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Will of Joseph Latch of St Michael Bassishaw Merchant 1656

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Date: 6 Oct 1643 to 22 Dec 1656
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Latch Hunt
Profile manager: Andrew Sansum private message [send private message]
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This is the will of Joseph Latch (abt.1612-1643), Joseph was a London Merchant, born in Churchill in Somerset.. He wrote his will on the 6th October 1643 and died soon after, being buried on 11 October 1643 in St Michael Bassishaw, City of London, London, England. His will was eventually proved thirteen years later by his brother Samuel on the 22 December 1656. [1] [2]

Bequests and Individuals Named

Summarised and rendered in modern English

  • His "loving father" Thomas Latch three hundred pounds (originally received as a gift from his father, and a further two hundred pounds received from his father as Joseph's moiety of "certain lands inherited after the death of John Rattle (a cousin or uncle on his grandmother's side).
  • His "loving mother Sara (Allen) Latch" one hundred and fifty pounds (to be paid into her own hands for her better maintenance.
  • His brother [John] Latch (assuming his brother the heir of his father) threescore pounds
  • His sister Mary Hunt threescore pounds (to be paid into her own hands)
  • His brother Edward Latch forty pounds (Edward was apprenticed to Joseph and Joseph also made provision in his will for a new master for Edward.
  • James Winstanley (under certain conditions), the two hundred pounds which Winstanly owed his Brother Samuel Latch in trust for joseph's use (Samuel Latch probably lived in Churchill in Somerset and consequently this was an arrangement to provide access to funds in London for Joseph (unknown reason)
  • Brothers Robert Latch and Augustine Latch twenty pounds each to be paid to them respectively at the age of fourteen
  • His cousin William Lacey and his wife fifty pounds (Lacey was a haberdasher, Joseph probably died in Lacey's home and Lacey was listed as patron when his brother Edward became a freeman of London. Lacey's Man and Maid Servant five pounds each to buy them morning clothes
  • His aunt Grace Latch (wife of Joseph's uncle Joseph Latch) ten pounds and her four children ten pounds each
  • Ann Brough five pounds and her four children ten pounds each
  • Mistress North Wife of Richard North five pounds
  • His cousin Charles Parsons first husband of his cousin Sarah Latchten pounds
  • His brother in law Michaell Hunte ten pounds
  • The poor of the parish of Saint Michaell Basishawe in London ten pounds
  • The poor of the parish of Churchill in the county of Somerset where he was borne ten pounds
  • Master Robert Mansfield forty shillings
  • Mistress Elizabeth Marshall Ten pounds to buy a bible
  • Master Frederick Fortson? fifty shillings to make him a ring
  • Mistress Margery Foster and her daughter mistress Watger? fifty shillings each
  • Mistress Marshall widow fifty shillings
  • His apprentice Richard Bladwell fifty pounds to bind him as an apprentice to a new master (with conditions placed on Richard Bladwell's father relating to the sale of Joseph's lease)
  • The rest and residue of all and singular my goods chattels rights and credits (my debts and legacies being paid and funeral expenses discharged to his brother Samuel Latch for his own use
  • His brother Samuel Latch sole Executor
  • Mathew and Henry his two pastors forty shillings each
  • Master Henry Wriyley? of Manchester ten pounds (probably Mr. Henry Wrigley, "a prosperous dealer in Manchester commodities, sent up to London," These Manchester commodities were fustians, composed of Irish linen yarn and Cyprus cotton http://www.pixnet.co.uk/Oldham-hrg/miscellany/butterworth-history-Oldham/pages/085.html and https://www.saddleworth-historical-society.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/SHS-2020-Bulletin-Vol-50-No1i.pdf
  • in the presence of Rich[d] Proine Sir? Samuell Troilen Richard Corbett? His mark


Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling and punctuation are as per the original document.
  • The text was in one block of text for the will and second when proved. Bold text has been introduced to identify individuals.
  • The original line breaks have been retained
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legible.

The Text

In the name of God Amen
the sixth Day of October Anno Domini One thousand
six hundred fortie three and in the nyneteenth yeare of the raigne
of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles of England [etc] I Joseph Latch
of London Marchant being sicke and weake in Bodie but of good and
perfect memorie (praised be God therefore I Doe make and declare
my last Will and Testament in forme following (that is to say) ffirst
and principallie I Com-ith my Soule unto Almightie God my
Protector trusting and asureadly beleaveing that through the merits?
--- and mediation of Jesus Christ my onlie Savior and Redeem[e]^r
I shall have everlasting life And I commit my Bodie to the Earth to
be rightly? buried where and in such manner as? my Executors herein
named[bold] shall think befitt And as touching the disposeing of my
Worldly goods and Estate ffirst my will and minde is that all such debts
and duties as I sall owe att the tyme of my decease shall be duelie paid
with all Convenient speed and then I give and bequeath unto my Loveing
Father Thomas Latch Three hundred pounds which I received of him
as a free Guift and alsoe give unto him my said Father Two hundred
pounds more which I had of him for my moyetie of Certaine Lands w[hi]^ch
Came to me by and after the decease of one John Rattle Item I give and
bequeath unto my loveing Mother Sarah Latch one hundred and fiftie
pounds to be paid into her owne hands and to be att her owne dispose for her
better maintenance And my will is that her acquittance for the same
shall be my Executors discharge in that behalfe Item I give and
bequeath unto my brother Latch threescore pounds and I give unto my
Sister Mary Hunt Threescore pounds to be att her owne dispose and to
be paid into her owne hands and not unto her husband nor unto anie
Clayming by from or under him And my said Sisters acquittance alone
for the said legacie shall be my Executors discharge in that behalfe
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Edward Latch forty pounds
to be paid unto him selfe presently after my decease And my Will and
desire is that James Winstanley shall take and keepe my said --- brother
Edward as antrade Apprentice during all the remainder of his tearme of
an Apprentishipp and shall during that tearme instruct and trayne
him upp in the way of which he the said James now useth? and shall
alsoe suffer and assist my said Brother during the tyme of his Apprentice
=hood to trade for himselfe as he is to doe if I were living by myy agreem[en]^t
made in that behalfe All which if the said James Winstanley
shall duelie performe Thenn and upon that Condition I give and remitt
unto him the two hundred pounds which he oweth unto my Brother Samuell
in trust for my use but if he shall refuse or writing by fayle in the fullfil=
=ling of my desire aforesaid Then I will the said two hundred pounds
unto my said Brother Edward Item I give and bequeath unto my two
Brothers Robert and Augustine Latch twenty pounds a peece to be paid
unto them respectively att theire severall ages of fourteene yeares
Item I give unto my cousin William Lacey and his Wife fiftie
pounds and I give to my Aunt Grace Latch tenn pounds and to
her fower children tenn pounds n a peece Item I give unto Ann Brough
her fower children tenn pounds a peece Item I give unto Ann Brough
five pounds and to my cousin William Laceys Man and Maid
Servant five pounds a peece to buy them morning apparrell
Item I give unto Mistris North Wife of Richard North five pounds
and to my cousin Charles Parsons Tenn pounds Item I give and
bequeath unto my Brother in Lawe Michaell Hunt Tenn pounds Item
I give to the poor of the parish of Saint Michaell Basishawe in London
Tennn pounds to be distributed among them my my Executor on the Day of
my buriall and I give to the poore of the parish of Churchill in the
county of Somerset where I was borne Tenn pounds to be distri=
=buted among them by my Executor or by his appoyntment Item I give
unto Master Robert Mansfeild fortie shillings and I give unto Mistris
Elizabeth Marshall Tenn pounds to buy her a Bible and to Master
fftederick ffortson? Fiftie shillings to make him a ring Item I give to Mistris
Margery Foster and her Daughter Mistris Watger? Fiftie shillings
a peece and to Mistris Marshall Widdowe Fiftie shillings Item I
give and bequeath unto my Apprentice Richard Bladwell Fiftie
pounds to binde him Apprentice elsewherre Provided and upon this
Condition neverthelesse that neither his ffather nor ainie other
Clayming by or under him doe take anie forfeiture or advantage for or by
reason of mine or my Executors letting of the house in Bassishawe Streete
which I hould by Lease and that my Executor may guie?? --- the
remainder of my tyme of Tennyeaure which I had in the said
house and lease Therest and residue of all and singular my goods
Chattells rights and credditts (my debts and legacies being paid
and funerall expenses discharged I wholy give and bequeath unto
my brother Samuuell Latch to his own use and I make and ordaine
my said brother Samuell Latch sole Executor of this my last Will
and Testament Item I give unto Mathew and Henry my two
Pastors Fourtie shillings a peece and I give unto Master Henry Wriyley?
of Manchester Tenn pounds In witmes whereof beeing? my last
Will and Testament Contained in the two precidding sheetes and in
this present theereof written I the said Joseph have sett my hand and
Seale the Day and year first Before written Joseph Latch Signed
Sealed published and declared by the said Testator on the Day
of the date? to be his last Will and testement ( after then confirming? of
these words (Brother Samuell intrust for my use? And of theise
words in -- (the remaindder of in the presence of Rich[d] Proine Sir?
Samuell Troilen Richard Corbett? His mark

This will was prooved att London the
two and twentieth Day of December In the year of our Lord God
One thousand six hundred Fiftie and six before the judges for pro=
=bates of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized
by the oath of Samuell Latch the brother and sole and only Exe=
=cutor named in the above written Will To whome Administra=
=tion of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the
said Deceased was granted and committed he being first legal=
=ly sworne truly and fayfthfullie to administer the same


  1. Burial: "London, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812"
    London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: P69/Mic1/A/002/Ms06987
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 1624 #7719568 (accessed 10 December 2023)
    Jeserk Latch burial (died in about 1643) on 11 Oct 1643 in St Michael Bassishaw, City of London, London, England.
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 260
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #634270 (accessed 10 December 2023)
    Will of Joseph Latch, granted probate on 22 Dec 1656. Died about 1656 in London.

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