry lyneall my servants of xs the yarde

Item to Anthonye and Thomas my boyes and
my men servants at Layton ev[ery] of theym a blacke robe of xs a yarde

Item to my cosynne
Styrley that watcheth with me a Cassocke of xijs the yarde

Item to mother Chibball the
the goodwif harrys and margerye my wenche ev[ery] of theym a blacke cassocke of tenne
shillings the yard

The Residue amongest my said children Nich[ol]as John Fraunces and Sara equally amongest theym
to be devided and parted And I doe make ordeyne and consitute my saide sonne Nich[ol]as Sturllye
and my very freinde will[ia]m gonne Citizen and Armorer of London and will[ia]m Armestronge Citizen
and Cooke of the same Citie myne executors And I bequeath to the same will[ia]m gonne and
will[ia]m Armestronge for there paynes and labo[ur] heren to be takenxiilli vjs viijd in money that
is to saye eyther of theym vjlo xiijs iijd and of the execution of the same I make ordeyn and
name my very Frendes John Sulvayne and John hylton gentilmen ov[er]seers And I bequeath to
eyther of theym for his paynes and labo[ur] heren to be taken vli in money

Item I bequeath to
my cosynne John Settill haberdasher and his wif to eyther or theym a black gowne of
xijs the yarde

And as touching the ordre and disposition of all and singular my
landes messuage tenements and herydytaments whatsoev[er] whersoever my sole seased at this
present daye of estate in fee symple I do devise dispose and bequeathe the same to suche p[er]sons
and to suche intenete and purposes and upon suche conditions as hereafter so expressed
That is to saye First I give and bequeath unto the said Nich[ol]as my eldest sonne all that my
mano[r] of Cannon hull al[ia]s Canhall withall my landes tenements Rents ................. and
hereiditaments with there appurten[an]ces to the same mano[r] belonging or in any wise appteynyng
situate lyeng and beinge in the parysghes of Wansted and WEstham in the Countie of Essex
And the Rev[er]sion and Rev[er]sions of the same To have and to holde thesame to the same Nich[ol]as
and his assignes for the terme of the naturall lif of the same Nich[ol]as without ympechm[en]t
of wate And after the decease of the same Nich[ol]as I will that the said mano[r] and other the
premysses with there appurtenn[an]ces shall Remayne and comme to the first begotten sonne
of the bodie of the same Nicholas engendered And to the heyres males of the bidie
first begotten sonne lawfully begotten And for default of such heyre male of the bodie
of the same first begotten sonne of the said Nich[ol]as lawfully begotten The Remaynder thereof
unto the seconde sonne of the bodie of the same Nicholas lawfullye to be begotten and to
the heyres males of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for ddefault of such issue to remayne
unto the third sonne of the bodie of the same Nich[ol]as lawfullye to be begotten and to the heyres
males of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for defaulte of suche issue of the bodie of the thirde sonne
of the said Nich[ol]as lawfully begotten The Remaynder therof unto the fourthe sonne of the bodie of the
same Nich[ol]as lawfullye to be begotten and to the heyres males of his bodie lawfullie begotten
And for default of suche yssue of the said fourthe sonne of the saide Nich[ol]as lawfully
to be begotten the Remaynder thereof to the fifthe sonne of the bodie of the same Nich[ol]as
lawwfullie begotten and to the heyres males of the same fifthe sonne lawfullye begotten and for
defaulte of suche yssue of the bodie of the same fiveth sonne lawfullye begotten the Remaynder
thereof unto the sixthe sonne of he bodie of the same Nich[ol]as lawfullye begotten and to the

[page 4 folio 469 verso ]

heyres males of the bodie of the same sixte sonne lawfullie begotten And for defaukte of suche yssue the
next heyre male of the bodie of the said Nich[ol]as lawfully begotten and to the heyres males of the
bodie of suche heyre male lawfully begotten And so forth from heyre male to heyre male aslonge
as there shall happen to be any heyre male of the bodie of the same Nich[ol]as lawfully begotten
And for defaulte of suche yssue male of the said Nich[ol]as my sonne lawfullie begotten
the Remaynder thereof to John Strelley my seconde sonne and his assignes for the terme of the
life of the same John without ympeachement of wast And after the decease of the same John the
Remaynder thereof to the sirst sonne of the said John my sonne of his bodie lawfully begotten
and to the heyre males of his bodie lawfullie begotten And fo defaulte of yssue to the next
heyre male of the bodie of the said John lawfullye begotten and to the heyres of the bodie of
suche heyre male lawfully begotten And so forth from heyre male to heyre male as longe as
there shall happen to be any heyre male of the bodie of the saide John lawfullie begotten
And for defaulte of suche yssue male of the bodie of the said John lawfullye to be begotten
the Remaynder thereof unto Sara my youngest daughter and to the heyre males of her bodie
lawfullye begotten And for lack of suche yssue the Remaynder thereof to Myllicent my eldest
daughter and to the heyreds male of her bodie lawfullye begotten And for defaulte of suche yssue
the Remaynder thereof unto Fraunces my seconde daughter and to her heyres for ever Also I give
and bequeathe unto the said John my sonne all and singular my messuage or tenemente with
shoppes Cellers sollers and other the apperten[an]ces nowe of late in the tenure or occupation
of Will[ia]m Kynkall Butcher sett and being in the paryshes of saynt leonarde and saynt clement
nyghe estchepe of London To have and to holde the same to the said John my sonne and to his
assignes during the naturall lif of the saide John And after the decease of the same John my
sonne the Remaynder thereof to the first sonne of the bodie of the same John my sonne lawfully
begotten And for defaulte of such yssue to the next here male of the bodie of the said John
lawfullie begotten And to the heyre males of the bodie of suche heyre male lawfullie begotten
And so forth frome heyre male to heyre male as longe as there shall happen to be any heyre
male of the bodie of the said John lawfullye begotten And for defaulte of such yssue male of
the bodie of the said John lawfully begotten the Remaynder thereof to the said Sara my youngest
daughter and to the heyres males of her bodie lawfullye begotten And for defaulte of
suche yssue male of her bodie lawfullie begotten the Remaynder thereof to the saide
Myllicent my eldest daughter and to the heyres males of her bodie lawfully begotten
And for lacke of suche yssue males of the bodie of the said Myllicent lawfullye begotten
the Remaynder thereof to he saide Fraunces my daughter and her heyres for ever And for
the better assurance to be made of the saide messuage or Tenement with thappurten[an]ces
to the said John Strelley my sonne and to the other whome I have appoynted and
devised the same to Remayne sostende or com[m]e I will that the saide Nich[ol]as or his heyres
upon request to hym or theym made by the said John or any of the heyres males of
his bodie lawfullie begotten or any of theym in the Remaynder and at there costs and
chardges shall within two yeres next ensueing after my decease make or cause to be made
to the saide John or his heyres males of his bodie or to any other to whome this same
is by this present testament lymytted or appoynted in Remaynder or otherwise suche
assurance and assurancs estate and estats as shalbe resonablie? devised or advised
by the lerned counsell of the said John or the heyres males of hes bodie begotten or
any of theym to whome the same shall or ought to descend Remayne or com[m]e by force and
vertue of this present testament and last will Provided alwayes and my veraye will
and mynde is that if any of my saide sonnes or daughters or any of the yssues of there
bodies severally comynge or any p[er]sone to whome any bequest legacye or devise
is made or whiche shall or maye have any advantage benefite or com[m]oditie by reason
or vertue of this my last will and testament do attempte or goo about by anye man[ner]
of meanes to breake defeate avoyd or annhilate any part of this my parte devise
concernynge my saide landes and tenements or any p[ar]cell thereof or do ....... or..........
suffer any into ded or thinge to be done by theym ar any of theym by feoffment or des............
gifte alyenation recon...... or otherwise whiche may be in any wise so pro....... as whereby
the inherytance of the p[re]mysses or amy parte or p[ar]cell therof shall not or maye not at all

[page 5 folio 470 recto]

tymes hereafter descend Remayne or come frome one to one another accordinge to myne entent and
meanynge herein declared That then and ymmediately frome and after suche attempte or
arte pretended to be done and ev[er]y bequest legacye and devise made to hym or theyn so
attemptynge or doynge contrarye to that my will shalbe voyde and of none effecte And that
the saide p[er]sone or p[er]sones so attemptynge goyng about to do or suffer any suche arte and
thinge shall forthw[i]th by suche arte or attempte be excluded to take or have anye
further benefite profitt or comodatie by vertue of this my saide last will and
and testament And that ymmediately and frome thence forth ytt shalbe lawfull
to suche p[er]sone or p[er]sones to whome my parte of the saide landes tenements or other
things after the death of the saide p[er]sone or p[er]sones so attempting to break my saide devise
as appoynted to remayne defende or com[m]e to entre into suche parte of the saide landes
or tenements and acupie possess or enjoye the same same accordinge to suche estate
as by this my devise and testament as to hym or theym appoynted lymytted or devised
as thoughe the devise made to suche p[er]sone or p[er]sones so offending had never been had
it made And I utterly revoke & ..... voyd and adnull all and ev[er]y former willes
testaments legacs bequests execututors and ov[er]seers by me in any wise before this tyme
made named gyven willed or beqeathed and I will that this my p[resen]te testament
together w[i]th all the legacs bequests executors and ov[er]seers herein mentioned shall
stande remayne and abide for my very last will and testament and none other or
otherwise In witness whereof to this my p[resen]te testament and last will I the saide John
Strelley have sett my hande and seale dated the daye and yere first above wrytten

I bequeath to will[ia]m Traves and myldred his wif to eyther of theym xxs By me John
Strelley witnesses at the readynge declaration sealinge and subscrybinge of theese
presente Thomas Bland thelder John Cater Alexander Carlile and Alexander
Rotherforthe notarye publique


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 42B
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #932453 (accessed 24 March 2023)
    Will of Johannis Strelley, granted probate on 27 Nov 1559. Died about 1559 in London.
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 44
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #878074 (accessed 29 March 2023)
    Will of Alexandri Carlell, granted probate on 16 Oct 1561. Died about 1561 in London.
  3. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 42B
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #932587 (accessed 29 March 2023)
    Will of Willmi Gonne, granted probate on 14 Jun 1559. Died about 1559 in London.
  4. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 53
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #1007821 (accessed 30 March 2023)
    Will of Johis Salven, granted probate on 7 Mar 1570. Died about 1570 in Lincoln's Inn.
  5. Visitation of Yorkshire (Google Books, accessed 30 March 2023)

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