
Will of John Thurton of Broome, Norfolk, 1609

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Broome, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Thurton
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This is the Last Will and Testament for John Thurton of Broome, Norfolk. He was born in about 1522 and died in September 1609. The will was written in January 1606/7 and proved in November, 1609. John's wife Grace is mentioned in the will as having died, and she passed in December 1606, and this event might well have prompted John to write the will a month later.

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Page breaks are noted where they occur
  • The text was originally in one very large block of text.
  • Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item")
  • Bold text for names have been added for ease of reading
  • The use of ff for F is retained where used.
  • The use of the obsolete letter Thorn is rendered by [th] where used.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text and noted in [brackets].
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was marginally acceptable, and the handwriting relatively legible.

Persons Listed in Will

(Listed in order of appearance)

  • John Thurton
  • Anne (Thurton) Wrighte (Sister)
  • John Wrighte (Sister Anne's husband; of Ditchingham)
  • Elizabeth (Thurton) Davye (Sister)
  • Andrewe Davye (Sister Elizabeth's husband; of Ditchingham; mentioned 3x)
  • Johane (Thurton) Stonnard (Sister; mentioned 3x)
  • John Stonnard the Elder (Sister's husband; of Brooke; mentioned 3x; spelled Stannard 2x)
  • Richard Thurton (deceased; presumed brother; of Norwiche)
  • William Thurton (presumed brother; of Bongaye)
  • Robert Thurton (1st cousin, son of uncle William Thurton)
  • Richard Thurton (1st cousin, son of uncle William Thurton)
  • Elizabeth Thurton (1st cousin, daughter of uncle William Thurton)
  • Anne Thurton (1st cousin, daughter of uncle William Thurton)
  • Johane Thurton (1st cousin, daughter of uncle William Thurton)
  • Awdrie Thurton (1st cousin, daughter of uncle William Thurton)
  • William Thurton (deceased, father's brother; of Ditchingham)
  • John Turnor (deceased; relationship unknown; of Twaighte)
  • Richard Sperham (relationship unknown; of Broome)
  • Anne Sperham (wife of Richard)
  • John Sperham (deceased; relationship unknown; of Ditchingham)
  • Robert Stanard (relationship unknown, possibly nephew and son of John Stonnard the Elder; of Mondham)
  • William Stonnard (nephew; son of John Stonnard the Elder; of Broome)
  • John Stonard the Younger (nephew; son of John Stonnard the Elder; of Booke, probably misspelling of Brooke)
  • Maryan Belward (relationship unknown, wife of Richard Belward)
  • Richard Belward (relationship unknown; of Ditchingham)
  • Dorothie Stonnard (niece, daughter of John Stonnard the Elder; of Topcrofte; mentioned 2x, once spelled Stannard)
  • Christopher Calthorpe [the Younger] (grandson, son of daughter Maude; of Bongaye)
  • Christopher Calthorpe [the Elder] (son-in-law, husband of daughter Maude; of Ditchingham; mentioned 6x)
  • Grace Calthorpe (granddaughter, daughter of Maude)
  • Grace Thurton (deceased; wife)
  • Mawde (Maude) (Thurton) Calthorpe (daughter; mentioned 6x)
  • Elizabeth Thurton (daughter; mentioned 7x)
  • Timothie Carconer (witness)
  • William Cobbell (witness)
  • William Birde (court Master)


[folio 406 recto] In the name of God, Amen, the twentith
Daye of Januarye in the yere of the raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Lorde James by the
grace of god king of England, ffrance and Ireland the fourthe and of Scotlande the
ffortye Anno Domini one thowsande sixe hundred and sixe: I John Thurton of
Brome in the Countie of Norff gentleman beying in perfect memory (Almightie
god be evermore praysed for yt) utterlie renouncinge all former willes Doe make
and declare this my testament and last will in manner and forme folowinge ffirst
and principallye I give and commytt my sinnefull soule unto the most mercifull
handes of Almightie god most humblie beseeching hym to be so good and gracious
unto me as to pardon and forgive me all my synnes onlie of hys free mercey in by and
thoroughe the Deathe and precious obedience of his most holie and derelie beloved Sonne
Christe Jesus my onlie and all sufficient blessed Savioure. And my bodie I bequeathe
to the earthe.

Item: I give and bequeathe to the poore people comming to my buryall to every
of them twoe pence of lawfull englishe money to be payed to every of them the same Daye.

Item: I give and bequeathe allso over and besides that before bequeathed unto the poore people
of every of these next named townes or parishes to be Distributed indifferentlie amonge
the poore people which at the tyme of the giftes or Legaceys bestowing or paying shalbe
then there inhabiting theise severall sommes of lawful englishe money hereafter exp[re]ssed
vizt: To the poore people of Brome aforesaid thirtie shillinges; To the poore people in Bongay
fortie shillinges. To the poore of Loddon thirtie shillinges; To the poore of Mendham
and Seysland twentie shillinges. To the poore in Ditchingham twentie shillinges:
To the poore in Ellingham twentie shillinges. To the poore of Twaight three shillinges
fower pence. To the poore in Kirbiecane fyve shillinges. To the poor in Leddenham
thirteene shillinges fower pence. To the poore in Beddingham thirteene shillinges
fower pence; To the poore in Beckles fortie shillinges. And to the poore people in
Lowstotoffe fortie shillinges. All which sommes aforesaid and every of them I will
shalbe distributed indifferentlie amongest all the poore people of every of the townes
and parishes aforesaid with a good regarde of every ones povertie and paid unto every
of them betweene the twentie and thirtie Dayes of the monethe of Januarye next after
my Departure out of this life.

Allso I give unto Anne my Sister the nowe wife of
John wrighte of Ditchingham twentie poundes of lawfulll englishe money to be paid within
fower monethes next after my Departure out of this ^present life. Allso I give unto Elizabeth
the nowe wife of Andrewe Davye of Ditchingham aforesaied my Sister the life somme
of twentie poundes of lawfull englishe money to be allso payed unto her within fower
monethes next after my Deceasse. Allso I give and bequeathe' unto Johane my Sister
the nowe wife of John Stonnard the elder of Brooke yerelie and every yere duringe
her n[atu]rall life the yerelie somme of twentie poundes of good and lawfull englishe money
to be paied unto her the said Johane or her assignes at fower severall tymes in the
yere that is to saye at the ffeast daye of o[u]r Lorde commonlie called Christmas Daye
the ffeast Daye of the Annunciacon of oure Ladye the ffeast daye of Saint John
Baptist and one the ffeast daye of Saint Michaell the Archanngell by even
and equal portions yerelie and every yere during her naturall life. The firste
payment thereof to begynne at which of the said ffeastes shall happen next after
my departure out of this life.

Item: I give unto all the children of Richard Thurton
late of Norwiche deceased to every of them fortie shillinges to make them Rynges
withall to be paied within twoe monethes next after my decease at the furthest.
Allso I do give unto william Thurton of Bongaye the somme of thirtie poundes of
lawfulle englishe money to be payed within twoe monethes next after my departure
out of this life. Allso I give unto Robert Richard Elizabeth Anne Johane and
Awdrie children of my uncle william Thurton late of Ditchingham deceased: to

[folio 406 verso]
every of them the somme of fortie shillinges of lawfull englishe money to be payed unto
every of them within twoe monethes next after my decease. Allso I give to all the
children of John Turnor late of Twaighte deceased to every of them twentie shillinges
in [margin note good] gould to make them Rynges of.

Item I give to Richard Sperham of Broome aforesaid
and Anne his wife fyve poundes of lawfull englishe money to be payed soone after my
Decease or within three monethes next after at the farthest. Allso I give to all the
children of John Sperham late of Ditchingham deceased to every of them fortie shillings
of good englishe money to be paied to every of them as they shalbe of the age of one and
twentie yeres or within one yere next after my departure out of this life which doe
last happen. Allso I give unto all my servanntes which shalbe Dwellinge with me
at the Daye of my deathe twentie shillinges of like lawfull englishe money to be
payed vizt twentie shillinges to every of them at or before the ffeast daye of Sainct Michaell
Tharchangell next after my departure out of the present life.

Item I give and bequethe
unto Robert Stanard of Mondham in the Countie of Norff[olk] yeoman thirtie poundes of
lawfull englishe money to be payed unto hym within one yere next after my Decease. Allso
I give and bequeathe unto William Stonnard of Broome aforesaied and to John Stonard
the younger of Booke [1] aforesaid sonnes of John Stonnard thelder of Brooke aforesayed and
Johane his wife to either of them the somme of twoe hundred markes of good and lawfull
englishe money to be paied unto either of them within one yere and a halfe next after my
Departure out of this mortall life; And allso I give and bequeathe unto Marryan the
nowe wife of Richard Belward of Ditchingham the somme of one hundred pounds of
lawfull englishe money to be likewise payed unto her within one yere and a halfe next
after my Decease. Allso I give and bequeathe unto Dorothie Stonnard of Topcrofte
Daughter of John Stannard the elder of Brooke aforesaid the like somme of one hundred
poundes of like lawfull englishe money to be paied unto her as soone as she shalbe of the
age one and twentie yeres; And I allso give unto her the said Dorothie Stannard the
yerelie somme of fortie shillinges of lawfull englishe money to be payed unto her yerelie &
every yere at the ffeaste daye of Sainct Michaell the Archanngell only untill she shalbe
of the age of one and twentie yeres for her better maynten[a]nce and good education and then
to cease. Allso I give unto xpofer [2] Calthorpe of Bongay the sonne of xpofer Calthrope
my sonne in lawe the sonne of xpofer Calthrope of Ditchingham my sonne in lawe the
Somme of twoe hundred pounds of good and lawfull englishe money to be paied unto hym
at his age of one and twentie yeres; Allso I give and bequeathe unto Grace Calthrope
Daughter of the said Christofer Calthrope my sonne in law the somme of twoe hundred
markes of lawfull englishe money to be paied unto her when she shall accomplish her age
of one and twentie yeres.

Item I will Devise and bequeathe all my howses Landes tenem[en]ts
and hereditaments aswell free and Chare as coppie ^hold and custumarye tenure with all and
singuler theire and every of theire appurtun[a]nces and every of them in what townes parishes
or places soever lying or beying to the heires of me the said John Thurton on the body of
Grace my very loving wife Deceased begotten; Provided notwithstanding and allwayes
excepted that yf it shoulde so please god that the heires of me John Thurton on the body of the
saied Grace my wife begotten and allso ^all the heirs of theire on theire or either of theire bodye
or bodies begotten or to be begotten Do depart this present life and leave no yssue on any
of theire bodyes begotten; Then I will Devise and bequeathe and give all my sayed howses Landes
Tenements and hereditaments with all and singuler theire app[ur]t[e]n[a]nces and every of them to
all the children of John Stannard the elder of Brooke on the bodye of Johane his nowe wife
my Sister begotten and theire heires for ever (any thinge matter or cause whatsoever
heretofore or hereafter in this my testament or last will to the contrarie hereof notwithstanding
And moreover allso I will Devise and my mynd ys that all the Evidences and wrytinges
which any maye concerne any houses Landes or tenements beyng left by me in any of
my howses or other places at the tyme of my departure out of this life shalbe put into
a suer [3] cheste with twoe lockes and twoe keys wherof either of my twoe daughters Mawde

[folio 407 recto]
and Elizabeth to have either of them one to be left by theire appoyntment and consent in
some convenient place to be safelie kept and preserved for the use of them selves and theire heires
on theire bodie or bodyes begotten or to be begotten. And yf it should soe please god that bothe
my saied Daughters Mawde and Elizabeth and all the heires on theire or either of theire body
or bodies begotten or to be begotten do departe this present life and leave no yssue on any of theire
bodies begotten or to be begotten: Then I will devise and bequeathe all the Evidences and writings
aforesaid and every of them unto the twoe eldest sonnes of the aforenamed John Stonnard
the elder of Brooke on the bodie of Johane his nowe wife begotten which then shalbe livinge
to be by them safelie kept and preserved to the use of them selves and theire other brother and
Sisters. And whereas I the saied John Thurton have heretofore sould unto henry ^Andrewe Davye of
Ditchingham my brother in lawe certeyne freehould Landes in some three acres whereof be yt
more or less I suppose the heires of my bodie begotten or interresses. Therefore I will devise
and my mynde ys that Mawde and Elizabeth my Daughters and theire heires shall within
Sixe monethes next after reasonable request or requests made by the sayed Andrewe
Davie or his heires or any other person or persons
[marginal insertion] havinge bowghte the said
groundes & that w[i]thin the
countye of Norff & cittie of
norw[i]ch or eith[e]r of them & at
the charge in lawe of the p[er]son
or p[er]sons [end marginal insertion]
so making requeste or requestes doe
execute and suffer or cause to be done executed and suffred all or any resonable Acte
or Actes thinge or thinges for the extinguishinge of all theire righte title and inte[re]st
in or to the said groundes or any of them by me bargayned and sould unto the use of
the person or persons then owners of the saied groundes and theire heires only accordinge
to the effect intent and trewe meaninge of the writinges whereunto my hand and seale
ys set to be by them shewed fourthe and not otherwise: And if the said Mawde and
Elizabeth my Daughters and theire heires shall refuse or shall not within the sixe moneths
aforesaid Do and suffer or cause to be done and suffred suche reasonable act or Actes
thinge or thinges as they or theire councell learned in the Lawe shall reasonablie Devise
and require and that according to theire wrytinges under my hande and seale heretofore made
and by them to be shewed fourthe as aforesayed and no otherwise. Then I will and devise
that yt shalbe lawfull unto the saied person or persons owners of the saied grounds and
so making requeste or requestes their heiree and assignes and every or any of them into one
inclose [4] of me the said John Thurton called or known by the name Lofthowse lying in
Broome and Thwayte in the Countie of Norff[olk] or either of them or any part or p[ar]cell
thereof to enter and Distrayne and the Distresse or Distresses there taken or had to
carrye, beare, leade or dryve awaye and them to deteyne until the saied Mawde and Elizabeth
my Daughters or either of them or the heires of them or of either of them shall acknowledg
execute Doe and suffer or cause to be Done acknowledged executed done or suffred
all and singuler suche reasonable act or actes thinge or thinges or take some other course
or order for the further and better assuringe and suer making of all the sayed groundes unto
the use or uses of the person or persons owners of the saied groundes and theire heires as
may be to their reasonable content and that onlie according to the Tenure intent effecte
and trewe meaninge of the said wrytinges under my hande and seale made and by them
to be shewed fourthe as aforesaied and no otherwise (any thinge matter or cause heretofore
or hereafter in this my last will and testament to the contrairie thereof in any wise
notwithstanding. And moreover whereas I have sould to divers and sundrye p[er]sons
divers freehould Landes and tenements lying in Beddingham Leddenham wotten &
Topcrofte or any of them and have conveyansed with divers of them to dischardge divers
of the saied Landes and Tenements of all other rentes
[marginal insertion] except those rents reserved
by coven[a]nt to myself &
my heires I will & devise
that all other rents [end marginal insertion]
coven[a]nted by me and my heires
to be discharged (except before excepted) shall according to the tenor intent effect
and true meaning of theire severall writinges under my hande and seale to be by them
shewed fourthe be by my executors or administrators or the heires executors or Admin[istrators]
of them or either of them or theire or any of theire assignes from tyme to tyme and at
all tymes dischardged only according to the intent effect and true meaninge of theire
severall wrytinges udner my hande and seale to be by them shewed fourthe and no otherwise
(any thinge matter or cause hereforgfore or heareafter in this my testament and last will

[folio 407 verso]
to the contrarye hereof in anywise notwithstanding. Allso my money in my house and all other
my money due or to be due otherwise, all my plate househouldstuffe ymplements of house all
my Cattell of what kynde so ever all my Corne and haye and all my goodes aswell moveable
or not moveable of what kynde nature or qualitie soever beyng I give devise and bequeathe
whollie unto Mawde the nowe wife of xpofer Calthrop of Dichingham my Daughter and
Elizabeth Thurton of Broome in the Countie of Norff[olk] my other Daughter to be for the
payment of all my debtes all my Legaceys guiftes and bequeathes in this my last will
and Testament all funerall chardges and other chardges whatsoever and all which remayneth
to be equallie Devided betwene them vizt my sayed twoe Daughters. And I do ordayne and
make the saied xpofer Calthrop my sonne in lawe and the saied Elizabeth Thurton my daught[e]r
Executor of this my last will and testament whome I most earnestlie Desire as my greate
and last request and allso chardge as they will awnswere yt before the Judge of all the
world to deale in yt soe trulie contionablie faithfullie carefullie and effectuallie as may
be especiallie to the glorie of Almightie god, dischardge of theire owne consciences and
good performance of this my last will and testament according to my good intent and
true meaning whereof I make no doubte. And as in the begynning of this my last will
and testament so nowe likewise in the ende hereof I most humblie and hartelie beseeche
Almightie god for his owne names sake and his most deerelie beloved Sonne Christe Jesus
sake to be so good and gracious unto me as to forgive me all my synnes and to receyve me
into his etearnall kingdome of glorye in his good tyme so be yt even soe be yt. And
unto this my last will and testament written in three sheetes of paper I have set my
hande to every sheet and to this last sheete bothe my hande and Seale. And thys I
have delivered as my last will and testament: By me John Thurton. Witnesses
Timothie Carconer and William Cobbell.

Latin Probatum abstract: This will was proved at London at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury before Master William Birde Legum Doctore (Doctor of Law) on 1 November 1609. Administration of the goods and credits granted to Christofer Calthrope and Elizabeth Thurton, the natural and legitimate daughter of the said deceased and the executors named in the said will, who swore to administer them well and faithfully


  1. probably mispelled Brooke
  2. Christopher
  3. secure?
  4. a close or parcel of land
  • Will of John Thurton of Brome, Norfolk. The National Archives. Ref: PROB 11/114/429. Date 20 January 1606/7, (accessed 29 August 2022).

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