Location: London, England
Surname/tag: Tamworth
Contents |
This is a transcript of the Last Will and Testament of John Tamworth MP (1524-1569), Esquire, Groom to Her Majesty's Privy Chamber, of London, England.[1][2]
Spelling, punctuation, line breaks, and big bold text are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
Individuals in the people list are linked to their profile if it profile exists, or are coloured red if not.
People List
People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:
- John Tamworthe, testator
- Xristian, wellbeloved wife
- Thomas Knowlles, son of Sir Francis Knowlles
- Sir Francis Knowlles, knight
- Catherine Knowlles, daughter of the late lady Knowlles deceased
- The late Lady Knowlles, deceased
- John wythe
- John wythe's wife, my cousin
- John withe, my godson, son of the above couple
- Doctor maisters
- Bishop of Winchester)
- William Dodington, old and assured friend
- Xristopher Tamworthe, the elder, heir, executor
- Edmunde Downinge, my trustie freinde, executor
- John Tamworthe, eldest son of Xristopher Tamworthe
- Henrye Tamworthe, second son of Xristopher Tamworthe
- Xristopher Tamworthe, youngest son of Xristopher Tamworthe by his first wife
- John Brooke, cousin, son of Sir Robert Brooke
- Sir Robert Broke, knight, late chief justice of the common pleas at Westminster
- Clarenceux King of Arms
- Marie Lee, late servant of the late lady Knowlles
- Edward Fowlles, living with me
- George Johnsone, an apprentice
- John, my horse keeper
- Roberte Tye, my cook
- Mr Thudwill
- Martyne Joynshyn, servant to the late lady Knowlles
- Nicholas Panell
- _________ Clarke, my apprentice
- Earl of Leicester
- Thomas Browne, scrivener of this my last Will and testament
- Walter Mildmay, knight, my trustie friende, executor
- Kilham Digby the elder, trustie freinde, executor
- Edmound Danyell, of Messing, trustie freinde, executor
- Humfreye Turnor, my kynnesman, late dwelling with my ladie Knowll[e]s
- Richard Barton, my servant
- Andrewe Tallock, my servant
- Anthony Saffolde, my servant
- Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury
Property List
Properties in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:
- House in Fulham
- Land and ground called Oxlees in the county of Essex
- Land and ground called Sheepcotefieldes, in the parish of Waltham Holy Cross, in the county of Essex
- Lease on the manor of Sutton in the County of Lincoln, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster
- Lease on lands in Hendon, parcel of the possessions of ________ college, Oxford
- Half twenty fourth share in the Mynes Royall
- Thirty sixth share in the Mineral and Battery Works
- Houses in London and Fulham where cousin Wyth and her husband dwell
- Lease on rectories at St Germans, Cornwall, and Abergwili, South Wales, granted by the Dean and Chapter of St George's chapel, in Windsor Castle
- Advowson and right of patronage of the church and parsonage of Fishtoft in the county of Lincoln
- Two shares and place in a Muscovy Voyage
- Reversion on Mansion house in the parish of St Botolphe's without Aldrichgate
- Reversion on Manor of Honeylands and Pentriches in the counties of Middlesex and Hertfordshire
- Manor of Norton, Radnor
- Helcottes Grange, Lincolnshire
- Holbach Mills, Radnorshire
- Manor of West Town, Middlesex
Will Transcript
[Page 1]
In the name of god amen the xxijth daie of marche in the yeare of o[ur] lorde god accordinge to the
computa[ti]on of the churche of englande mtvclxviij and in the eleaventhe yeeare of the raigne of o[ur] soveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of
god quene of englande frannce and Irelande defendor of the faithe [etc], I John Tamworthe of london esquire one of the gromes to the quenes
Ma[jest]ie of her high and moste honorable privey chamber,beinge of whoale mynde, and of good and perfecte memorie but sicke of bodie
laude and praise be therefore gyvenn unto almightie god doe make and ordaine this my p[rese]nte testament trip[ar]tite indented conteyninge
herein my laste will in manner and fourme followinge, that is to saye, firste and principallie I give and commend my soule unto
Almightie god my maker creator and readeamer, trustinge and moste assuredlie beleaveinge that throughe the deathe and passion
of my onlie savio[ur] and readeamer Jesus christe I have and shall have free and cleire remission and forgyvenes of all my synnes
and after this transitorie lyfe ended lyfe everlasteinge w[hic]h never shall have ende Amen Item I bequeathe my bodie to the earthe to
be buried in the parrisshe churche of St Buttolphes w[ith]oute Aldrichegate of London in the same chappell where nowe my pue is
and after my decease I will there shal[l ]be bestowed uppon a tombe of stone to be made and set in some conveniente place there the some
of Fouretie poundes or more at the discre[ti]on of my executors hereafter named for a monument of me w[hic]h I thinke to be a
decente order w[ith]oute anye superstition I take god to witnes, and the residue of my buiriall I referre to the good discrea[ti]ons of my
said executors, and after my bodie buiried I will that all suche debts and dueties I owe to any parsonn or parsonns be well [and]
trulie contented and paide by my saide executors or else by them provided for soe to be paide, Item I bequeathe towardes the
repera[ti]ons of the same churche for tithes forgottenn or necligentlie w[ith]holan fouretie shilling[e]s, I bequeathe to Xr[ist]ian my
welbeloved wyfe tenne mylke kyne and a bull and suche iij of my best gelding[e]s as she shall take and chose, Item I will that
the same Xr[ist]ian my wyfe shall have the use and occupienge of all my household stuffe whatsoever it be w[hic]h nowe
[Page 2]
be or shall remayne at my house in fulham at the daye of my deathe (my plaite onelie excepted) duringe her naturell lyfe, she puttinge into my said
executors sufficiente bonde and suertie for the leavinge of the same to Thomas knowll[e]s sonne of Sir Francis knowll[e]s knighte ymmediatlie
after her decease in as good case and state as the same nowe be reasonable weareinge thereof in the meane tyme onelie excepted) unto w[hic]h said Thomas
knowlles I give and bequeathe all the household stuffe after the decease of my said wyfe, And whereas there is reserved unto me for certeine landes
and groundes called oxlees w[ith] th[e ]appurtenannc[e]s in the countie of essex the somme of twentie poundes of lawfull money of englande for divers
yeares yet to come cleirelie above all rentes goinge oute of the same I doe give and will that the same twentie poundes shal[l ]be yearelie paide by my
said executors to the said Thomas knowll[e]s duringe the lyfe of my said wyfe yf my yeares therein soe longe endure Item I give and bequeathe
unto ev[er]ye one of my mensarvannt[e]s w[hic]h shal[l ]be dwellinge or retayninge to me at the tyme of my decease a black coate, and to ev[er]y of my women
sarvannt[e]s w[hic]h shal[l ]be dwelling w[ith] me at the tyme of my decease a cassocke of black clothe and to ev[er]y of my sarvannt[e]s aswell maide
sarvannt[e]s as mensarvannt[e]s one whoale yeares waig[e]s after my decease, Item I give and bequeathe to katherine knowll[e]s the daughter
of the late ladie knowll[e]s deceased three hundrethe poundes of lawfull monney of englande, to be paide and delivered unto her
at the aige of xxi yeares or marriage which shall firste happenn and in the meane tyme I will that the saide three hundrethe pound[e]s
shal[l ]be commytted to the chamber of london w[ith]in ij yeares nexte after my decease to be saufelie kepte there, and alsoe to th[e ]intereste it maye
be implyed unto the moste commoditie of the said katherine, and I will that th[e ]one halfe of the same comoditie w[hic]h shall growe of the
same three hundred poundes shal[l ]be implyed towards the augmenta[ti]on of her said por[ti]on, and the other moyetie thereof I will shal[l ]be
annswered her or unto suche as shall fynde her untill suche tyme as she shall come to the said aige or be married unles some good friendes of
hers will give her her fyndinge and then I will that the same moyetie shall likewyse be ymployed towards the further augmenta[ti]on of
her said por[ti]on, and if it shall happen the said katherine to die or decease before she shall come to and accomplisshe the saide aige of xxi yeares
or marriage, then I will and devise all the said por[ti]on by me geyven to the said katherine shal[l ]be ymployed and bestowed to and among[e]s
the marriages of soemanie of my porest kinsewomen of my mothers side after the rate of fiftie poundes to ev[er]y one of them as the same after
that rate will sarve and amounte unto. Item I give will and bequeathe to John wythe and my cosine his wyfe all my lease interest
and tearme of yeares w[hic]h I shall have to come at the tyme of my decease of and in certeine landes and groundes called sheepecotefieldes w[ith]
th[e ]appurtenances in the p[ar]ishe of waltham holliecrosse in the countie of essex duringe there naturall lyfes and either of them lenger
lyveinge, yf my yeares therein soe longe endure, they and either of them payinge the rente w[hic]h shal[l ]be due for the same frome tyme to
tyme and doinge and performynge suche other covenanntes repera[ti]ons and chardg[e]s as I ame chardged or chardgeable to doe or paie for
the same duringe the said tearme, and after theire deceases and either of them longer lyveinge, then I give and devise the said lease
and the whoale residue of the interest and tearme of yeares w[hic]h shal[l ]be then to come of and in the said landes and groundes called
sheepecotefieldes unto John withe theire sonne my goodsonne, and I will that my said executors shall take suche order with the said
John wythe and his wyfe as the said lease and the residue or the yeares w[hic]h shal[l ]be to come at the tyme of my decease of the of the longer liver of
them maie come to the said John wythe theire sonne my godsonne accordinge to the true meaninge of this my will.Item I bequeathe
unto my verey loveing freinde Mr Doctor maisters as well all my bookes which I have in my studie or elsewhere in what
language or what matter soever the same be of, as alsoe all those my bookes which be in the bishopp of winchesters handes (any
bookes of accounpt[e]s and reconing[e]s and of my landes goodes and chattell[e]s excepted) Item I bequeathe to my olde and assured freinde
william Dodington twentie poundes uppon condi[[ti]on that he doe saufelie deliver all suche deedes as he hathe of myne uppon truste
whensoever he shal[l ]be required after my decease toucheinge the conveyance of certeine of my landes to thuse of the said Thomas knowll[e]s
Item I bequeathe to xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder all that my lease interest and tearme of yeares w[hic]h I have of the manno[ur] of Sutton in the
countie of lincolne parcell of the Dutchie of lancaster within the same countie. Item I bequeathe to Edmonde Downinge all
that my lease interest and tearme of yeares w[hic]h I have in certaine landes and Tenement[e]s in hendon parcell of the possessions
of _________ colledge in oxenforde. Item I bequeathe to John Tamworthe eldest sonne of xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe my halfe xxiiijtith
parte of the mynes roiall granted by the quenes Ma[jes]tie by her graces l[ett]res patent[e]s unto the governer assistannce and comyualtie
for the mynes ryall, whereof I the said John Tamworthe ame one, and all my righte title interest benefit and commoditie in and
to the same, To have and to hold the same to the said John Tamworthe eldest sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer th[e ]elder and to th[e ]heires males
of his bodie lawfullie commynge, duringe soe longe and untill he or they shall goe aboute to bargaine sell or putt awaie or shall
offer to sell, bargaine or put awaie the saide parte of the said mynes by me to hym geyvenn as is aforesaide or anye parte parcell
or member of the same. And for defaulte of suche yssue or if he the said John Tamworthe eldest sonne of the same xr[ist]ofer or his said
heires males shall got aboute to bargaine sell or put awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaye the said parte of the said
mynes by me to hym geven as is aforesaide or any parte thereof, then I will Devise and bequeathe th[e ]estate and interest by me
therein to hym and his said heires males gyven or bequeathed shall cease and be cleirelie voide and of none effect and that
then I give and bequeathe the said parte of the said mynes unto henrye the seconde brother of the said John Tamworthe eldest sonne of
the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe To have and to hold the same unto hym the said henrye and to t[he ]heires males of his bodie lawfullie
commynge duringe soe long and untill the same henrie or his heires males shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie or shall
offer to sell bargaine or put awaye the said parts of the said mynes by me to hym geyvenn as is aforesaid or any parte
thereof and for defaulte of suche issue or if the said henrye Tamworthe or his said heires males do or shall goe aboute to sell
bargaine or putt awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaiye the said parte of the said mynes by me to hym
gyvenn as is aforesaide or anye parcell or member thereof then I will and devise th[e ]estate and interest by therein to the
said henrie Tamworthe and his heires males gyvenn or bequeathed as is aforesaide shall cease and be cleirelie void and of
none effect and that then I give and bequeathe said parte of the said mynes unto xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe youngest sonne
of the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe by his firste wyfe To have and to holde the same to hym and to t[he ]heires males of his
bodie lawfullie commynge duringe soe longe and until the same xr[ist]ofer or his said heires males shall goe aboute to
sell bargaine or put awaie of shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaie the said p[ar]te of the said mynes by me to hym
gyvenn as is aforesaid or anye parte thereof And for defaulte of suche yssue or yf the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe youngeste
sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer of his saide firste wyfe or his said heires males doe or shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or
put awaie or shall offer to sell bargine or put awaie the saide parte of the said mynes by me to hym
gyvenn as is aforesaid, or anye parte percell or member thereof, then I will and devise the estate and interest
[Page 3]
by me therein to the same xr[ist]ofer and his saide heires males gyvenn or bequeathed shall cease and be cleirlie voide and of none effecte and
that then I give devise and bequeath the saide parte of the said mynes unto my cosynne John Brooke sonne of S[ir] Roberte Brooke knighte
late cheife Justice of the common plees at Westm[inster] To have and to hold the same unto hym and his heires forever. Item I bequeathe unto
henrye Temworthe the seconde sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe my one whoale xxxvjth parte of the mynerall and battery work[e]s
grannted by the quenes Ma[jes]tie by her graces [let]tres pattentes unto the governors assistanntes and societie of the mynerall and batterye work[e]s
whereof I the said john Tamworthe ame one, and all my righte title interest benefitte and commoditie of in and to the same To have [and]
to holde to hym and the heires males of his bodie lawfullie commynge duringe soe longe tyme and untill he or his said heires males
do or shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaie the said parte of the said mynerall and
batterie work[e]s by me to hym gyvenn as is aforesaide or any parte thereof and for defaulte of such issue or yf the said henrye
Tamworthe or his said heires males doe or shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie, or shall offer to sell bargaine or put
awaie the said parte of the said mynerall and batterie work[e]s by me to hym gyvenn as is aforesaid or anye parte member or p[ar]cell
thereof, then I will and device th[e ]estate thereof and interest by me thereinto the said henrye Tamworthe and his said heires males geyven
or bequeathed shall cease and be cleirelie voide and of none effecte, and then I give and bequeath the said parte of the said myn[er]all and
batterie work[e]s unto the said John Tamworthe the eldest sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer, To have and to holde the same to the said john Tamworthe
eldeste sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer and to t[he ]heires males of his bodie lawfullie commynge duringe soe longe and untill he or they shall goe
aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaie the said parte of the said mynerall and batterie work[e]s by
me to hym gyvenn as is aforesaid or any parte thereof, And for defaulte of suche yssue or if the said John Tamworthe th[e ]eldeste sonne of the
said xr[ist]ofer or his said heires males doe or shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaie the
said parte of the said mynerall and batterie work[e]s by me to hym gyvenn as is aforesiad or any parte percell of member thereof, then I
will and devise th[e ]estate and interest ^therin by me to hym the said John Tamworthe eldest sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer and his saide heires males
gyvenn or bequeathed shall cease and be cleirelie voide and of none effecte, And that then I give and bequeathe the said parte of the said
myn[er]all and batterie work[e]s unto the foresaide xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe the younger To have and to hold the same to hym and to the
heires males of his bodie lawfullie commynge duringe soe longe and untill the same xr[ist]ofer or his said heires males shall goe aboute
to sell bargaine or put awaie, or shall offer to sell bargaine or put awaie the said parte of the said mynyrall and batterie work[e]s
by me to hym geyven as is aforesaid or anye parte thereof, and for defaulte of suche yssue or if the said xr[ist]ofer younger sonne of the
said xr[ist]ofer or his said heires males doe or shall goe aboute to sell bargaine or put awaie or shall offer to sell bargaine or put
awaie the said parte of the said mynerall and batterie works by me to hym geyven as is aforesaid or anye parte member or
parcell thereof then I will and devise th[e ]estate and interest therein by me to hym and his said heires males geyven or bequeathed shall cease
and be cleirelie voide and of none effecte and that then I will devise and bequeathe the said parte of the said myn[e]rall and batterie work[e]s [and]
ev[er]ye parte and member thereof unto my said cosynne John Broke To have and to hold the same to hym and his heires forever. Item I give
and bequeathe to the said John Tamworthe eldeste sonne of the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder Fyve hundrethe poundes of lawfull
monney of england to be ymployed and bestowed as followethe, that is to saye towards the supportinge of the chardges w[hic]h shall
growe due frome tyme to tyme for the said mynes and batterie w[hic]h monney I will shall not be paide to the same John Tamworthe
his heires or executors, But I will that as muche thereof shal[l ]bepaide frome tyme to tyme by my saide executors as shal[l ]be necessarie
or needfull to be spente and occupied for the said parte of the said mynes and batterie accordinge to suche order as is and shal[l ]be therefore
taken frome tyme to tyme and the residue of the said fyve hundred pounds if anye sucche be after the said chardges borne I will the same
shal[l ]be paide to the said John Tamworthe. Item I bequeathe to Mr Clarencnis kinge at armes vjl xiijs iiijd and I doe forgive hym all suche
debtes and dueties as he dothe or shall owe unto me at the tyme of my decease. Item I bequeathe to Marie Lee late servante to the late
Ladie knowll[e]s deceased fouretie poundes. Item I bequeathe to Edward Fowlles nowe dwellinge w[ith] me if he be dwellinge w[ith] me at
the tyme of my decease fouretie poundes. Item I bequeathe to George Johnsone twentie poundes to be paid unto hym at th[e ]expira[ti]on
of his tearme of app[re]ntic[ice]hood. Item I bequeathe to John my horsekeper if he be dwellinge w[ith] me at the tyme of my decease vjjxiijs iiijd
Item I bequeathe to Roberte Tye my cok if he be dwellinge w[ith] me at the tyme of my decease Tenne poundes. Item I bequeathe to Mr
[Th]udwill twentie poundes. Item I will and bequeathe that my cosyne wythe and her husbande shall have the houses that they
dwell in at London and at fulham w[ith] theire appurtennannc[e]s duringe theire naturall lyves and the lenger lyver of them rente free
w[ith]oute anye rente payinge for the same houses or anye of them. And I will that myne executors shall cause the severall rentes of
the said houses laste before mentioned to be yearelie paide frome tyme to tyme in due order frome and after my decease duringe the saide
tearme Item I bequeathe to the said John wythe my godsonne all that my lease interest and tearme of yeares w[hic]h I have to come in
those ijo rectories th[e ]one called Sainte germaynes in the countie of cornewall and th[e ]other called Abergilly in Southe wales w[hic]h
I have of the grannte of the Deane and chap[t]re of the kinges free chappell of St george w[ith]in his castell of wynsor. Item I bequeathe
to Martyne Joynshyn late sarvannte unto the late ladie knowll[e]s vjl xiijs iiijd and alsoe I give and devise that if Nich[ol]as
Panell at any tyme duringe one whoale yeare nexte after my decease will [and] doe paie or cause to be paide unto my executors of
this my laste will and testament or to anye of them or to the survyvo[rs] or survyvo[r] of them the some of Fiftie poundes of
lawfull monney of englande for th[e ]inheritannce and fee symple of th[e ]advowson and righte of p[at]ronage of the churche and p[ar]sonage
of Fishetofte in the countie of lincolne, then ymmediatlie uppon the paymente of the same some of fiftie poundes or good assurannce
had and made to my saide executors or the the survyvo[r] or suvyvors of them or anye of them for the paymente thereof at suche daie or daies
as they shal[l ]be contented with I the said John Tamworthe doe give and devise the same Advowson and righte of p[at]ronage to the
said Nicholas Panell and heires forever. And yf the said Nicholas Panell refuse to p[ur]chase and buye the said
advowson or shall not paie or cause to be paide the saide somme of fiftie poundes for the purchaise thereof in fourme aforesaid
That then I will that my said executors or the survyvors or survyvo[r] of them shall sell the said advoswon w[ith] th[e ]app[ur]ten[annce]s in
fee symple to any p[er[son or p[er]sons and theire heires forever to the moste profitte and advanntaige that they or anye of
them canne gett for the same, and the monney commynge of the sale thereof I will shal[l ]be ymployed and bestowed towards
[Page 4]
the paymente of my debtes and performannce of this my will. Item I give and bequeathe _________ Clarke my app[re]ntice w[ith] his hoale tearme
of yeares that he hathe yet[ ]to serve with me unto the righte honorable my lorde of leicester useinge his hono[ur] to accepte his sarvice. Item I
bequeathe to Thomas Browne scryvener Tenne Poundes to whome I have commytted of truste th[e ]one parte of this my last will
and testament tripertite Indented. Item I give and bequeathe divers and sonndrey legacees ginftes and bequeastes to sondreye parsonns
named expressed and sefforthe in a schedule trip[ar]tite Indented to this my laste will annexed and beinge subscribed w[ith] my owne hande, the
residue of all and singular my goodes Chattell[e]s Juell[e]s plate householde stuffe monney and my twoe shares and place in the muscovia voiage
and all thinges thereunto belongeinge and all other my debtes and thinges whatsoev[er] they be after my debtes paide my funeralle expences
performed and thees my legacies herein conteyned fulfulled I will and bequeathe unto t[he ]handes and custodie of the righte worshippfull my
trustie freinde S[ir] walter Myldemaye knight, and my trustie freindes kilham Digbie th[e ]elder Edmound Danyell of Mesinge xr[ist]ofer
Tamworthe of Tilton and Edmounde Downynge my sarvannte thereu[n]to to paye my debtes and to performe theis legaceis herein
men[ti]oned and the reste to dispose ymploye and bestowe as hereafter in this my laste will and testament is lymyted and expressed And
alsoe I doe ordaine and make the said S[ir] walter myldemaye kilham Digvie th[e ]elder Edmounde Daniell xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder
and Edmounde Downinge soale and onlie executors of this my laste will and testament prayinge and chardgeinge them and ev[er]ye
of them to paye my debtes and to performe this my laste will as my speciall truste is in them as they and ev[er]ye of them will annswere to the contrarie
before almightie god at the dreadefull daie of Judemente, and I give to the said S[ir] walter myldemaye for his paines herein to be
takain my best basenn and ewre w[hic]h my lorde of leicester gave me, and twentie poundes, Item I bequeathe to the said kilham Digbie
for the paines herein to be takenn twentie poundes, and likewyse to the said Edmonde Danyell fouretie poundes, and likewyes
to the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe twentie poundes, and likewyse to the said Edmounde Downinge one hundrethe marek[e]s, and I
will and chardge all the reste of my executors that theye doe all there businesses aboute th[e ]execu[ti]on of this my will by the good
advice of the said S[ir] walter myldemaye my dearest and moste speciall freinde, and all the residue of my goodes and
chattelles whatsoever it be herein by me not bequeathed nor disposed my debtes paide and my legaceis performed and my
Executors receyveinge my finale ginfte herein to them made, Togethers w[ith] there whoale chardges allocated unto them [and]
ev[er]ye of them w[hic]h they or anye of them shall happenn to dispende disburse or laie oute toucheinge this my laste will
and testament or the execu[ti]on thereofr or anye thinge that shall thereunto apperteine or belonge I will and bequeathe
shal[l ]be ymployed and bewtowed uppon the releife and comforte and towards the marriage of my kynnes folke accordinge
to the good direc[ti]on of my said executors
This is the laste will and devise of me the said John Tamworthe tripertite Indented made and declared the daie and yeare
firste abovewrittenn, toucheinge and concerninge the order and dispositione of all my mannors landes Tenement[e]s and other
heredittaments whatsoever whereof I ame nowe saized of anye estate of inheritannce in possessione reversione remaynder
or in use in manner and fourme followinge, that is to saye, firste I will give and devise to the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder
the rever[ti]on of my mansione house in the p[ar]ishe of St Buttolphes w[ith]oute aldrichegate of london, and the reversione of all
my other landes and tenement[e]s there or ell[e]swhere in london aforesaide after the decease of xr[ist]ian my welbeloved wyfe To have
and to hold the same to the said xr[rist]ofer Tamworthe and to t[he ]heires males of his bodie lawfullie begottenn, and for defaulte of
suche issue the remainder thereof to the righte heires of me the said John Tamworthe forever Item I will give and devise unto
Thomas knowll[e]s the reversione of my manner of honyelandes and pentriches w[ith] th[e ]appurtenanc[e]s in the counties of mid[dlesex] and hert[e]s
and the reversione of all my landes tenement[e]s and hereditamentes in fulham in the countie of mid[dlesex] w[hic]h I have heretofore conveyed
unto hym in suche order manner and forme as I have alreadie devised and conveyed the same unto hym by conveyannce alreadie
made and lefte in william Dodingtons handes uppon truste Item I give and bequeathe unto humfreye Turnor my kynnesman
late dwellinge w[ith] my ladie knowlles one annuitie or yearelie rente of vjlxiijsiiijd of lawfull monney of englande to be yearelie
goinge oute of my manno[r] of norton w[ith] th[e ]appurtenn[ance]s in the countie of radnor and oute of all my landes tenement[e]s and
heredittament[e]s in norton aforesaide, To have perceyve levie and enioye the same frome and after my decease unto the said
humfrey Turno[r] and his assignes duringe his naturall lyfe. At twoe tearmes or feastes of the yeare, that is to saye, At
the feastes of St mighell th[e ]archanngell and Th[e ]annunciation of o[ur] ladie by even por[ti]ons, Item I give and bequeathe to
Richard Barton my sarvannte if he happenn to be my sarvannte at the tyme of my decease one annuitie or yearelie rente
of Fyve poundes of lawfull monney of englande, to be yearle goinge oute of the said mannor of norton with th[e ]app[ur]tenn[ance]s
To have perceyve levie and enioye the same frome and after my decease unto the said Richard Barton and his assignes duringe his
lyfe, at the said two tearmes of feastes of the yeares by even por[ti]ons, Item I give and bequeathe to Andrewe Tallocke my
sarvannte if he happenn to be my sarvannte at the tyme of my decease, one annuitie or yearle rente of ffoure poundes of
lawfull monney of englande, to be yearlie goinge oute of the said manno[r] of norton w[ith] th[e ]app[ur]tenn[ance]s, To have perceyve
levey and enioy the same frome and after my decease uotn the said Andrewe Tallock and his assignes duringe his naturall
lyfe, at the sait twoe termes or feastes of the yeare by enen por[ti]ons Item I bequeathe to Anthonie Saffolde my sarvante
if he happenn to be my sarvannte the tyme of my decease one annuitie or yearelie rente of fourtie shilling[e]s of lawfull
monney of englande, To be yearelie goinge oute of the said manno[r] of norton w[ith] th[e ]appurtenn[ance]s, To have perceyve levye [and]
enioye the same frome and after my decease unto the said Anthonye Saffolde and his assignes duringe his naturall
lyfe At the said ijo tearmes or feastes of the yeares by even por[ti]ons, Item I give and bequeathe unto Martyn Joynshyn late
sarvannte to the late ladie knowll[e]s one annuitie of yearlie rente of six poundes xiijs iiijd of lawfull monney of englande
to be yearlie goinge oute of the said manno[r] of norton w[ith] th[e ]app[ur]tenn[ance]s, To have p[er]ceyve levie and enioye the same frome [and]
after my decease unto the said Martyn Joynshyn and his assignes, duringe his naturall lyfe, at the saide two tearmes
or feastes of the yeare by even por[ti]ons, The firte paymente of the said severall annuities to begynne and be made
at suche of the said feastes as shall firste and nexte happenn come or be after my decease, and if it shall
[Page 5}
fortune the said severell yearlie rentes or annuities or any of them to be behinde unpaide in parte or in all after anye the said tearmes of feastes
of paymente thereof abovesaide at w[hic]h the same or any of them oughte to be paide, that then and soe often it shal[l ]be lawfull unto the said
humfreye Turnor Richard Barton Andrewe Tallock, Anthonye Saffolde and Martyn Joynshyne or their severall assign[e]s
into the said manno[r] of norton w[ith] th[e ]app[ur]tenn[ance]s and other the premysses in norton to enter and distreine, and the distressed there soe takenn
leefullie to beare leade dryve and carrie awaye, and the same to detaine, holde and kepe untill the saide severall yearelie rentes w[ith] th[e ]azzu[r]eng[e]s
thereof if any suche be be unto them severallie contented and paide, And under condi[ti]on that the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder [and]
his heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten or theire assignes shall yearelie from and after my deceased of and w[ith] the rentes [and]
proffitt[e]s of the said mannor of norton w[ith] th[e ]appurtenannc[e]s paie or cause to be paide the said severall annuities or yearelie
rentes to the severall parsonns before named, At the southe porche of the guildehall in the citie of london at the saide feaste
daies of paymente thereof before lymyted and appointed or the xxth daie after nexte after ev[er]ye of the saide feaste daies by even
por[ti]ons duringe theire severall naturall lyves as is aforesaide, I the said John Tamworthe under the condi[ti]on aforesaide
doe will and devise the said mannor of norton w[ith] th[e ]appurten[ance]s and all my landes Tenement[e]s and heredittamentes in norton
unto the said xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe th[e ]elder and to t[he ]heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, and for defaulte of suche yssue
the remaynder thereof to the righte heires of me the said John Tamworthe forever chardged w[ith] the severall annuities aforesaide [and]
under the condi[ti]ons before expressed, And for defaulte of paymente of the said severall annuities or anye of them or anye parte thereof
at the southe porche aforesaide at any time duringe the said naturall lyves of the siad humfreye Turno[ur], Richard Barton
Andrewe Tallock, Anthonye Saoolfde, and Martyn Joynshyn contrarie to the fourme above declared Then I give [and] bequeath[e]
the said manno[ur] and other the premisses in norton aforesaide unto the said humfreye Turno[ur] Richard Barton Andrewe Tallock
Anthonie Saffolde and Martyne Joynshyn and to theire heaires forever. Item I will and devise that all ^that my Grannge called helcott[e]s
grannge w[ith] th[e ]appurtenn[ance]s in the countie of lincoln, And all those my myll[e]s called holbache myil[e]s w[ith] th[e ]appurtenn[ance]s in the same
Countie of radno[ur] and my manno[ur] of west towne w[ith] th[e ]app[ur]tenn[ance]s in the countie of Mid[lese]x if it shal[l ]be belonginge unto me in fee
symple at the tyme of my decease or afterwardes, and all other my landes Tenement[e]s and heredittamentes whatsoever the be with
theire appurtenn[ance]s by me not alreadie assured and conveyede nor by me herein devised gyvenn or bequeathed shall[l ]be solde after my
decease by my saide executors S[ir] walter Mildmaye, kelham Digbie Edmond Dannell xr[ist]ofer Tamworthe and Edmonde
Downinge or by the survyvo[urs] or survyvo[ur] of them to anye personn or parsonns and to theire heires forever to the moste comoditie
advanntaige that cannne or maye be gottenn for the same, and the monney commynge of the sale thereof I will shal[l ]be
ymployed and bestowed towardes the paymente of any debtes and performynge my laste will and testament, and towardes the paymente
of my ginftes legacies and bequeastes therein expressed men[ti]oned lymyted or set forthe, In witness whereof I the said John
Tamworthe to ev[er]y parte of this my laste will and testament and Devise Tripertite Indented have set my hande and seale yeonen
the daye and yeare first abovewrittenn Theis parsonns hereafter named beinge witnesses thereunto by me speciallie called [and]
desired, that is to saye, John Tamworthe Singillate et subscr[ipt??] et dlib in inp???? mei Thome Browne scr[ivener] et mei Baldewinn
Castleton appud dict Thome Browne scr[ivener], by me william holmes, By me Emilio Borgannios doctor of phisick
Secundo die marcii anno domini mill[es]imo quingen[tesimo] sexagesimo nono Emanaiut comissio
Edmundo Downing sui execute nominate in teste videfi, ad administrand debite et credita einsdem defi, ad uiam intestati deceden p[er]
???? walterus mildemaye miles, kenelmus Digby senior ?? Edmundus Danyell de Mesinge, xr[ist]oferus Tamworthe de Tylton
et d[omin]us Edmundus Downinge executores ex cert[e]s canshanimos fuas mste moven onida execu[ti]onis einsa testa ex?ss?re????????????
de b????? ad sancta dei evangelia iurat
mathew permissione divina Cant[uarensi]s Archie[pisco]pus toicus Anglie Primas et Metropolitannus Di[???]lio nobies in xp[???]o
Edmundo Downinge Tim[???]t[e]s London generos?? uiu ex[execu]to ?nominato p[er] in testo fuir ultima voluntate Johannis Tamworthe. Armigeri
defi d?? vixit caut? provincie Salt[????]m, ??? di[ct]us johannes Tamworthe
This final Latin section yet to be completed when I have improved my Latin skills.
Research Notes
John's paternal great aunt Anne was wife to Sir Galfrey Paynell, knight. Perhaps Nicholas Panell named in the Will was a descendant, maybe a second cousin.[3]
John Wythe junior, John's godson, died in 1582. His Will has the reference PROB 11/64/413. His father, a witness, was John Wythe. John passes the lease of St Germans to his father, and puts the lease of Abergwili up for sale. These leases were inherited from this John Tamworth, verifying that this is indeed John's godson. Finally, the Will was also witnessed by Elnor Wyth - could this be John Wythe's mother? The Will indicates that both his parents were living.
The "Mines Royal" company was set up by Letters Patent on 28 May 1568, incorporating 24 named individuals. John was named as one of the six assistants.[4]
The "Mineral and Battery Works" was also set up by Letters Patent on 28 May 1568, incorporating 39 individuals. John was named as one of the two deputy governors.[5]
The manors of Honeylands and Pentriches have since merged, and are known today as Capel Manor.[6]
The lordship of the Manor of Norton was conveyed from William Horne to John Tamworth in 1563, from whom it was descended to Christopher Tamworth in 1624.[7]
The reading of the name of Helcottes Grange in Lincolnshire is by no means certain. However, this seems the most promising. Helcotte is a family name from this time period. Furthermore, a study by Durham University mentions "also ‘lande’ inc ‘Helcote lande’" in connection with Wainfleet St Mary, Lincolnshire.[8]
The second, larger, Latin section on page 5 of the Will starts with the word Matthew, and refers to Matthew Parker (1504-1571) who was the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1569/70.
- ↑ https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D958335 National Archive]
Reference: PROB 11/52/94
Description: Will of John Tamworthe, Groom to Her Majesty's Privy Chamber of London
Date: 2 March 1570
Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 9 July 2022) - ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 52
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #913515 (accessed 9 July 2022)
Will of Johis Tammorthe of London, granted probate on 2 Mar 1569. Died Abt 1569. - ↑ Internet Archive
The Visitation of the County of Lincoln 1562-4, page 120. Accessed 16 July 2022. - ↑ Letters Patent
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Office: Elizabeth [1] A.D. 1566-1569, Page 211
Internet Archive Accessed 26 July 2022. - ↑ Letters Patent
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Office: Elizabeth [1] A.D. 1566-1569, Page 274
Internet Archive Accessed 27 July 2022. - ↑ Capel Manor's History Accessed 19 July 2022
- ↑ Court Rolls of the Manor of Norton, held at the National Library of Wales, Vol. 14, 1944, page 45
https://journals.library.wales/view/1191402/1192480/46#?xywh=-1031%2C1323%2C5027%2C2587 The National Library of Wales] accessed 19 July 2022 - ↑ "Margins of the East Fen: Historic Landscape Evolution", Durham University, Department of Geography, Table 2.4.1
Study Accessed 3 August 2022.
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