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Will of Joseph Brand of Edwardstone, Suffolk, 1714

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Suffolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Brand Barnardiston Rich
This page has been accessed 123 times.

This is a transcript of the registered copy will of Will of Joseph Brand of Edwardston, County of Suffolk, England, 1714. His Will was dated 26 August 1699 and proved 10 October 1714.[1]

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
  • The image quality was good and the writing fairly legible. Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

Dame Mary Brand, wife
Sir Samuel Barnardiston brother in law married to sister Thomazine
Unnamed Daughter, but believe to be Thomazine married to Richard Walter
First wife, unnamed, but believed to be Anne Rich
Joseph Brand, son
Joseph Brand, late father
Thomas Brand, son
Samuel Brand, son
John Howes, previous owner of 10 acres of land lying near Haymer Green in the parish of Bosford
Widow Limmer, occupant on the above said land
Nathaniel Brand, brother
James Pember, witness
John Exton, witness
Sir John Hesworth, Prerogative of the Court of Canterbury

Page 1 (folio 131 recto)

In the Name of God Amen
I Joseph Brand of Edwardstone in the County of Suffolk
Knight, being of sound mind and memory and in good health
of body (thanks be to God) but knowing the Uncertainty of this
life and being desirous to settle all my Affairs and Estate

Page 2 (folio 132 verso)

which it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this
world before I go home and be no more seen. And that I may
have no more to doe but to lay me down in peace in assured
hopes of everlasting joys in the world fortune through the
meritts and mediation of Jesus Christ and my only Saviour and
I make and declare this my last will and testament
in manner and forms following First, I commit my Soul in
all humility into the hands of Almighty God my Creator
hoping for Salvation through the Alsufficient merits of Jesus
Christ and his precious Blood which was shed for me to save
me and my body. I commit to the Earth from where it came
in the hopes of a glorious Resurrection to Eternal life and to be
buried privately at the direction of my Executrix herein.
after named. And for my worldly Estate both real and
personall I doe give and bequeath the same in manner and
forme following

First my Will is that my Dear Wife shall
quietly enjoy All the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments
settled upon her in Jointure. And I do hereby ratifye and
confirme the same.

And after a debt of Two Thousand and
Six hundred pounds due to Sir Samuell Barnardiston from me
(which I took up to pay my daughter Walter's portion) and
charged upon other my Freehold Lands and College Lease shall
be fully satisfyed and paid My Will is And I do hereby ratifye
and confirme my Deed of Settlement thereof by me made bearing
even date same day with these presents And all the uses
Intents and purposes therof therein mentioned contained and
declared according to the true intent and meaning thereof

Item my Will is that for such part of my Estate as are Leasehold
Lands held by me by Lease from Kings College in Cambridge
that the same be preserved by renewing thereof every seven
years as formally hath been done and it is usuall and that it
shall not be aliened but from time to time so ordered and disposed
that they may goe with and attend the Inheritance of my
Mansion house Lands Tenements and Hereditaments thereunto
belonging in Edwardston aforesaid And whereas there were
settled upon my first Wife in Jointure divers Lands Tenements
and Hereditaments my Will is and I doe hereby give Order
direct and appoint the same to be enjoyed according to the
said Settlement by my Son Joseph and the Heires males of his
body But for the Remainder in and by the said Settlement
limitted to my right heires or to the right heires of my late
Father (In case my said Son Joseph should dye without Issue
male of his body) I give the said Remainder and Fee simple
thereof Expectant upon the said Estate Taile in the said
Settlement limitted unto my son Thomas and the Heires males
of his body And for the want of such Issue To my Son Samuell
and his Heires forever

Item I give and devise the ten acres
of land lying at or near Haymer Green in the parish of
Boxford now in the occupation of the Widow Limmer which
I formerly purchased of John Howes to my Son Samuell and his

Page 3 (folio 132 recto)

Heires forever (if it be not sold in my lifetime)

Item I give and devise all my Copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments whatasoever and whersoever unto my said
Son-Thomas his heires and Assignes for ever

Item I give
unto my Son Joseph my Silver Tankard which hath the
Cholmleys Arms on it

Item I give unto my Dear and
loveing Wife Dame Mary Brand my best coach and
four of my best horses with all of the Furniture thereto

Item I give and bequeath all the rest of my plate
pewter Brasse Linnen Bedding and other Household Stuffe
whatsoever And all my Stock of Cattle Corne and Graine
as well that which is sowen on the Ground as that which
is in the Barnes or Chambers or elsewhere either att my
dwellling house at Edwardston or at any other of my Farmes
or elsewhere and all other my Goods and Chattells and
personall Estate not herein or hereby before disposed of to
my said Dear and loveing Wife Dame Mary Brand for the
better performance of this my Will and the payment of all
my debts I shall owe at the time of my Decease And if the
same shall not be sufficient to answer and pay all my
debts Then my Will is That three hundred pounds or so much
thereof as shall be wanting fully to pay and discharged the
same be raised out of my Freehold Lands as is provided in
and by my said Deed of Settlement bearing Date with these
presents And when the said three hundred pound or soe
much thereof as shall be wanting to pay all my Debts shall
be raised and paid Or if there be no occasion to raise the
same or any part thereof Then my Will is that my
Executrix Herein named discharge the said premises thereof
with all convenient speed that the said premises may be
cleared thereof and the person thereunto entitled discharged
from the burden and prejudice thereof resting upon the said

Item I give mourning to all my Children living at
the time of my death

Item I give to the poor of Edwardston
forty shillings and to the poor of Boxford Thirty shillings
and to the poor of Groton Twenty shillings And I doe
hereby make and appoint my said Dear and Loveing Wife
Dame Mary Brand my sole Executrix of this my last Will
And Testament And if there should happen any difference
between her and my Son Joseph or any other of my children
My desire is And I doe hereby Charge and require them
not to goe to Law but to agree between themselves Or to
referr it to the Judgment of two or three prudent and
discreet persons and therein to acquireste And I do hereby
revoake all former Wills whatsoever And lastly I earnestly
beseech Almighty God to protect and preserve my Dear
Wife and Children sending them long and happy Lives
here and eternall life hereafter In witnesse whereof I have
hereunto this my last Will and Testament sett my hand
and Seale this six and twentieth day of August in the
Eleaventh year of the Reigne of his now Majesty William
The Third King of England Scotland France and Ireland

Page 4 (folio 133 verso)

Defender of the Faith or Annoque Domini One Thousand
six hundred ninety nine...Joseph Brand Signed & Sealed.....
published and declared by the said Sir Joseph Brand to be his
last Will and Testament in the presence of us whole names
are hereunto subscribed in his presence. Nathaniel Brand, Thomas
Brand Jun. & James Pember.


Probatum fuit hujusinodi Testamentum apud
London coram Venerabili viro Johanne Exton Legum
Doctore Surrogati Venerabilis et Egregij Viri Johannis
Vir Hesworth Legum Etiam Doctoris Curia prerogatius Cantuar
Vir agistei Custodis sive Commissarij legitume constituti Decim mensis Octubris Anno D[ominu]s 1714
Dominae Maria Brand Executricis in dicto Testamente notiat
Cui Commissa fuit Administratio omminin et singuloriun
bonorum juriun et creditorum dicti defuncti de bene et fideir
Administrado eadem Ad Sancta Dei Evangetia Jurat

This Testament was proved at
London before the Venerable John Exton Legum
Doctor Surrogate Venerable and Egregious Sir John
Hesworth Doctor of Laws, of the prerogative Court of Canterbury
The Acting Custodian or Commissary was duly appointed on the tenth of October The year AD 1714
Let Lady Mary Brand, Executrix, be noted in the said Will
To whom was entrusted the administration of the whole and of the individual
of the goods and debts of the said deceased in respect of good and faith
Administering the same, he swears to the Holy Gospel of God

"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 542
Ancestry Record 5111 #793162 (accessed 15 September 2023)
Will of Joseph Brand

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