Location: Chester County, Pennsylvania
Citing Pennsylvania Probate Records, Philadelphia County Wills 1682-1916, Will Book A, 1683-1693, image 479-80, p403, record 173. FamilySearch.org, online database. See Joseph Stidman's original will record
Last Will and Testament of Joseph Stidman of Springfield township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Written "eight day of tenth month 1694" (8 Dec 1694). Proved and recorded in Philadelphia County, 12 May 1698.
In the name of God amen. I Joseph Stidman of Spring field in the County of Chester & province of Pennsyilvania, Husbandman, being of sound and perfect mind & memorie, praise be given to almightie God for the same, do make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & formme following …viz… Imprimis: I give my soul into the hands of almightie God my maker and Redeemer & my bodie to be buried in such Convenient place as shall seem fitt & convenient to my friends and relay’s. And after my funeral expenses discharged & debts paid, I give and Bequeath to my natural mother Elizabeth Stidman the sum of seven pounds of Law'l money of the province, to be paid & delivered into the hands of Bartholomew Coppock Junior & my brother John Stidman for the onlie use of my said mother. Item, I give and Bequeath to my brother Jno Stidman the sum of foure pounds. Item, I give unto my sister Sarah the wife of Peter Thomas the sum of two pounds. Item, my mind & will is concerning Wm Beans my Covenant Servant, that if I dye before the s’d Wm come to the age of twentie years, that then the s’d Wm at the age of twentie years shall be free & Quitt of the Covenant Service, And further my mind & will is & I doe hereby appoint that at the decease of the Longer Liver of my self & wife the s’d Wm shall be free and Quitt of his said Covenant Service & that no heir or exe’r of either of us shall Detain him any Longer. And my estate, both real and p'sonall after my s'd debts & Legacies paid & discharged, I give & by these p’sents ordain, appoint & bequeath unto my Loving wife Margaret Stidman all & all manner my goods, Cattles, Chattles, debts, Implements of household & household ______ together with my Lands Buildings, planta'ns, with all & all manner the apptenan… [appurtenances] whatsoever to the onlie proper use and Behoof of my said loving wife Margaret Stidman as her own proper right and Substance and to_____ at her disposing for ever. Item, it is my mind and will that if my said real estate, or annie part of it, shall remain after my said wife's decease & by her undisposed of, that said Remainder I give & bequeath unto my brother J.no Stidman & my brother-in-Law Thomas Pullford my said wife’s brother & to my Sister Sarah Thomas. The said remainder if anie be undisposed of shall be Equally divided amongst them and their heirs and assigns. And also I do Constitute and appoint my said Loving wife Margaret Stidman to be my whole & sole ex’rix of this my Last will & Testament … in witness whereof I have herewith sett my hand & seal this eight day of the tenth mo. In ye year one thousand six hundred nyntie foure, 1694. Joseph Stidman (signature) …seal… Wittnesses to the same: John Hood Senior, George Marris, Bartholomew Coppock … Indorsed thus …
Pensilvania; Philadelphia in the said province, 12th May 1698, p’sonallie appeared before mee Patrick Sro_inson Secr‘e ye s'd province the within named Mar't, ex'rix wt'in named, & did Solemnlie attest ___ ye same was the Last will & Testament of Joseph Stidman her husband, dec'ed, as also produced George Marris & Bartholomew Coppock wittnesses wt'in named who did also Solemnlie attest according to Law that they saw the wt'in named George [sic] Stidman sign, seal, publish & declare the wt'in to be his Last will & Testatment, and that at the doing ye of he was of a Sound & disposing mind memorie & Judgement to the best of their knowledge & that they signed wittnesses to the same, As also the s'd Mar't Stidman did attest faithfullie to execute ye s'd Last will & testament [&] Bring in an Inventorie & render an acc’nt when ye to desired, _____ Robinson …Sec’ry…
William Penn absolute proprieto'e & Governor of ye province of pensilvania & territories ye unto belonging and ordinary of ye land. To all to … these pub … Commr
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