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Will of Joseph Pack

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Will of Joseph Pack
Sumter District, South Carolina
Sumter County Wills V.2, Book D-1, pp. 92-96 S.C. Archives

In the Name of God, amen: I Joseph Pack of Sumter District, Planter, being in health of body & of sound of mind, memory & understanding do make this my last will & testament in the manner following, that is to say,

I give, & devise unto my son Isham Pack for his natural life only, Two hundred & ninety five acres of land, be the same more or less whereon he now lives adjoining W. G. Richardson on N.E. & on the S.E. by my other lands, & one negro woman named Clary & her increases & from & after his death to such child or children as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no child or children, then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give and devise unto my son John Pack for his natural life only, three hundred & fifty acres of land adjoining Jacob Osteen's land N.W. & Thos. Mim's & Martin Bird's, & one negro man named Bob, & from & after his death to such child or children as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no child or children, then to be divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & devise unto my daughter Sarah, for her sole & separate use for her natural life only, Three hundred & fifty acres of land more or less whereon she and her husband Thomas Mims now live, butting on Chas. Skinner's, Jn. Harvin's, Henry Bird's & Martin Bird's land & one negro woman named Sal; for whom I advanced four hundred & fifty dollars to pay for her, & her increase, & from & after her death to such child or children as she may leave alive at her death; but if she should die, leaving no child or children then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children and their heirs forever share and share alike.

I Give & devise unto my daughter Nancy, for her sole & separate use for her natural life only, Four hundred & four acres of land binding on Henry Bird's land S.E. & Thos. Mim's S.W. whereon she & her husband Martin Bird now live & one negro Girl named Hannah & her increase & from & after her death to such child or children as she may leave alive at her death: but if she should die, leaving no child or children, then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs forever share and share alike.

I Give & Devise unto my son Joseph Pack, for his natural life only, Seven hundred & Seven acres of land be there more or less whereon he now lives binding on Wm. Murrell's land N.E. & one negro man named Jack, & from & after his death to such child or children as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no child or children, then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs for ever share and share alike.

I Give & devise unto my daughter Rebecca Pack for her sole & separate use, for her natural life only, Three hundred acres of land be the same more or less adjoining S. Broom's S., Wm. Murrell's E., Tho. Sumter's N.W. & one negro girl named Fillis & her increase & from & after her death to such child or children as she may leave alive at her death; but if she should die leaving no child or children, then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & devise unto my daughter Mary for her sole & separate use, for her natural life only, Two hundred acres of land be the same more or less adjoining Tho. Sumter's & Geo. Stacey's lands & the three children of a negro named Sophia, which I lent her & her increase. & from & after her death to such child or children as she may leave alive at her Death; but if she should die leaving no children or child, then to be equally divided amongst my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & devise unto my daughter Dorcas, wife of S. Broom, for her sole & separate use, for her during her natural life only, Three hundred acres of land adjoining Mr. Bell's, Wm. Murrell's & J.B. Miller's being part of a tract surveyed by me or granted to me, whereon she now lives, be the same more or less, & the sum of four hundred dollars to be laid out by my executors in the purchase of a negro, that is to say if in my life time I should not let her have a negro, which if I should do, the same negro so given by me or to be purchased to be held by her on the same limitations as the lands; & from & after her death to such child or children as she may leave alive at her death; but if she should die leaving no children or child then to be equally divided among my surviving children & their heirs for ever share and share alike.

I Give & devise unto my son William Pack for his natural life only, Two hundred & thirty Seven acres of land, Known by the name of the Tom field, being one hundred & thirty seven acres of land surveyed by or granted to me & the other hundred acres to be off of the east end of a tract granted to Thomas Osteen, for two hundred acres, & a negro boy named Harry; from & after his death to such child or children as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no children or child, then to be equally divided among my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & devise unto my son Benjamin Pack for his natural life only, Two hundred acres of land granted to Seth B**d (Bird?) Known by the name of My old place & one negro boy named Israel, & from & after his death to such children or child as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no children or child, then to be equally divided among my surviving children & their heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & devise unto my son Alexander for his natural life only, Two hundred acres of land, whereon I now live, (one hundred acres of which to be off of land granted to Osteen (for two hundred acres) so as to include in the said two hundred acres my dwelling house & out buildings, he paying to my executors herein after named five hundred Dollars if said dwelling house is then standing & distrayed, saving & reserving to my wife Louisa, the use of said lands & buildings for & during her natural life, (It is not my intention that the said five hundred Dollars should be paid until after the death of my said wife.) & one negro boy named named Edmon, & from & after his death to such child or children as he may leave alive at his death; but if he should die leaving no children or child, then to be equally divided among my surviving children & there heirs forever share & share alike.

I Give & Devise unto my daughter Martha Pack for her sole & separate use, for her natural life only, Two hundred & twenty acres, one hundred acres of the same to be of the lands I purchases of John Addison-- & the rest off of the west end of lands granted to Osteen, & one negro girl named Nance & her increase & & from & after her death to such children or child as she may leave alive at her death; but if she should die leaving no children or child then to be equally divided among my surviving children & their heirs for ever share and share alike.

I Give & bequeath unto my children Rebecca, Martha, William, Benjamin & Alexander & desire that my executors do procure & deliver the same to them, out of the funds of my estate, house hold & kitchen furniture, & stock I have given to my other children.

I Give & bequeath unto my wife Louisa Pack for & during the term of her natural life & no longer in lieu & bar of dower, the use of the lands & buildings above mentioned in that part of this my will relative to my son Alexander; & all the rest & remainder of my estate not herein before given & devised away, for the said term of her natural life: & from & after her death, It is my will that the said personal estate hereby lent to her, her life time, shall be sold by my executors & the proceeds thereof equally divided among my surviving children & to be held by them as the property herein respectively given to them is to be held. It is also my will that where any disputes may arise about the location & lines of the lands Devised to my children, between them, that my executors or such as may have qualified at the time, shall appoint three persons to settle the same. Lastly. And I do hereby make, nominate, constitute & appoint, John B. Miller, Edward Wells, John China, & Thomas China, executors of this my last will & testament: hereby revoking and making void all & every other will at any time heretofore fore by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal to the foregoing two sheets of paper, this fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixteen.

Joseph Pack (Seal) Signed & sealed in the presence of us by the said Joseph Pack, who at his request have hereunto set our hands. I.C West Wm. Broadway D. Griffin Joseph B. White (Recorded in Will Book D-1, p 174) (Recorded 10 Dec 1827) William Potts Ordy S.D. Bundle 78 Pkg 13

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