Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Gilman Gillman
Will of Lawrence Gillman 1647
Persons mentioned
- Lawrence Gillman of Caston testato
- Anne my wife wife of testator
- Robert Bassett of Caston
- William KIrby of Watton
- Margat child of testator
- Katherine child of testator
- 'Henry Maulti....... of Carbrook
- Jo Berkham Ro.. de Caston witness
- Jo Sutton witness
- Henry Burke witness
In the name of God Amen ye sixt
day of the month of August Ano Dm 1647
and in the yeere of the Rayne of the most
gratious Sovraygne Lord Charles by the
grace of God of England Scotland France
and Ireland King Defender of yt faith
the three and twenty I Lawrence
Gillman of Caston in the county of Norff
carpenter being sicke & weak in body
but of good remembrance
praysed be to God Doe ordayne publish
and declare this my present last will and
testament in mannore & forme as ffol
lowing ffirst I comitt & comend my soule
into the hands of Almighty God trusting
to be saved by the meritte & bitter passion
of myalone Saviour Jesus Christ And
my body to be buryed in christian buriall
in ye pishe church yard of Caston Item I
give and bequeath unto Anne my wife All my
houses and lands lyeing & being in Caston
aforesaid'shee makeing noo shop noo wast
& shee keepinge my houses in sufficient
reparations during the terme of her na
turall life And after her decease I give
and bequeath my said houses & lands
unto' Robert Bassett of Caston aforesaid
and William Kirby of Watton in County
aforesaid & to their heires for ever upon Condition
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ffollowing That they the said Robert Basset and
William Kirby or their heires Executors or ad
ministrators do within one yeare after ye decease of
Anne my sife sell the said houses & lands and
the money p...... with that shallbe.... for
equally to be divided and paid to my children
which shall be then liveing within one month
after the money receieved which they shall sell
them for Item my will & mynd is that Mar
gat shall pay out of her part
of the money received? for her house & lands
unto Katherine her sister twenty shillings
yf Margatt my daughter shall refiuse to pay it
ny will and minde is shee shall have but only
six pounds payd unto her bt Robert Basset
& WilliamKirby out of money received for
my houses & lands any thing formerly mentioned
to the contrary not withstanding Item my will
and mynde is that if Anne my wife shall de
part this life before some of my children
shall attaine to the age of eighteen years
my will and minde is that the said Robert Bassett
and William Kirby shall put out their parts
of the money and give unto them..........
towarde their maintaynance Item I give and
bequeath unto Anne my wife All my goods
Cattells and Chattells wjatsoever before not
bequeathed And I nominate & appoint Ann
my wife sole executrix of this my last will
& testament shee paying all my debts with funer
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shallbeItem my will & minde is that if William
Kirby aforesaid shallbe damnifyed by ye
obligation in which ioyntly standes bound
with me unto Henry Maulti....... of Carbrook
in the county aforesaid that then so much
as shall in ....... .........
....... shall be paid to him out of the mo
neyes with my houses & lands & shallbe sold
for and the residue shallbe divided equally
amongst my children as above ... Item
I give and bequeath to Robert Basset and
William Kirby five shillings a peece
for their paynes to be paid to them two
yeares after my decease by my executrix
In witness whereof I have hereunto
sett my hand & seale the day & yeare
above written/ ye mark of Lawrence Gilman
Sealed & delivered in ye presence of us
Jo Berkham Ro.. de Caston Jo Sutton
Henry Burke
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