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Will of Katherine Awberye 1551

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Surnames/tags: Auberye Awberye
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The Will of Katherine Awberye 1551
https://nrocatalogue.norfolk.gov.uk/index.php/aubrey-awbrye-katherine-of-hingham-widow ANF will register Liber 13 (Craneforth) fo. 143 - Aubrey (Awbrye), Katherine, of Hingham, widow 1551[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.

Persons mention in the Will:

  • Katherine Awberye testator and widow
  • Cecylie Awberye, daughter
  • Agnes Blysse, daughter
  • William Blysse, son
  • John Blysse, son and executor
  • Sir Henry Parker, Lord of Hingham and landlord
  • Richard Crowe, executor
  • John Cowper, supervisor of her Will
  • John Watson, witness and curate
  • John Damme, witness
  • Roger Smyth, witness

In the Name of God Amen the second day
of Marche in the Fifth yere of the reign of oure
sovereign Lorde Edwarde vjte by the grace of god
Kinge of England France and Ireland defender of the fayth and in earthe supreme
heade of the churche of england and Irelande I Katherin
Awbrye of Hengh[a]m in the countye of Norffo[lk]
wydoo hooll of mynde and of good and p[er]fyhte
remembrance laude and prayse be unto almyghtye
god do order and make this my present testemente
and laste wyll in manner and forme folowinge
that ys to say Fyrst I bequeath my soule into the
hands of almyghtye god and to the meryte of Christ
passyon oure Savioure and redeemer And my
bodye to be buryed in the church yarde of Hingh[a]m
aforesayd secondly I bequeth to the poor mens boxe
of the same towne of Hingham xxd on ixte after
I bequeth to Cecylie Awbery my daughter a cupborde
a table and a forme standinge in the haull to the sayd
Cecilie a paynted clothe over the forsayd table a payre
of sheete a blanket a pyllowe a transom the hanginge
over the bedde in the hall a paynted clothe hanginge
at the same bedde foote And I bequeth to the sayd
Cecilie a latten basyn ij pewter plattese a salte
seller a saucer a chare a cusshyn my best gowne
a stomer a spytte an and gerni and a longe reefer
standinge at the bedde feete in the hall Also I
bequeth to the sayd Cecylie my daughter xxli
in money to be payd to the sayd Cecylie at ye
fyrste paymente of a certayn bargayn of fyve
acres of lande solde to John Blysse Also I wyll
and bequeth to Will[ia]m Blysse my sonne iij acres
of yarable land byinge at ten[emen]t neare to hym
and to his howses and I biqueth to the sayde
Wyll[ia]m a bedstede a mattracer a payr of shelfs
a payr of blanketts w[i]t[h] other things necessary
for a bedde to the sayd Wyll[ia]m a caudron a
brandelit a foutte w[i]t[h] all things nicessary
and belonging to the occupat[i]on of a (illegible)
chraste that be myne at this daye And
I bequeth to the sayd Wyll[ia]m too candlesticks
the one called a belde candlestick my nexte
beste brasse potte ij pewter platers too
pewter disshes a saucer a salte seller a
chafinge dishe a posiet my beste ***** an
andyerne a tozer and a latyn basyn Also
I bequeth to the sayd Will[ia}m Blysse xxli
of lawfull money to be payd to the sayd
Will[ia]m at the laste payment of the forsaid
bargon moreover I bequeth to Agnes Blysse
my daughter my ten[emen]te called Lytle Meare
w[i]th an acre of lande belonging to the same
to his and to her heyres Also I bequeth to
the sayd Agnes a bedstede a mattress w[ith]all
other things belonge to a boddi a brasse
potte a posuit too candlesticks the one called
a belde candlesticke vj peces of pewter a
saucer a pewter potte a ketyll a chayre a
cusshyn my best ketyll and a chafinge
dishe Also I wyll that viij of my kerchers
be devided equally between my sayd
daughters Cecylie and Agnes I bequeth
to Agnes my daughter xxli of lawfull
money And I bequeth to Will[ia]m Blysse
my sonne my lease that I hold of Sr
Henry Parker lorde of Hingh[a]m duringe
the yeares therein expressed Also I bequeth
to John Blysse my sonne a chyst bounden
with yron a brasse pot w[i]t[h] a pece at the
bryne and ij peces of pewter Also I bequeth
to the pooreste folk in Hingham where
most nede shalle by the good advice of
my executors xxs of good and lawfull
money that ys to say quarterly iijs iijd
The resydewe of all my goods not wylled
nor bequethed my debts payd and my wyll
fulfylled I wyll that they be equallye devyded
amonge my chyldren that ys to saye John
Will[ia]m Cecylye and Agnes by eve[r]y port[i]on
by the iudgement and oversisghte of my executors
whom I order and make John Blysse my sonne
and Richard Crowe they to pay my debts and
to fulfyll in every condition and behalfe this
my present testate and laste wyll And I wyll John Cowper
th[e]lder to be sup[er]visor thereof and to have for his
payne ijs iijd That beinge wyttenes
John Watson curate John Damme and
Roger Smyth wt others


  1. Will of Katherine Awbrye, Widow of Hingham, 1551, ANF will register Liber 13 (Craneforth) fo. 143 NorfolkRecordOffice Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DS008004638 Image 151-2.] Accessed 21 May 2022

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