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Will of Judge Richard Weston (d. 1572)

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Will of Judge Richard Weston, Justice of the Common Pleas, of Skeenes in Roxwell, Essex, England (d. 1572)
England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858. PROB 11: Will Registers, 1567-1598, Piece 54: Daper (1572). (Ancestry.com online database). Will of Ricardi Westone, probate 29 Jul 1572.

This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Richard Weston. It was written on the 24 July 1572 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 29 July 1672

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Richard Weston testator
  • my late wellbeloved wife Margarete Westone asks to be buried in the same place as her
  • Nicholas Weston my second son (under age 21)
  • daughter Wynefride Weston (under age 21, unmarried)
  • daughter Margaret Weston (under age 21, unmarried)
  • 'Jerome Westone my son and heir apparente sole executor of the will
  • my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth
  • her late husbands Anthonye Cave and John Newdegate
  • Dame Marye Cave wydowe
  • Marye Slade Johannes Mylborwes Sister
  • John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John Glascocke of Roxwell gentleman myne overseers witness to will
  • William Loveday gentleman witness to will

[page 1 folio 190 verso]

In the name of god amen I Richarde Westone one of the queenes majesties Justices of her
common pleas atWestm[inster] being in good and perfect healthe of houle mynde and perfecte remembrannce thankes be to
god the iiijth of Julye in the xiiijth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye quene Elizabeth and in the yeare of o[ur]
lorde God 1572 do constitute ordayne and make this my last will and testamente in manno[r] and fourme following

I commende my soule to the handes of almightie god by whose passione as I and all mankynde were readeamed soe do
I assuredlie truste by his infinite and unspeakeable mercye to be saved my bodye to be buried and entered (yf yt
convenientlye maye in the parrishe churche of writtle in the countye of Essex in the same place where my late
wellbeloved wife Margarete Westone was interred where I woulde have a plaine tombe of marble made w[i]th oute curiositie
w[i]th bothe arms ioyned together and sett uppon the same my funeralle to be semelie and convenient w[i]th outt pompe

as concerning my mannors landes tenementes and heredittamentes I will that my execut[ors] hereafternamed shall frome &
after my deathe have possess and enioye my manno[r] of Netiswell with thappurtenances in the saide countye of
Essex and all and singular my landes tenementes and heredittamentes in Netiswell moche p[ar]done littell p[ar]done harlowe
and Latton or anye of them in the saide countie of Essex p[er]ceave receyve leavye and take the yssues rentes revenues
and profittes of the same untill suche tyme as Nicholas Westone my seconde sonne shall accomplishe thaige of
xxi yeares for and towarde the educac[i]on of my saide sonne Nich[ol]as Westone untill he shalle of the saide aige of
xxi yeares and of my daughters Wynefride Westone and Margarete Westone until they shalbe of their severall
ages of xxiij yeares Or that they shalbe severallye marryed which my sayde daughters I woulde

[page 2 folio 191 recto ]

should remayne and be brought upp w[i]th my wife untill suche tyme as they be bestowed in marriage

The residue of the profittes
that shall remayne yearlye of the premisses over and besides that that shall suffice for the chardge of thiere educac[i]on I will
shall remayne in stocke in my saide executors handes to be ymployed for the paymente of my debtes and of my legacies
hereafter expressed

And after my saide sonne Nicholas shall accomplishe his saide full age of twentye and one
yeares I will and devise my saide manno[r] of Netyswell and other my landes tenementes and heredittaments
aforesiade unto my saide sone Nicholas Weston and theires heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten And
for defaulte of such yssue the remaynder thereof unto Jerome Westone my sonne and heire apparente and to
theires males of his bodye lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche yssue the remaynder thereof unto
theires females of the bodye of my said sonne Nicholas lawfullye begotten and for defaulte of suche
yssue the remaynder thereof unto theires female of the bodye of my saide sonne Jerrome Westone lawfully
begotten, And for defaulte of such yssue the remaynder thereof unto the righte heires of me the saide
Richard Weston forev[er]

Alsoe I will and devise that my executor hereafter shall after the deathe of
Elizabeth my wife have possesse and enioye the moyetie of the manno[r] of Weste Tylberye with thapp[ur]ten[anc]es
and my messuage or tenemente called Stylmans in Wickforrde in the saide countye of Essex with
all my landes tenementes and heredittamentes whereof I have anye estate of inheritannce in weste
Tylberye Easte tilberye Chaldwell graies Thurrocke little thurrocke wickforde Rundwell? down....
Suthe hanningfieild or anye of them in the saide countye of Essex And the yssues rents revenues &
proffites of the same shall perceave levey and take for and during the tearme of Seaven yeares nexte after
the death of the saide Elizabeth my wife the same to be ymployed for the paymente of my debtes and
legacies as ys aforesaide

The residue of all my Mannors lands tenementes and heredittamentes other
then such as ys aforedevized that ys to wite my mannors of Skrynes and Sainte Lawrance Hall w[i]th
thappurtenances and Dunmowe p[ar]rte in the saide countye of Essex Together with the inheritance of the
Patronage of the parrishe church of Bucknell in the countye of Oxforde I leave to dissend untomy
aforesaide sonne and heire apparente Jerrome Westone in possession with outt making anye will or devise
thereof which ys worth in yearelye value more then the value of the thyrde parte of all my Mannors
landes ten[emen]tes and hereditamentes doe amounte unto And alsoe in reverc[i]on after the deathe of my aforesaide wife
and thexpirac[i]on of the aforesaide seaven yeres frome and nexte after the death of the saide Elizabeth my
wyfe I leave to dissende unto my aforesaide sonne Jerrome Westone the moyetie of my Mannor of weste tilberye
with thapp[ur]ten[an]ces and my messuage or Tennemente called Stilmans with all the landes & tenementes thereto
belonging And alsoe I leave to dissende unto my saide sonne Jerrome Westone in reverc[i]on after the deathe
of Dame Marye Cave wydowe my mannors of longe Barrows and Frayes my marche grounde called Poole
marche within the ylond of walletie and the pasture and meadowe ground called Crickette in the saide countye
. of Essex

And as concerning all and singular my goodes chattalles I will that the aforesaide Elizabeth
Westone my dearelye beloved wife shall have all suche goodes plate jewelles chattalles and howsehoulde stuffe
as was her late husbandes Anthonye Cave and John Newdegate or either of theires or the trewe valewe of
them (yf theye be not remayninge and w[hi]ch were hers at the tyme that I marryed wth her leases expired
onlye excepted )

Alsoe I will fiftie poundes to be bestowed amonge the poore howseholders of Writle and
Roxwell w[i]th in fyve yeares nexte after my deathe that ys to witte Tenne poundes yearlye during fyve yeares
next after my deathe

Also I will devise and bequeath ev[er[ye of my owne daughters Wynefred Westone
and Margarete Westone fyve hundred poundes of lawfull money of englande To be payde at the severall
daies of theire marriage Or when ev[er]ye of them shall come to theire severall aiges of xxiij yeares And
in case anye of them dye before marriage Or before she shall accomplishe the saide aige of xxiij
yeares Then I will the parte of her so dying shall hoalie remaine and be unto her that shall survyve

Alsoe I will and bequeathe unto anye of my howsehoulde servanntes that taketh waigs whether they be
men servanntes or weomen servanntes unto ev[er]ye of them their whoale yeares waigs for the yeare
nexte after my deathe Soe that they serve my wife for that yeare in case she shall require
the same

Alsoe I will and bequeathe unto Marye Slade Johannes Mylborwes sister Fourtye
poundes of good and lawfull money of englande To be paide within one yeare nexte after my
deathe Further I will that myne executor satisfie contente and paye all and singler my debtes whatsoever
aswell due by aspeceialie as otherwise

And of this my last will and testamente aswell for the executor
of the same touching and conserning my landes Tenementes and heredittamentes aforesaide As

[page 3 folio 191 verso]

Concerning all and singular my goodes and chattalle I constitute ordayne and make Jerrome Westone my sonne and
heire apparente my soale executo[r] and likewise do appointe and make John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John
Glascocke of Roxwell gentleman myne overseers of this my laste will and testamente

And do gyve unto
ev[er]ye of them for theire paynes Fortye poundes of lawfull monye of englande a peece

Finallye all other
former willes and testamentes heretofore by me made either concerninge my landes or tenementes or my goodes &
chattelles I utterlye hereby revoke and renounce and appointe this onlye to be accepted reputed and taken to be my
laste will and testamente And all other fomer willes heretofore by me made I do hereby renounce and
declare to be utterlye voyde and of none effect

witness John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John
Glaskocke of Rockwell and William Lovedaye gentleman


This will written above was proved before Master William Drewrye Doctor of Law at London at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury constituted on the twenty nineth day of July AD 1572, Judgement to Jheromie Weston the executor named in this will to administer all and singular the goods &c

Will of Judge Richard Weston, Justice of the Common Pleas, of Skeenes in Roxwell, Essex, England (d. 1572)
England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858. PROB 11: Will Registers, 1567-1598, Piece 54: Daper (1572). (Ancestry.com online database). Will of Ricardi Westone, probate 29 Jul 1572.
- Made 3 July 1572 (two days before his death)
- to be buried in the church of Roxwell by his wife Margaret
- Nicholas Weston my second son (under age 21)
- daughter Wynefride Weston (under age 21, unmarried)
- daughter Margaret Weston (under age 21, unmarried)
- Jerome Westone my son and heir...
- my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth...
- her late husbands Anthonye Cave and John Newdegate
- Dame Marye Cave wydow
- unto Marye Slade Johannes Mylborwe Sister
- Jerome Weston my son and heir apparent sole executor
- John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John Glascocke of Roxwell gentleman myne overseers
- witness John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John Glaskocke of Rockwell and William Loveday gentlemen
- lands include the manors of Frayes, Long Barrows, Netteswell, Skreens, St. Lawrence, and a moiety of West Tylbury
Richard Weston Will Transcription

In the name of God amen I Richard Westone one of the queenes majesties Justices of her common pleas at Weston being in good and perfect healthe of houle mynde and perfecte remembrance thanks be to God the iiith of Julye in the xiiith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne ladye queen Elizabeth and in the yeare of or lorde God 1572 do constitute ordayne and make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme following ffirste I commende my soule to the handes of almightie God by whose passione as I and all mankynd were __ for do I __ truste by his infinite and inspeakable mercye to be saved my bodye to be buried and entered yf yt convenientlye maye in the parrishe churche of Roxwell in the countye of Essex in the same place where my late wellbeloved wife Margarete Westone was intered where I where have a plaine tombe of marble made with outt __ is bothe arms joyned together sett uppon the same my funeralle to be semelie and convenient with outt pompe And as concerning my mannor lands tenements and heredittaments I will that my executor hereafternamed shall frome after my deathe have possess and enjoye my mannor of Netiswell with the appurtenances in the saide countye of Essex and all and singular my lands tenements and heredittamentes in Netiswell moche pardone littell pardone harlow and Latton or any of them in the saide countie of Essex __ __ __ and take the yssues __ __ and profittes of the same __ such tyme as Nicholas Westone my seconde sone shall accomplishe __ of xxi yeares for and towarde the education of my saide sone Nicholas Westone untille he shalle of the saide age of xxi yeares and of my daughters Wynefride Westone and Margarete Westone until they shalbe of their severalleages of xxiii yeares Or that they shalbe severally marryed __ my sayde daughters I __ should remayne and be brought upp wth my wife untill suche tyme as they be __ in mariage The residue of the profittes that shall remayne of the premisses over and besides that that shall suffice for the chardge of there education I will shall remayne in fforce in my saide executrixs hande to be ymployed for the paymente of my debtes and of my legacies hereafter expressed And after my saide sonne Nicholas shall accomplishe his saide full age of twentye and one years I will and devise my saide mannor of Netyswell and other my landes tenementes and heredittaments aforesiade into my saide sone Nicholas Weston and theires heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten And for defaulte of such yssue the remaynder thereof unto Jerome Westone my sone and heir apparent and to theires males of his bodye lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche yssue the remaynder thereof unto theires females of the bodye of my said sone Nicholas lawfully begotten and for defaulte of suche yssue the remaynder thereof unto theires female of the bodye of my saide sone Jerrome Westone lawfully begotten, And for defaulte of such yssue the remaynder thereof unto the right heires of me the saide Richard Weston __ Alsoe I will and devise that my executor hereafter shall after the deathe of __ Elizabeth my wife have possesse and enjoye the moyetie of the mannor of Weste Tylberye with the appertenance and my messuage or tenements called Stylmans in Wickford in the saide countye of Essex with all my landes tenementes and heredittamentes whereof I have any estate of inheritance in Weste Tylberye Easte Tilberye Chatwell grait Thwrock little Thwrock Wickforde Penwell __ Southe haningfield or anye of them in the saide countye of Essex And the yssues rents revenues proffites of the same shall __ __ and take for and during the tearme of Seven yeares __ after the death of the saide Elizabeth my wife the same to be ympoloyed for the paymente of my debtes and legacies as ys aforesaide The residue of all my mannors lands tenementes and heredittamentes other then such as ys aforedevized that ys to __ my mannors of Skrynes and Sainte Lawrance Hall wth the appurtenances and __ __ in the saide countye of Essex Together with the inheritances of the Patronage of the parrishe church of Bucknell in the countye of Oxforde I leave to dissend unto my aforesaide sonne and heire apparente Jerrome Westone in possession with outt making anye will or devise thereof which ys worth in yearelye value more then the value of the thyrde parte of all my mannors landes tentes and hereditamentes doe amounte unto And alsoe in conection after the deathe of my aforesaide wife and the expiracon of the aforesaide seven yeres from and nexte after the death of the saide Elizabeth my wyfe I lese to dissende unto my aforesaide sone Jerrome Westone the moyetie of my Mannor of Weste Tilberye with the appertenances and my messuage or tennemente called Stilmans with all the landes tenementes thereto belonging And alsoe I leave to dissende unto my saide son Jerrome Westone in revercon after the deathe Dame Marye Cave wydowt my mannore of longe Barrows and ffrayes my marche grounde called Poole marche within the ylond of walletie and the pasture and meadowe ground called Crufette in the saide countye of Essex And as concerning all and singular my goodes chattalles I will that the aforesaide Elizabeth Westone my dearelye beloved wife shall have all suche goodes plate jewelles chattalles and householde stuffe as was her late husbandes Anthonye Cave and John Newdegate or either of theires or the true value of them yf theye be not remayning and wth were hers at the tyme that I marryed wth her leases expired onlye excepted Alsoe I will fiftie poundes to be bestowed amonge the poore __ __ of Writle and Roxwell wthin sixe yeares nexte after my deathe that ys to witte Tenne poundes yearlye during five yeares next after my deathe Also I will devise and bequeath evry of my owne daughters Wynefred Westone and Margarete Westone fyve hundred poundes of lawful money of englande To be payde after severall daies of theire marriage Or when anye of them shall come to theire severall age of xxiii yeares And in case anye of them dye before marriage Or before she shall accomplishe the saide age of xxiii yeares Then I will the parte of her so dying shall hoalie remaine and be unto her that shall survyve Alsoe I will and bequeathe unto anye of my householde servantes that __ waige whether they be men servantes or women servantes unto enye of them their whoale yeares __ for the yeares nexte after my deathe Soe that they serve my wife for that yeare in case she shall __ the same Alsoe I will and bequeathe unto Marye Slade Johannes Mylborwe __ of __ poundes of good and lawfull money of englande To be paide within one yeare nexte after my deathe ffurther I will that myne executor satisfie contente and paye all and singler my debtes whatsoever aswell due by ____ as otherwise And of this my last will and testamente aswell for the executor of the same __ and __ my landes Tenementes and heredittamentes aforesaide As Concerning all and singular my goodes and chattalle I constitute ordayne and make Jerrome Westone my sonne and herine apparente my soale executor and likewise do appointe and make John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John Glascocke of Roxwell gentleman myne overseers of this my laste will and testamente And do gyve unto any of them for theire payment ffortye poundes of lawfull monye of englande a peece ffinallye all other former willes and testamentes heretofore by me made wther concerninge my landes or tenementes or my goodes & chattelles I utterlye hereby revoke and renounce and appointe this onlye to be accepted reuted and taken to be my laste will and testamente And all other fomer willes heretofore by me made I do hereby renounce and declare to be utterlye voyde and of none effect witness John Pynchon of Writtell esquire and John Glaskocke of Rockwell and William Loveday gentlemen

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