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Will of Joseph Dalrymple 1775 Morris County, New Jersey

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Location: Mendham, Morris, New Jersey, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Dalrymple
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Will of Joseph Dalrymple of Morris County, New Jersey

Will written 26 Sep 1775
Probated 6 Nov 1775
As recorded in Record of Wills, 1740-1900; 1n - 8426n; New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Morris County); WIll 342n


Joseph Dalrymple's Will of Morris
Proved Nov'r 6th 1775
Engrossed £ 2.12.8
Recorded in Lib. L of WIlls Past Jersey Records Page 287
Exam (signature)
I Joseph Dalrimple of Mendham in the county of Morris and Eastern Division of the Province of New Jersey Yeoman, being sick and weak of body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory praises be given to Almighty God therfor; Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, first and principally I recommend my soul to god that gave it, and my body I commit to the earth to be burried in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned. And as Touching the Disposision of all such temporal estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I give, devise & dispose thereof in manner and form folowwing Viz. Imprimis, It is my Will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral charges be fully paid & discharged

Item. I give to my well beloved wife Jane the benefit of my home plantation, and the plantation that I purchased of Hartshorne Fitz Randolph for her support and the bringing up of my children that are under age and the use of a horse to ride and of a cow so lomg as she remains my widow. In case my wife should marry or die before my children comes of age that then my executors shall put out my said plantations for the benefit and support of my children until they comes of age, and then to be disposed of as will hereafter mentioned.

Item It is my will and I do order that all my moovable estate be sold by my executors as son as it can be conveniently done after my decease except a horse & cow which I reserve the use of for my wife as afore said, and the money arising from my estate to be disposed of in the manner following -

Item I give to my son Andrew Dalrimple the sum of thirty pounds light money to be paid to him in one year after my decease -

Item I give to my son Joseph Dalrimple the sum of seven pounds light money to be paid to him in one year after my decease -

Item I give devise & bequeathe to my son Solomon Dalrimple and to his heirs & assigns forever two equal third parts of my home plantation to his & their only proper use and behoof forever -

Item I give devise & bequeathe to my son William Dalrimple one equal third part of my home plantation and to his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use and behoof forever -

Item I give devise & bequeathe to my son John Dalrimple two equal third parts of the plantation which I bought of Hartshorne Fitz Randolph, and to his heirs & assigns to his and their only proper use and behoof forever -

Item I give devise & bequeathe to my son James Dalrimple one equal third part of the plantation which I bought of Hartshorne Fitz Randolph, and to his heirs & assigns to his and their only proper use and behoof forever -

Item I give to my son Robert Dalrimple the sum of ten pounds light money which money I would have put out to interes for him until he comes of age

Item I give to my daughter Susannah the sum of seven pounds light money to be paid to her in one year after my decease -

Item I give to my daughter Sarah the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her in one year after my decease -

Item I give to my daughter Mary the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her in one year after my decease -

Item I give to my daughter Elisabeth the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her when she comes of age -

Item I give to my daughter Margaret the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her when she comes of age of eighteen years -

Item I give to my daughter Ann the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her when she comes of age of eighteen years -

Item I give to my daughter Jane the sum of ten pounds light money to be paid to her when she comes of age -

Item It is further my Will and I do order that my son Solomon Dalrimple shall pay the sum of twenty five pounds light money in part of the lagasies to his younger Brothers and Sisters as they comes of age , and my son William Dalrimple the sum of five pounds in like manner. And my son John Dalrimple the sum of fifteen pounds in like manner. that is towards the lagasies of their others Brothers & Sisters as they comes of age which sums my three sons; Solomon, William & John are to pay in consideration of their lands being of more value than the other lagacies to their Brothers & Sisters . and my son James Dalrimple to pay the sum of three pounds in like manner as his other Brothers and under the cnsideration of his land being more valuable than the other lagasies and further if my estate should amount to more than the lagasies above bequeathed it is my will that the overpluss shall be divided equally between my Sons and Daughters share and share alike, & in case it should fall short of the lagasies that then they shall be equal in the deduction equivalent to their part or lagacy -

And Lastly I Do make and ordain constitute and appoint my Son Sollomon Dalrimple William Winds and Hartshorne Fitz Randolph my executors of this my Last Will & Testament Ratifying and allowing this and no other to do my last WIll and Testament hereby Revoking and Disanuling all former & other Will by me heretofore made or expressed to be made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hindred & Seventy five -

Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of Jos.Dalrimple, Nath'll Wheeler, Nathan Simcock, William Logan.
Morris County ss: Nathan Simcock & WIlliam Logan two of the Witnesses of the within Will one being of the people called Quakers & duly affirmed & the other being duly sworn on the holy evangelists of almighty God depose & say that they saw Joseph Dalrymple the Testator therein named sign & seal the same & heard him pronounce & declare the within Instrument to be his last Will & Testament & that at the doing thereof that testator was of sound & disposing mind & memory as far as this Deponent & affirmant know and as they verily believe & that Nathaniel Wheeler the other subscribing evidence was present & signed his name as a witness to this Will together with this Deponent & affirmant in the presence of the Testator.
Nathan Simcock
William Logan
Sworn & affirmed this 6th Day of November 1775 before me Abr'm Ogden Surr.
Morris County ss: Sollomon Dalrymple & William Wind two of the Executors in the within Testament named beng duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God & Hartshorne Fitz Randolph the other Executor in s'd Testament named being One of the People called Quakers & duly affirmed did dispose & affirm that the within Instrument contains the true last Will & Testament of Joseph Dalrymple the Testator therein named as far as they know & as they verily believe & that they will well & truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the deceased & then the Legacies in the s'd Testament specifyed, as far as the Goods, Chattles & Credits of that s'd deceased can therunto extend, & that they will make & exhibit into the Prerogative Office at Perth Amboy a true & perfect Inventory of all & singular the Goods, Chattles & Credits of the s'd deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for their use & render a just & true account when thereunto lawfully required -
Solomon Dalrimple, William Winds, Hartshorne Fritz Randolph
Sworn & affirmed this 6th of November 1775 before me Abr'm Ogden Surr.



  • Will of Joseph Dalrymple, Record of Wills, 1740-1900; 1n - 8426n; New Jersey. Surrogate's Court (Morris County); WIll 342n page 1, page 2, page 3 & 4, page 5

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