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Will of John Williams of Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire 1578

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
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Will of John Williams of Wotton under Edge 1579

Persons mentioned

  • John Wyllams testator
  • Will[ia]m Willyams son of testator
  • John Wyllyams son of testator
  • Hughe Wiilliams son of testator
  • Frances Wyllyams daughter of testator
  • Richard Burman son of Anthony Burman, relationship if any to testator not stated
  • Anthony Burman
  • Johane Willyams daughter of Edmond Wyllams
  • Anne Wyllyams relationship to testator not stated
  • Theobalde wife of testator

In the name of god Amenne the xxijth daye of Apryll Anno d[omi]ni 1578 in tyhe xxth year of the
raign of our Sov[er]aign ladie Elizabethe by the gr[ac]e of god of England france and Ireland
Quene Defende[r] of the faithe etc / I John Wyllyams of the p[ar]ishe of wotton und[er] edge in the
countie & Dio[cese] of Glouc[ester] beinge sicke in bodie but hoole in mynde and of good and
p[er]fectt rememberance thanks be geven unto god Do make and ordeyne this my p[resen]te testament
contenynge herin my last will in nann[er] & forme followinge/ that is to saie

First I commyte
my soule into hands of allmightie god my creatortrustinge onelie in his merrits to ne
saved by the meryts and deathe of his deare sonne Jesus Christe my alone sufficient
saviour and redeem[er] any my bodie to be buryed in the churche yarde of wotton affoursaid

It[e]m I give and bequethe to the poore people inhabytinge and dwellinge in the p[ar]ishe of
wotton afforesaid iijoz bushells of malte

It[e]m I give and bequethe to Will[ia]m Willyams
my sonne the some of fyve pounds of good englishe money to be paied unto hym at
the feaste of Saynte michell tharchangell w[hi]ch shalbee in the yeare of our lorde god

It[e]m I give unto John Wyllyams my sonne the some of vl of good
engelishe money to be paied unto hym at the feaste of Saynte michell the
Archangell w[hi]ch shalbe in the yeare of o[ur] lord god 1581
It[e]m I give to Hughe Wiilliams
my sonne' the some of fyve pounds of good enelishe money to ne paied to hym when
he shall accomplishe & come to the full age of xxijti yers

It[e]m I give to Frances
Wyllyams my daughter the some of fyve pounds of good engelishe money to be paied
unto her at the daie of her marryage if she matye before she be xxti yers of age
but if she do not marrye before the time afore named then I will at the ............
that she shall have it at the age of xxiti

It[e]m I give to Richard Burmman?
the sonne of Anthony Burman a yewe & a lambe

It[e]m I give to Johane Willyams the
the daughter of Edmonde Wyllyams one yewe & a lambe

It[e]m I give to Anne Wyllyams one
yewe & a lambe

THe rest of all my goods beinge unbequethed my debts paied and
my fun[er]all done I wherebye geve and bequethe to Theobalde my wife and make
her my sole and onelie executrixe to ........ of this my will .. constytute and
ordeyne my welbeloved in charyte? Willi[ia]m maynarde Francis Plond[er] Micholas
Wynde and I give to ev[er]y of them for their paines xjd that this is the tone and
last will of me the foresaid John Williams are wyttnesses .........................
............................ Frances Plond[er] Will[ia]m Maynde nicholas wynde john souche and

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