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Will of John Tailcot of Braintree, Essex 1604

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Braintree, Essex, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Talcott Skinner
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Will of John Tailecot 1604[1]

This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of John Tailcot of Braintree, Essex . The will was written in 1604 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 24 January 1604/5

The will images were good and very readable

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • John Tailecot of Brainetrei, Pewterer Testator
  • Anne Tailcot wife of testator
  • John Tailcot son of testator
  • Barnabe Boltell occupies property of testator
  • Rachell Tailcott daughter of testator
  • Anne Tailcott daughter of testator
  • Marie Tailcott daughter of testator
  • Grace Tailcott daughter of testator
  • Sara Tailcott daughter of testator
  • Elizabeth Ingram my mayde servaunte servant of testator
  • William Mullings serving apprenticeship with wife of testator
  • Thomas Clarke serving apprenticeship with wife of testator
  • 'William Skinner father in law of testator
  • Roberte Tailcot my brother brother of testator
  • 'Marke Mott witness to will
  • Erasmus Sparhawke witness to will
  • James Sparhawke witness to will

[page 1 folio 7 recto]

In the name of God Amen Anno
Domini 1604 In the second year of the reign of James KIng of England France and Ireland
Defender of the faith etc............................. I John Tailecot of Braine=
trei in the Countie of Essex Pewterer being at this time sick in bodie but of good
sounde and perfect memorie seure and minde I thank and praise a;mightie god for it,
well weighing the uncertaine and fraile estate of this mortall and miserable life,
doe hereby and herrein aordeyne and male my ..... testament and last will in
manner and fore following that is to saie,

Imprimus I doe commend and comit
my soule into the handes and tuit[i]on of thalmightie god, my creator and redemer,
And my bodie to be buried in christioan buriall where it shall please almightie god to
take my life from me by and at the discrec[i]on of my Executrix hereafter named

I doe give unto the poore people of the parish of Braintry twentie shillinges
of lawfull money of England to be paide to and amongst them within one month
next after my decaese by my executrix hereafter named

Item I will devise and
bequeath all that my messuage or tenement wherein I nowe dwell with the yards
gardens and apputen[a]nces to the same belonging as they nowe are in my occupac[i]on
set and being in Brauntry aforesaide unto Anne my wife for and during the whole
terme of her naturall life, And from and after the decease of the saide Anne my
saide wief I will and devise and bequeath all that my afore menc[i]oned messuage or
Tennement with the yardes and gardens and other appurta[i]ning thereunto belonginge
# as they nowe are in my tenure or occupac[i]onunto John Tailcot my sonne and to his
heires of his bodie lawfullie to be begotten for ever. And for want of such issue to
remaine to the righte and next heire of me the saide John Tailcot first named for ever

Item I will and devise all that my tenement with the yardes gardens and appur-=
tenances thereunto belonging in Braintrie aforesaid as the same nowe are in the
tenure or occupac[i]on of the saide Barnabe Boltell or of his assignes unto Rachell
Tailcot my daughter and to the heires of her body lawfully to be begotten for ever
And for wante of such issue to and amongest all the residue of my daughters that
shall happen to survive the saide Rachell and to their heires of their bodies lawfully
to be begotten for ever. And for wante of such issue to John Taylcot my sonne and
to the heires of his body for ever, And for wante of such issue to revert to the right
and next heires of me the said

[page 2 folio 7 verso] And next heire of me the saide John Tailcot for ever

Item I doe give unto John
Taylcot my sonne And to Anne Tailcot Marie Tailcot Grace Tailecot and Sara
Tailecot my daughters to every of them fortie pounds a peece of lawfull money of
England to be paide to them severally at their severall accomplishments of their
severall ages of one and twentie yeares if they shall for longe fortune to live, And
in case any of them shall fortune to die before the receipt of their saide Legacie of
fortie poundes that then I will devise and bequeath the porc[i]on of him her or them
so dyeinge of fortie poundes to and amongst all the residue of my daughters what=
soever which shall fortune to survive to be paide and aporc[i]oned and devided among=
gest them at their seaverall ages of one and twentie yeres.

Item I doe give unto
John Tailcot my saide sonne my best bedstedle standing in my parlor next my hall
with my best featherbed lienge uppon the same my best rug and my best flocbed,
my best vallannce and hanginge to the same my best coverlet my best feather
boulster my best flocbolster a paire of my best blankets a paire of my best sheetes,
two of my best pillowes with two of my best pillowbeeres to the same, my booke of
Martires and my booke intitled by the name of Mr Rogers booke to be delivered unto
him by the executors andministrators or assignes of Anne my saide wife within one
month, next after her decease, And she during her life to have the necessary using
thereof without altering the propertie, other than is hereby intended

Item I
doe in like manner give and bequeath my ioyned table with the frame and bench
bordes and six ioyned stooles in the saide parlor and all the wainscot seelinges
settles glasses and windowes and hangings now fixed used or imployed as pro=
pertie belonging to the house and the great chest in the saide parlor unto John
my saide sonne to be delivered to him by the executors administrators or assignes
of the saide Anne my saide wifewithin one month nexte after the decease
of the saideAnne my saide wief, and she to have the necessary use of them
during her life not altering the prop[er]tie of them or anie of them

Item I doe
give unto every of my children one brasse pott a peece of the waight of sixteene
poundes two kettles a peece th'one of every of them to conteine in measure
five gallons, th'other of them to conteyne in measure three gallons, twelve pewter
dishes a peece of thre seaverall sortible sizes conteyning every twelve dishes five
and twentie poundes in weight or above to be delivered unto them seaverally
at their seaverall agges of xxiti yeres or to soe manie of them as shall live to
attaine that ages by my executrix hereafter named

Item I doe give unto
Anne Tailcot my daughter all that my standing bedsteedle standing in my chamber
over my hall furnished as it now standeth that is to saie, having a featherbed a
flocbed a feather bolster a flocbolster a paire of blankets a coverlet two pillowes
Two pillowbeeres and a paire of sheets now used uppon the same to be delivered
unto the said Anne Tailcot my saide daughter at such time as she the said Anne
shall accomplishe her full age of xxiti yeres by my executrix hereafter named

I doe give and bequeath unto Marie Tailcot my daughter my standing bedstedle
standing in my chamber over my kitchin where I nowe dwell and all the bedding and
furniture as it now standeth having a feather bed and other appurtening also alsoe
a paire of shetts and a pillowbere to be divered to her at her accomplismente
of her age of xxiti yeres by my executrix hereafter named

Item I doe give unto
Grace Tailcot my daughter one bedstedle with a flocbed and all things there=
unto appurteyning to be delivered to her at her agoe of xxiti yeres by my executrix
or her assignes

Item I doe give unto Anne my daughter my chest standing in
the hall chamber to be delivered unto her at her age of xxiti yeres

Item I doe give
unto Elizabeth Ingram my mayde servaunte xs of lawfull money of England


[page 3 folio 8 recto]

Item I doe give unto William Mullings and Thomas Clarke to either of them xxs of lawefull
money of England uppon this condic[i]on that either of them doe serve their app[re]ntishodes
with my wief after my decease, And to be paide to him ot either of them at the determy=
nac[i]on of their appr[e]ntishoode and not otherwise, then uppon their seaverall servinge of
their app[re]ntishoods with my wife

Item I doe give unto every of my children three of my
silver spoons to be delivered unto them seaverallie as they shall come to and accomp=
lish their seaverall ages of xxiti yeres if they shall so longe live, All the residue
of my goodes chattells cattell money plate debts houshold stuff imple[ment]s of houshould moveables
and imoveables whatsoever nott being herein before bequeathed, my debts being paied my
funerall expenses disburssed and these my ;egacies herein given and bequeathed being
paied and p[er]formed, I wholie give and bequeath them unto Anne my wife And doe make
her sole Executrix of this my last will and testament, And |I will that my wief
uppon the Probate of this will she my saied wifef doe enter her owne bonde in
the somme of thre hundred poundes to my father in law William Skynner and Rob[er]t
Tailcot for the p[er]formance of all and every my legacies herein given by her to be
p[er]formed according to the true meaning hereof, And that in case she shall fortune to
marrie againe That before her such marriage she shall enter into sufficient bonde
in fower hundred poundes with obe sufficient suretie that my saied father in lawe
William Skinner and Roberte Tailcot my brother shall like of to the same Will[i]am
Skynner and Robert Tailcot trulie to p[er]forme all the legacies on her parte is
ro be paied according to the true meaning of this mylast will & testament.
Mott Erasmus Sparhawke and James Sparhawke


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 105
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #897677 (accessed 24 October 2022)
    Will of Johannis Taylcott, granted probate on 24 Jan 1604. Died about 1604 in Bramctrie, Essex, England.

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Nice job, Ann. You are the queen of 16th and 17th century English wills.
posted by Chase Ashley
No, jo Fitz-Henry is the Queen of wills, I’ll get as good as her one day hopefully.


posted by Ann Browning