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Location: Tyringham, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Surnames/tags: Norwood Tyringham
Will of Katherine Norwood[1]
This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Katherine Norwood. The will was written on 10 June 1649 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by the oath of George Norwood, the son and sole executor on 20 November 1650
The will images were good and very readable
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
[page 1 folio 207 recto]
In the name of God Amen I Katherin
Norwood widdow of Thomas Norwood Gent now inhabitting in Terringham house
in the County of Buckingham being nowe in perfect health and memorie Gods holy name
be praysed theirefore doe now by those presente Declare as followeth this my last
will and testament for the sufficient disposall of my wordly goods money or what
els to mee belongeth as my proper goods the w[hi]ch god in mercie hath blessed mee
with in this world, and the first place I doe give and bequeath my Soule after this
life ended into the hands of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my
bodie to the earth from whemce itt came to bee buried decently according to the
discretion of my executors and my worldly goods I bequeath as followeth
I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Norwood and his wifeeach of them an
enameed ring of gould to weare for my Sakeand as a token of my love unto them and
as childs? parte or porc[i]on and by vertue hereof doe cutt them of any other
claime or demands to my Estate
I give and bequeath to my God daughter and my
Grand daughter Katherin Norwood, my great newe byble marked with my name
as a token of my love unto her,
I give and bequeath to my lovinge sonne William Norwood five pounds
if that he comes to live in England butt if he continues in the Barbadoes I will
that he shall not have more than an enamelled ring of gould of tenn shillings
price and that to be sent to him as his childs part and porc[i]on and as a token of my
love unto him
I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Penelope Kennell
[page 2 folio 207 verso]
All my beding and furniture for my chamber and all my wearing clothes or apparrell
linnen woollen in side or out side Garments except such as my executor shall thinke fitt to reserve
to gratifie my friends that are not nominated in this my Will
I give and bequeath to my loving
Sonne in lawe Mr John Lambert an enamelled ring of gould to weare for my sake as a token
of my love
I give and bequeath to my two Granddaughters Frances Mountford and Alice
Lambert each of them an enamelled ring of gould to weare for my sake
I give and bequeath
to my loveing cosin William Terringham Esqr and his wife MrsElizabeth Terringhameach
of them am enamelled ring of gould to weare for my sake as tokens of my love to them I
I give and bequeath to my loveing neece Anne Norwood an enamelled ring of gould to weare
I give and bequeath to Mrs Frances Modant a booke of mine called Pr...... works as a token of
my love and a ring to weare for my sake
I give and bequeath to my good friend Mr Richard
Carspper one enamelled ring of gould as a tokene of my love
I give and bequeath to mistress
Elizabeth Jones a book of mine called the Decitfullness of mans hearts and my scollopt
suit of wearing linene
I give and bequeath to my cosen Anthony Terringhams wifemy
ould byble as a token of my love to her and if I dye in Terringham
I give and bequeath to soo
many of the old servants gloves as my executor shall thinke fitt as tokens of my love
to them
I give and bequeath to my loveing granddaughters Mary Lambert and Ann Lambert
each of thyem a gould enamelled ring as tokenes of my love to them if my executor shall think fitt
otherwise not
And of this my last will and testament I doe make and ordaine my loveing sonne
George Norwood Citizen and Leather Seller of London my sole and whole executor and administrator
and by vertue hereof give him full powers to take and receive what ever moneys or goods doth
or shall belonge to mee and to dispose of them according to this my said will and after my
debts and funerall expenses bee discharged then my will is that my Legacies above named bee
discharged soo farr forth as my estate goods or money will enable him my sayd executor And
whatsoever goods or debts or moneys that is or was mine or did or doth to mee belong that shall
bee over and above or remayning unbequeathed by mee the above said Katherin Norwood
widdowe I doe give and bequeath all the said remayning part of my goods moneys or debts unbequeathed
to my above named executor my loveing sonne George Norwood Cittizen and Leather Seller of London
as a tokene of my love to him my Sayd Sonne And my will is that noo more bee requested of my
Sayd executor George Norwood by any one concerned in this my said Will by vertue of the
said Will And further itt is my will that in case that the forty pounds benot received by
my above named executor that my Lady Terringham left mee for a legacie then itt is
my Will that aspheras I gave my daughter Penelope Kennell all my beding and furniture
of my chamber rthat if the aforesaid moneys the forty pounds given mee for a Legacie
bee not received by my aforesaid sonne and executor George Norwood it is them
my last Will that I give and bequeathe the aforesaid beding to my loveing sonne
George Norwood as namely my fetherbed and feather boulster, three great feather
pillowes three little fether pillowes, my Rugg and a paire of blanketts, with two
flocke boulsters and a mattrese of flocke, but I give unto my loveing daughter
Pennellope Kennell my bedstead curtaines and vallence and the hanginges of my
Chamber withall my owne wearinge Apparrell Linenes and woollen out side garments
or inside garments with all my sheets and pillowbears, and all other linenes excepting
such as are to bury mee in my trunks and any manner of ........ belonging to mee
(my cabenett withall my writings therein I give unto my loveing sonne George Norwood
but what over moneys shall bee found lyinge by mee, shall bee due unto mee at the
day of my decease after my funerall expenses and my debts discharged therewith
if any thing remayneth in money then I desire that soo many of my Lagacies that
in the former part of my Will I have bequeathed should be discharged therewith
especially to my loveing sonne William Norwood his Legacie to be paid the one or the
other and my sonne Thomas Norwood howesoeever to half a crowne for his childs
part or porc[i]on to beginen him to acquitt him from any other claime or demands
to my estate, but if the forty pounds given mee by my Lady Terringham bee
received by this my said executor then I desire that all the former Legacies that
I have given away to any of my children or friends expressed in the former
part of my Will as in the other sheete of papper annexed to this to stand in full
[page 3 folio 208 recto]
force and those other alterac[i]ons in thos sheete of papper to be voyd of now force, and my
further will is that without itt pleaseth God that I dye in Terringham that all the Legacies that I
have given to any one of that familie shallbe voyd, onely excepting my good freind Mr
Richard Cupper hee to have his Lagacie givem him according to my intent formerly expressed
And my further Will is that before any Legacies bee given to any one that my debts and
funerall expenses, bee fully discharged betwixt my aforesaid sonne and executor and my
daughter Pennelope Kennell to whom I have give the most parte of my estate although itt is not
soe much as I wish it weare for all their Sakes expected in this my Will but I doe acknowledge
and confese this to be my last will and testament and do institute and ordayne my
loveing sonne George Norwood Cittizen and Leather Seller of London, my full and sole
executor and Administrator and doe invest him by the vertue of this my Will in full
power to take and receive what other goods or money to mee belongeth and soe to order
the same according to this my last will expressed in these two sheets of papper, onely
hee whole .... croseed and two half lines and noo more by my consent in writting of
this my last will and testament and my owne free acte and deed I have hereunto
sett my hand and seale this tenth day of June 1649 Katherin Norwood signed and
sealed in the presence of Peter Medflower
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 214
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #789011 (accessed 23 October 2022)
Will of Catherina Norwood, granted probate on 20 Nov 1650. Died about 1650 at Terringham House, Buckinghamshire, England.
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