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Will of John Wryter, Baker of All Saints, Worcester, 1601

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of John Wryter or Writer, a baker of the parish of All Saints, Worcester, Worcestershire, England. John wrote his will on 23 December 1601 and it was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 13 February 1601/2. [1]

This will was instrumental in untangling the complicated familial relationship between John and his "father-in-law" Francis Streete.
John was married firstly to Ursula, the daughter of John Worvield of Powick, Worcestershire. This relationship is named in the will.
His second wife was Ellen Mason, who had her brother Thomas Mason named in the will.

Francis Streete's second wife Margaret was born Margaret Danckes.
She first married William Mason in 1571. William was the father of Ellen (Mason) Wryter.
Margaret's second husband was William Poler or Pooler, by who she had four more children.
As Margaret Pooler she married the widower Francis Streete.

Francis Streete was John Wryter's step-father-in-law.

The very precise descriptions of the relationships and bequests show that John's children Clement, Thomas the Elder, Elizabeth and Anne were siblings "of the whole Blood" and were children of Ursula Worvield. These were the only four children who were entitled to inherit the property that Ursula had brought into the marriage.
John's children Thomas the Younger and Frances were children of Ellen. The tannery bequeathed in the Will of William Mason, Tanner of Worcester was to be bequeathed firstly to Thomas, but if he had died and any of the sons of John and Ursula inherited it, they had to pay Frances compensation.

Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document. The scribe used commas and semi-colons much more frequently than usual for this period, and not always consistently.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting readable.

Persons mentioned (not in order of appearance):

  • John Wryter of the parish of All Saints in the Citty of Worcester Baker Testator
  • Ursula my first wief deceased, buried in All Saints Church, Worcester. Daughter of John Worvield.
    • Clemente Writer mine eldest sonne son of Testator and Ursula. Under the age of 21 years.
    • Thomas Wryter myne eldest sonne of that name and brother of the whole bloude unto the saide Clemente son of Testator and Ursula. Under the age of 21 years.
    • Elizabeth Writer and Anne Writer my daughters and sisters of the whole bloud unto the same Clement and Thomas daughters of Testator and Ursula. Both under the age of 21 years.
  • Ellen my nowe wief Testator's second wife, formerly Ellen Mason. Executrix of will.
    • Thomas Wryter my younger sonne of that name son of Testator and Ellen. Under the age of 21 years.
    • Frannces Wryter one other of my daughters daughter of Testator and Ellen. Under the age of 21 years.
  • John Mason of Abbots Salford in the Countie of Warwicke yoman relation of Ellen (Mason) Wryter. Referred to as Uncle by testator.
  • John Worvield of Powick father of Ursula Worvield
  • Humfrey Worvield and Michaell Worvield, nowe or late of Powicke in the saide County of Worcester yeomen brothers of Ursula (Worvield) Wryter and named by Testator as brothers in law. Both overseers of the will.
  • my Father in lawe Franncis Streete gentleman step-father in law, see relationship explanation above. Overseer of the will.
  • Symon Mucklowe esquire Testator bought land from him in Suckley, Worcestershire. The land previously held for the life of Richard Kynwarde and would come in reversion on the death of Anne Mooreton nowe the wief of Thomas Mooreton esquire
  • William Mason late of the saide Cittye Tanner deceassed father of Ellen (Mason) Wryter, and first husband of Margaret (Danckes) Streete
  • Frances Streete and Margaret his wief the same Francis Streete as above, Margaret (Danckes) was his second wife and mother of Ellen from her first marriage to William Mason.
  • Thomas Mason brother of the saide Ellin my wief Not known whether Margaret was his mother
  • Clement Giles sonne of William Giles, and of Elizabethe his wief, mine eldest sister legatee if all Testator's children should die.
  • William Parker Testator bought property from him in All Saints , Worcester
  • Thomas Powell, Clerke parson of the parish of All Saints
  • my godsonne John Henshawe
  • Roger Hawton of Hollowe overseer of will
  • my godsonne John Lyes
  • John Wallies the Walker in debt to Testator
  • Anne Worvield the daughter of Thomas Worvielde deceased relation of Testator by first wife.
  • John Churchill gentleman and Elizabethe his wief held the money due to Anne Worvield.
  • my lovinge frende maister Durrant silver buttons.
  • George Langforde gentleman cloth for a cloak.
  • Alice the wief [of] George Farmor, my Sister received a ruby ring.
  • Richard Moore gentleman Testator leased land from him.

[folio 180 recto]
In the name of God Amen the three and
twentith day of December in the yere of our lorde god, One thowsande Six hundred and
One, and in the foure and fortithe yere of the raign of our soveraign Ladie Elizabeth by
the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faithe &c I
John Wryter of the parish of All Saints in the Citty of Worcester Baker, doe make this
my last will and Testament in writing, in manner and forme following, First I give and
bequeath my soule to almightie god who hathe made me, and to Jesus Christe myne onelie
Saviour, who hathe redeemed me, and to god the holie ghoste, who hathe sactified me and all
the elect people of god, and my bodie to be buried in the Churche of All Saincts, near to
the place where Ursula my first wief was buried, And as towching my worldlie goodes, in
manner and forme following, videlicet, First I give and bequeath to Clemente Writer mine
eldest sonne and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, all those landes tennementes and
hereditaments called or knowne by the name of Claphill, scituate lyeng and being in the
parishe commonlie called Saincte John in Bedwardine, with all and singular thapprten[a]nces
to the same belonginge; All which premisses were heretofore grannted and given to me in
marriage withe the said Ursula my late wief by John Worvield of Powick her father
And if yt fortune that my saide sonne Clemente doe dye and departe this life withoute
heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, Then my will is, that the same landes tennements
and hereditaments shall remaine and come, unto Thomas Wryter myne eldest sonne of
that name and brother of the whole bloude unto the saide Clemente and to the heires of the
bodie of the same Thomas lawfullie begotten, And if yt fortune the same Thomas, to dye, or
departe this lief without heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, then my will, full entente,
and meaninge is, that the same landes tennements and hereditaments shall be, remaine and
come unto Elizabeth Writer and Anne Writer my daughters and sisters of the whole
bloud unto the same Clement and Thomas and to the heires of the bodies of the same Eliza=
bethe and Anne lawfullie begotten, And if yt Fortune, that the same Elizabeth and
Anne doe die and departe this lief without heires of their two bodies, or of the bodie of
one of them lawfullie begotten, then my will, full entent and meaninge is, that the same
landes tennements and hereditaments shall remaine come and be unto the right heires
of the saide Ursula for ever

Item where I have late purchased and bought to me and
myne heires of ever, of Symon Mucklowe esquire; all those two messuages of tennem[en]ts
wherof th'one is, or heretofore was called by the name of Blassardes, and th'other is, or
heretofore was called by the name of Gouldes, and nowe beinge but one messuage, and one
Cottage withall and singular landes tennements and hereditaments to the same messuage
or Tennement and Cottage or aine of them belonginge; or in aine wise apperteying w[i]th all
and singular their and every of their appurten[a]nces scituate lienge and beinge in Suckley in
the Countie of Worcester, which last menc[i]oned premisses I lately helde; for terme of the
naturall lief of Richard Kynwarde; whiche estate of mine latelie purchased, is an estate in
fee simple; in reversion, expectant uppon the death of Anne Mooreton nowe the wief of
Thomas Mooreton esquire; all and singular which messuages landes tennements hereditaments

[folio 180 verso]
And premisses, I give and bequeath unto Ellen my nowe wief, And also all and singular th'issues
proffitts rentes reversions comodityes and emoluments whatsoever yerelie issuinge growinge
commynge risinge and renewinge out and of the last menc[i]oned premisses, the same Ellin nott
doinge or commytting aine voluntarie or wilful waste, To have hould and enioy the saide
messuage landes tennements rentes issues proffitts commodityes emoluments and hereditaments
whatsoever unto the saide Ellin her executors and assignes, for and duringe the full and whole
terme of tenn yeres next and imeadiatelie after my decease; And my further entent purpose and
meaninge is, that the saide Ellin, shall within two monethes next after my deceasse, make, seale and as
her act deliver, or lawfullie tender to be delivered, at or within my nowe dwelling house, unto John
Mason of Abbots Salford in the Countie of Warwicke yoman, Humfrey Worvield and Michaell
Worvield, nowe or late of Powicke in the saide County of Worcester yeomen, or to aine two of them
One obligac[i]on or writinge obligatorie of the somme of three hundred poundes of good and lawfull
money of England, for the true paiemente of all and singular and every the somme and sommes of
money hereafter in and by this my last will and Testament given and bequeathed, to all and
every my children hereafter in this my last will named and menc[i]oned, at suche tyme and times, as
is and are hereafter also in this my last will menc[i]oned,

Item I doe give and bequeathe, and my full
entent and meaninge is, that all and singuler the saide message landes tennements hereditamentes
and premisses before menc[i]oned, to be scituate lyenge and being, in Suckley aforesaide, shall be,
remaine and come charged with the several Annuityes hereafter menc[i]oned, from and imeadiatelye
after th'ende of the saide terme of tenne yeres unto my sayde sonne Clement Wryter and th'eires of
his bodie lawfullie beogtten, And for wante of suche heires, then my will, full entente and meaninge
[margin insertion] the same messauges landes
ten[emen]ts & p[re]misses in Suckley
aforesaid shalll come remaine
& bee unto the said Thomas
Writer the elder & to the
heires of his bodie lawful-
ly begotten And for want
of such heires then my Will
Full intente & meaning is
that the same messuage lands
tenements & p[re]misses in Suck-
ley aforesaide shall come re-
maine & bee
unto Thomas Wryter my younger sonne of that name and to the heires of his bodie lawfully
begotten, and for wante of suche of such heires, then my will, entent, and full meaninge is, that
the same messuage landes tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, shall come, remaine
and be unto the saide Elizabeth Wryter and to the he heires of her bodie lawfully begotten,
And for wante of suche heires, then my will, full entente, and meaninges is, that the saide
messuage landes tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, shall come remaine and be
unto the said Anne Wryter and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And for wante
of suche heires, then my will, full entente and meaninge is, that the saide messauge landes
Tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, shall be remaine, and come bee come unto Frannces
Wryter one other of my daughters and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And for
wante of suche heires, then my will, full entente and meaninge is, that the saide messuage lands
Tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, shall come, remaine and be unto the righte
heires of me the saide John Writer for ever, Provided neverthelesse, and my further will entente
and meaninge is, and notwithstandinge aine matter or thinge before menc[i]oned, I doe give and
bequeathe unto the saide Ellin my nowe wief one Annuytie or yerely rente of seaven poundes of good
and lawfull money of Englande yerelie issuinge and goinge oute of the saide messuage landes
Tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, and to be yerelie had perceived received and
taken unto and by the same Ellen, for and duringe her naturall lief, at the Feastes of the Birthe
of our lorde and Saviour Jesus Christe, the Anuncia[i]on of the blessed virgin marie, the nativity
of Sainct John Baptist and Saincte Michaell Th'archangell by equall porc[i]ons, And Further
I doe will, Devise and bequeath unto the saide Elizabeth Writer my daughter, One other Anuitie,
or yerelie rente of fortie shillinges of like lawfull money yerelie issuinge and goinge oute of the same
last menc[i]oned messuage landes tennements and premisses, to be yerelie have perceived received and
taken unto and by the saide Elizabeth Writer, for and duringe her naturall lief, att the Feastes
aforesaide, The Firste payment of the saide seaveral Annuyties, to begin at the firste of the saide
Feastes aforesaide, which shall firste happen nexte after th'expirac[i]on of the saide terme of tenn
yeres before menc[i]oned, Provides neverthelesse, that if yt happen the saide seaverall Annuyties
of seaven poundes, and fortie shillinges, or either of them, to be behinde and unpaied by the space
of fouretene dayes nexte after aine of the saide Feastes in which the same ought to be paide

[folio 181 recto]
According to this my will and true meaninge; That then and at all and every time and times
after it shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Ellin and Elizabethe and either of them
to whom suche Annuity or yerelyie rent, or anie parte thereof shall be behinde and unpaied,
notwithstandinge aine guifte, grannte bequeast, or will before menc[i]oned, into the saide messuage
landes tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide, and into every or aine parte thereof to
enter and distretyne, and the distresse and distresses there soe taken and founde, to leade, drive, take,
carrie awaye impounde, detaine and keepe, untill the saide Annuityes, or yerelie rents, or either
of them, or such parte thereof, as shall then happen to be behinde and unpaied, be fullie and truely
contented satisfied and paied, And For as much as I maye departe this life before I can, or may
have the assurance of the saide messuage landes tennements and premisses in Suckley aforesaide
fullie and perfectlie assured and conveyed, I doe nominate and appointe, that all and every suche fine,
or fines, recovery or recoveryes, or other assurannce or assurannces which hereafter shall be had,
leavied, or executed, of the saide premisses or of anie parte thereof to my Father in lawe Franncis
Streete gentleman, myne uncle John Mason, my two brother in lawes Michaell Worvield and
Humfrey Worvield or to anie of them, shall be to the use of the deede already sealed by the
saide Simon Mucklowe; and of this my last will, and to none other use, entente, or purpose,

I give devise, and bequeath unto the saide Thomas Writer the younger and to the heires of
his bodie lawfullie begotten, all that messuage or tennemente, tanne house, close of pasture
backside and garden, nowe in the occupac[i]on of the saide Franncis Streete; sctuate lieing and
beinge within the suburbs of the saide Citty of Worcester neare the Bridge there; commonly
called Seaverne bridge; withall and singular th'appurtenannces thereunto belonginge, together
withall housholdstuff and implements of houshold, as were by William Mason late of the
saide Cittye Tanner deceassed, in and by his last will and Testament devised, willed,
bequeathed, intended, or meante, to be and remaine, in the same last menc[i]oned messuage, as
standardes in and for the same; which messuage and other the premisses last before mentioned, I
lately bought and purchased of the saide Frances Streete and Margaret his wief and of
Thomas Mason brother of the saide Ellin my wief, as by a deede and other assurannces thereof
made; more at large maye appeare; And I doe futher give, devise, and bequeathe; unto the
saide Thomas Wryter the younger and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, all that
One close of pasture lyenge and being in the parish of Sainct Clements and within the
suburbs of the saide Citty of Worcester, which close, I lately purchased of one William
Parker, And yf it fortune, that the sayde Thomas Wryter the younger, doe dye and dep[ar]te
this lief without heires of his body lawfully begotten, then my will, entente, and full
meaninge is, that the same last menc[i]oned messauge and all other the premisses in the suburbs
of the Citty aforesayde, shall remaine, come, and be, unto the saide Thomas Writer th'elder
and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, uppon this Condic[i]on, that the same
Thomas Writer th'elder and the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, shall well and truely
content, satisfye; and paie, or cause to be paide unto the saide Frannces Writer, the full
and whole somme of threscore poundes of good and lawful money of England, in mannner
and forme followinge / videlicet, thirtie poundes p[ar]cell of the saide threscore poundes within
One yere nexte after the saide Thomas Writer th'elder, or the heires of his bodie, shall or
maye be actuallie seized, or possessed, of the saide last menc[i]oned messauge and premisses last
before menc[i]oned, or of aine parte thereof, by force, vertue, or cullour of this my last will
and Testament, And other Thirtie poundes being the residue of the saide threscore poundes
within one yere then nexte followinge; And if it fortunes, that the saide Thomas Wryter
th'elder doe dye and departe this lief without heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, or make
defaulte of payment of the saide somme of threscore poundes, or anie parte thereof, in manner
and forme before menc[i]oned, then my will, full entent, and meaning is, that the saide laste
menc[i]oned messauge and premisses lastly before menc[i]oned, shall come, remaine, and be, to the saide
Clemente Wryter and to the heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, uppon Condic[i]on that the

[folio 181 verso]
saide Clement, or the heires of his body lawfullie begotten, shall well and truelie contente,
satisfie and paie, the like somme of threscore poundes, or soe much thereof, as at the time of the
deathe of the saide Thomas Wryter th'elder without heires of his bodie lawfully begotten, shalbe
unpaide and unsatisfied, accordinge to mine entent and true meaninge, and in manner before
menc[i]oned, And if yt fortune the same Clement Writer, doe die and departe this lief withoute
heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, or make defaulte of payment of the saide somme, or sommes
before menc[i]oned to be paied by the same Clement, accordinge to the true entent and meaninge
of this my last will and Testamente, then my will, full entent, and meaning is that the saide
messuage, and other the last menc[i]oned premisses, shall remaine, come, and be unto the saide
Frannces Writer my daughter, and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie befotten, And if yt
fortune the same Frannces to die and departe this lief without heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten
Then my will, full entente and meaning is, that the same messuage and premisses, shall remaine,
come, and be, unto the saide Elizabethe Writer and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And
for wante of heires of the bodie of the saide Elizabethe lawfullie begotten, then my will, full
entent, and meaninnge is, that the same shall remaine, come, and be, unto the saide Anne Writer
and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And for wante of heires of the bodie of the
same Anne, then my will, full entent; and meaninge is, that the same last menc[i]oned messuage,
and premisses, shall remaine, come and be, unto Clement Giles sonne of William Giles, and of
E[liz]abethe his wief, mine eldest sister, and to the heires of the same Clement Giles for ever

I will, devise, give and bequeathe unto the saide Thomas Writer th'elder my sonne, all that
messuage, or Tennement with th'appurten[a]nces, scituate and being in the parishe of all Saincts
within the Citty of Worcester, nowe beinge in the occupac[i]on of William Parker, of whom I
latelye purchased the same, To Have and to hould the same last menc[i]oned messuage unto the
said Thomas Writer th'elder and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for wante
of such heires, then my will, full entente, and meaninge is, that the same messuage lastlie menc[i]oned
shall remaine, come and be, unto the saide Clement Writer and to the heires of his bodie law=
fully begotten, And for want of suche heires, then my will, full entent, and meaning is, that
the same messuage lastlie menc[i]oned, shall be, remaine, and come, unto the saide Thomas Writer
the younger and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, And for wante of such heires
then my will, full entent, and meaninge is, that the same last menc[i]oned messuage, shall be
remaine, come, and be, unto the saide Elizabethe Writer, and to the heires of her bodie law=
fully begotten, And For wante of suche heires, then my will, full entent, and meaninge is, that
the same last menc[i]oned messuage, shall be remaine and come unto the saide Anne Writer
and to the heires of her bodie lawfullie begotten, And for wante of suche heires, then my will
full entent and meaninge is, that the same last menc[i]oned messuage; shall remaine, come, and
be; unto the saide Frannces Writer and to her heires for ever,

Item I doe Further will, devise,
give and bequeath unto the saide Ellin my nowe wief, the house, or messauge, wherein I nowe
dwell, with th'appurtenances, togeather withe the Furnace therein used for my Trade; To
have and to houlde the same house and Furnace, for and during all the time and termes of yeres
yet to come and unexpired, menc[i]oned in the saide lease, whereby I hould the same, if she the
saide Ellin soe longe doe live, And if she happen to die and departe this life before the
expirac[i]on of the saide terme of yeres menc[i]oned in the saide lease, then my will is, And I
doe give and bequeath the saide house; or messauge wherein I nowe dwell, and the saide furnace
to my saide sonne Thomas Writer th'elder his executors and assignes for ever,

Item I will
devise, give, and bequeath unto the saide Clement Writer my sonne; the somme of thirty pounds
of good and lawfull money of England, And one Boule of silver p[ar]cell guilte, and one brasse
pott, and one brasse pan, and half a dozen of silver spoones, which spoones, and pan were
sometimes my Fathers in his lief time; the same legacie of money and goodes, to be paide and
delivered to the same Clement my sonne, when he shall accomplish the full age of twenty and
one yeres, and nott before,

Item I will, devise; give; and bequeathe, unto the saide Thomas Writer

[folio 182 recto]
Th'elder my sonne, the like somme of thirtie poundes of like lawfull money of England, and one
boule of silver percell guilte, and one other brasse pott, the same legacie of money and goodes, to
be paide and delivered unto the saide Thomas when shall accomplishe the full age of twenty
and one yeres, and nott before;

Item I will, devise, give and bequeath unto the said Thomas
Writer the younger my sonne, the like somme of thirtie poundes of like lawfull money
And one other boule of silver percell guilt, And one other brasse pott, and one kettle, or
Caldron, them same legacie of money and goodes, to be paied and delivered unto the same
Thomas, when he shall accomplish the full age of twentie and one yeres, and nott before,

Item I will, devise, give and bequeath unto the said Elizabethe Writer, one some of forty
poundes of like lawfull money, and one peece of silver percell guilte called a Tonne, or
beaker percell guilte, and one other brasse pott, and one other brasse ketle or caldron, the
same her legacy of money and goodes, to be paide and delivered unto her the same Elizabeth
when she shall accomplish the full age twentie yeres, Or be; with the consente of the sayde
Michaell and Humfrey Worvield, or of the survivor of them married, which of the same shall
first happen,

Item I will, devise, give and bequeath unto the said Anne Writer, one other
somme of Fortie poundes, and one other peece of silver plate parcell guilt called a Tonne, or A
beaker, And one other brasse pott, and one other brasse kettle, the same her legacies of money and
goodes, to be paied and delivered unto the saide Anne, when she shall accomplish the full age of
Twentie yeres, Or be with the consent of the saide Michaell and Humfrey Worvield, or of the
survivor of them married, which of them shall first happen,

Item I will, devise, give and bequeath
unto the saide Frannces Writer my daughter one other somme of Fortie poundes of like lawfull
money, And one ale cupp parcell guilt withe a cover, and one other brasse pott, and one other
brasse ketle, the same legacie of money and goodes, to be paied and delivered unto her the saide
Frannces when she shall accomplishe the full age of twentie yeres, or be with the consente of
the saide Ellin my wief married, which of them shall first happen, which Ale cup is a pawne
or gage for fower poundes, And if it happen, the saide somme of fower poundes be payed, and
the cup redeemed, then I will, devise, give and bequeath the saide foure poundes unto the saide
Frannces, to be paied unto her in such sorte, and at such time, as th'other her lagacye is to be paide,

And Further my will entente and meaninge is, that if aine one, or more, of my saide children
doe dye and departe this life before the seaverall dayes and times for their porc[i]ons, in manner
and forme before limitted to be paide and delivered, then my will, entent and meaninge is, that
his, her, or their porc[i]on, or porc[i]ons, soe dyeinge, shall be equally devided, paied, and delivered
by my executrix of this my last will and Testament, to the rest and residue of my said children
as shall be livinge; at the time of the deceasse of such of them, as soe shall happen to dye; before
his, her, or their porc[i]on, or porc[i]ons, be soe paied and delivered, at such time and times, as the
same should, or ought to have been paied, if he, she, or they had lived, And my further will
entent and meaninge is, that all and every of my saide legacyes of money plate and goodes,
herein before given and bequeathed to my saide children shall contynue remaine and be in the
handes custody and possession of the saide Ellin my wief, soe longe as she doeth keepe herself
sole and unmarried after my deceasse, without puttinge in of suretyes to the Courte, or Judge
of the Courte of Orphants within the Cittye of Worcester,

Item I give and bequeath to the saide
Michaell Worvield my best cloake, and my best shirte,

Item I give and bequeathe to the saide
Humfrey Worvield my newe doublett with silver buttons, And my newe hoes, or breeches,

Item I give and bequeath to the poore people within the Cittie of Worcester, Fiftie dozen of
bread, whereof I will that twelve dozen be distributed unto the poore of the parish of All
Saincts, the rest and residue of the saide Fiftie dozen of bread, to be distributed, at the discrec[i]on
of myne executrix

Item I give and bequeath to twentie poore housholders in Defford in
the Countie of Worcester foure pence a peece,

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas
Powell Clerke parson of the saide parish of All Saincts tenn shillinges in money

Item I
will that myne executrix shall give and bestowe five dozen of bread to the poore of the p[ar]ish

[folio 182 verso]
Commonlie called Sainct John in Bedwardine,

Item I give and bequeath to the saide John Mason
soe much medley clothe, as will make him a cloake.

Item I give and bequeath to my brother in
lawe William Giles my second best cloake

Item I give and bequeathe to very one of my s[er]vants
and apprentices three shillings foure pence a peece

Item I give and bequeathe to my godsonne
John Henshawe; one Tun of my timber lienge at the key in the Citty of Worcester,

Item I give
and bequeathe to Roger Hawton of Hollowe, three shillings foure pence,

Item I give and bequeth
to my godsonne John Lyes five shillings And every one of my other godchildren twelve pence
a peece, Item I doe forgive John Wallies the Walker, all the money he doethe owe me for timber,
uppon Condic[i]on he doeth paie the other debts he oweth, by twentie shillings yerelie next after
my death

Item I give and bequeath to Anne Worvield the daughter of Thomas Worvielde
deceassed, the somme of Five poundes tenn shillings whiche the saide Thomas did owe me, at
the time of his deceasse, and which remaineth in the handes of John Churchill gentleman and
Elizabethe his wief, And Further my will and meaninge is, that mine executrix shall nott
in aine wise be charged with this legacie given unto the saide Anne Worvield, nor withe
anie parte thereof,

Item I give and bequeathe to my lovinge frende maister Durrant, two
dozen of silver buttons,

Item I give and bequeathe to George Langforde gentleman soe much
clothe, as will make him a Cloake,

Item I give and bequeathe to Alice the wief George
Farmor, my Sister, one goulde ringe with a stone, nowe esteemed to bee a Rewby

Item where
Richard Moore gentleman made a lease unto me and the saide Michaell Worvield of Powyckes
Milles and the Neytes, as by the Lease thereof maie appeare, for diverse yeres yet enduringe,
My will, entent, and meaning is, that the parte and porc[i]on of the same, which in Lawe, or
Equitie belongeth to me, shall be to the use of mine Executrix of this my last will and
Testament, towardes the paiement of my legacies and bringinge up of my children, The
rest and residue of all and singular my goodes chattells and cattells whatsoever herein nott
before given, I give and bequeath to the saide Ellin my wief, whom I ordaine and make
my full and whole executrix of this my last will and Testament,

Item I desire the said Franncis
Streete Michael Worvield Humfrey Worvield and Thomas Leonard of Hollowe gentleman
to be Overseers of this my last will and Testament

Item I give to my saide sister Giles
Tenn shillings in money. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt mine hande and seale
the daie and yere above written

Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at London before the venerable Master John Gibson Doctor of Laws at a Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, the thirteenth day of February by the calculation of the English Church AD 1601. Judgement to Robert Rawlins notary public proctor for Ellene the widow of the said deceased and executrix named in the said will, to which administration was granted for the goods and credits to well and truly administer the same &c having sworn by the Holy Saints.


  1. Will of John Wryter 1601: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 99
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #925244 (accessed 27 May 2022)

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