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Will of John Walker, 5th gr-grandfather

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 3 Sep 1789 to 6 Jan 1801
Location: Rockbridge_Virginiamap
Surname/tag: Walker, Virginia, Rockbridge_Virginia
Profile manager: Alice Thomsen private message [send private message]
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Will – John Walker Written: 3 Sept 1789 Recorded: 6 Jan 1801 Place: Rockbridge Co., Virginia Witnesses/Executors: Thomas Lacky & Abraham Vanole / unnamed

In the name of God amen this third Day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine I John Walker of Rockbridge County and state of Virginia being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament first I Give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary the Mansion house that I now live in with all other movibles (sic) that are not yet given to my children this track (sic) of land that I now live on to my son Charles and Elijah to be equally devided (sic) quantity and qality (sic) or if that the both agree to sell the whole by their mothers consent the price to be equally devide (sic) between them and the young Horse that Charles claims I leave to him and the stray mare if no owner comes I leave to my son Elijah and as I now have given to my Doughters (sic) a part of my movables and each one nowing (sic) their own I leave to them accord?? as it is now devided (sic) and I leave to my son Phillip one set of plow irons and one plantation shall not be sold but by my wife Mary’s consent during her life time and all debts that are yet colected (sic) I leave to my wife Mary to be ordered by her as she thinks fit all the above mentioned Will I this Day do make and ordain to be my last Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above writen (sic).

Signed sealed and Delivered In the Presence (sic) of

Thomas Lacky John Walker (sealed)

Abraham Vanole

Before sealing and delivering, I give and be bequeath the land that is now in my possession granted by patten (sic) to me I leave to my son, Philip with all the appurtenance (sic) thereto (sic) in any wise belonging sealed as above.

Thomas Lacky John Walker (sealed)

Abraham Vanole

At a Court held for the County of Rockbridge January sixth, 1801.

This writing purporting the last will and testament of John Walker Deceased was produced in Court by Elijah Walker and proved by the oath of Thomas Lecky a subscribing witness and ordered to be for further proof. Teste Andrew Reid, Clk

And at a Court held for the aforesaid County of Rockbridge on April 7, 1801.

This Will was further proved by the oath of Abraham Vanole another subscribing witness and ordered to be Recorded.

Andrew Reid, Clk

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