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- Will of Lora Pitt, Widow of Stratfield Saye, Hampshire 1750
- PROB 11/780/341 Probate 26 June 1750
- I Lora Pitt widow of George Pitt Of Stratfield Sea in the County of Southampton Esq. being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding (thanks be to God for the same) do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following.
- And first I commend my soul to God who gave it and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried in the vault in the chancel of the church of Stratfield Sea aforesaid wherein my late deceased husband the said George Pitt Esquire lies interred my Body to be placed by the side of his coffin And I direct my funeral to be performed by Mr Birt of Reading in the County of Berks the expence whereof I expressly order not to exceed the sum of two hundred pounds And I give to the Reverend Mr Chapman Rector of Stratfield Sea aforesaid the sum of ten pounds for performing the office of my funeral and ten pounds to the poor of the said parish of Stratfield Sea to be distributed the Sunday next after my Burial as my executor shall think fit.
- In the next place I direct that my debts and funeral expences be paid and discharged And as to the worldly Estate wherewith God hath been pleased to bless me I give and devise and bequeath the same in manner and form following that is to say
- Whereas in and by certain indentures of Lease Release and Settlement the Lease bearing date the day next before the date of the Release and the Release being of three parts and bearing the date the twentieth day of March last past and made between myself of the first part my sons William Pitt and John Pitt and my daughters Elizabeth Burton Lora Gwynn and Ann Pitt of the second part and the Right honorable Edward Lord Stawell Baron of Somerton in the County of Somerset and Thomas Wynshaw of Yately in the County of Southampton Esquire of the third part I have for the consideration therein mentioned conveyed and settled my house in Arlington Street in the County of Middlesex with the Garden Stables Buildings and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and adjoining As also all that my farm and lands called Carrants farm (Masterman-145 leased this farm) in the parish of Winterburne Saint Martyns otherwise Martyns Town in the county of Dorset And all that my farm and lands at Holton in the said county of Dorset And all that my farm and lands at Askerswell in the said county of Dorset To the use of my son William Pitt for and during the term of his natural life with Remainder to Trustees for his life to preserve contingent Remainders with Remainder to his first and other sons successively in tail male with Remainder to my said son John Pitt for and during the term of his natural life with Remainder to trustees to preserve contingent Remainders with Remainder to his first and other sons successively in tail male with Remainders for the Benefit of my daughters and their issue in such manner as therein is mentioned. Now I do hereby declare my good liking and approbation of the said settlement and do by this my will ratify and confirm the same
- Also I do direct that the household stuff pictures and furniture except the pictures of my children which shall be at my said house in Arlington Street at the time of my decease shall remain there for the Benefit of such person or persons who for the time being shall be intitled to my said house in possession according to the limitations thereof made in and by the said indenture of Release and Settlement and not to be disposed of by Auction or otherwise But to go as heir looms belonging to my said house and to be enjoyed together with the said house by the person aforesad so long as the Rules of Law and Equity will permit
- And as to the pictures of my said children It is my will that the same be removed to my house in Kingston and be kept there with the rest of my furniture therein after immediately mentioned that is to say I give to my said son William Pitt for and during the term of his natural life All my household stuff pictures and furniture which at the time of my decease shall be at in or about my house in Kingston in the county of Dorset it being my intent and mind that the said household stuff pictures and furniture shall after the decease of my said son William Pitt remain and be for the benefit of such person who for the time being shall be Intitiled to the actual possession of the said house at Kingston according to the settlement thereof and not to be disposed by Auction or otherwise but to go as heir looms and to be enjoyed together with the said house by the persons aforesaid so long as the Rules of Law and Equity will permit.
- Also I give to my said son William Pitt for and during the term of his natural life All my live and dead stock which at the time of my decease shall be at or upon my farm at Kingston in the County of Dorset. And I direct that as he shall from time to time sell any part of the said stock he shall supply and keep up the same and leave the said stock in as good condition at his decease as he shall have found it in at the time of his taking possession of the said farm, Inevitable accidents excepted It being my intent and mind that the said stock shall after the decease of my said son WilliamPitt be and remain for the use of the person or persons who for the time being shall by virtue of the limitations contained in the said settlement be intitiled to the possession thereof and shall from time to time be duly supplyed and preserved as to remain with the said farm so long as the Rules of Law and Equity will permit And I give the same accordingly
- Also I hereby will and direct that all and every the utensils waggons carts carriages good stock and store of coals which shall be made use of digged or raised at or out of the collieries coal {miles?} seams and mines of coal within or under all or any of the lands or grounds commonly called or known by the name of Tanfield Moor (note,this mine eventually sold following the death of William Morton Pitt in 1830 ) google books within or belonging to the Mannor or Lordship of Beamish in the County Palatine of Durham and which shall be there at the time of my decease shall continue to be made use of disposed of and employed at the said coal mines and collieries for the use and benefit of such person or persons who for the time being shall be intitiled to such the said coal mines and collieries by virtue of an Indenture of Settlement bearing date the twelfth day of May one thousand six hundred and ninety nine made on my marriage with my late deceased husband George Pitt or by virtue of the last will and testament of him my said husband bearing date the sixth day of May one thousand seven hundred and thirty four
- Also I give to my said son William Pitt All my services of plate and other my plate whatsoever And I give to him my said son William Pitt the sum of one hundred pounds for mourning
- Also I give to the said Edward Lord Stawell and to the said Thomas Wyndham the sum of Ten Thousand pounds In trust nevertheless that they the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham and the survivors of them and the executors and Administrators of the survivors of them do and shall with the consent and approbation of my son John Pitt as soon as to him and them shall seem meet but not to exceed the space of twelve months after my decease lay out and Invest the said sum of Ten Thousand pounds in one or more purchase or purchases in the names of them the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham or of the survivor of them or his heirs of the fee simple and inheritance of mannors lands and hereditaments of a good title such as council shall approve of free from incumbrances and not above one fourth part thereof to be at any one time copyhold within the counties of Dorset Somerset Gloucester Wilts or Southampton or some of them or in some adjacent county or counties and do and shall convey settle and assute the said Mannors Lands and hereditaments so to be purchased to the use of my son John Pitt for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of waste with remainders to them the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham and their heirs during his life to support the contigent estates thereof with Remainder To the use of the first and every other son of the Body of my said son John Pitt lawfully issuing and the heirs male of his and their Body and Bodys with Remainder to the use of my son William Pitt for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of waste with Remainder to them the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham and their heirs for his life to support the contingent estates thereof with remainder to the use of the first and every other son of the Body of my said son William Pitt lawfully issuing and the heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodys with remainder to the use and behoof of my daughters Elizabeth Burton , Lora Gwynn and Ann Pitt equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and of the several and respective heirs male of the bodys of all and every such daughters lawfully issuing And if one or more of my said daughters shall happen to dye without issue then as to the share or shares of her or them so dying to the use of the survivors or other of them as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and of their respective heirs male of their Bodys lawfully issuing And if all of them but one shall dye without issue then to the use of such only daughter and the heirs male of her body lawfully issuing And for default of such Issue to the use of my own Right heirs for ever In which said settlement so to be made as aforesaid It is my will and mind that there be contained the usual powers for my said sons John Pitt and William Pitt respectively when in possession of the messuages lands and tenements so to be purchased as aforesaid to make leases thereof for any term of number of years not exceeding one and twenty years. And that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said son John Pitt when he shall be in the actual possession of the said mannors messuages lands and tenements so to be purchased to limit the same or any part thereof to any woman or women with whom he my said son John Pitt may intermarry for her jointure so as the same shall not exceed the yearly rent or sum of one hundred pounds for every sum of one thousand pounds which shall be reallished? And received in marriage with such wife and so proportionately for any greater or lesser sum than one thousand pounds and so as the same be not made without of waste provided always and it is my mind and will that till such purchase or purchase shall be so made my said trustees the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham do invest the said sum of ten thousand pounds in Government or other securities with the approbation of my said son John Pitt. And that the interest and proceed thereof be laid out and applied together with the said principal sum in such purchase or purchases so to be made as aforesaid. Also I give to my son John Pitt one hundred pounds for mourning,
- And I give to my daughter in law Elizabeth Pitt the wife of my son William Pitt the sum of one thousand pounds to be paid to the said Thomas Wyndham her Brother. In trust for her and to be by him paid and applied for her benefit and so as to be at the disposal of the said Elizabeth Pitt in such proportions and in such manner as she the said Elizabeth shall by any writing under her hand for that purpose direct. And for want of such direction in trust for her separate use. And I give to the said Elisabeth Pitt the said wife of my said son William Pitt one hundred pounds for mourning and also my diamond necklace and diamond girdle & buckle.
- Also I give to my daughter in law Lucy Pitt one thousand pounds as a legacy and one hundred pounds for mourning.
- Also I give to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of William Burton Esquire the sum of one thousand pounds to be paid to my son John Pitt and to be placed out by him on Government or real securities upon trust nevertheless that he my said son his executors or Administrators do pay and apply the interest and proceed thereof and for the separate use and benefit of my said daughter Elizabeth Burton for and during the term of her natural life. And from and after her decease then that he my said son John Pitt his executors or Administrators do pay and apply the same principal sum of one thousand pounds and the interest then after to [incurr?] and grow due for the same amongst all and every or any the child or children of my said daughter Elizabeth Burton now born or hereafter to be born at such times and in such manner and proportion as my said daughter shall by any writing under her hand direct or appoint . And in default of such direction or appointment then the sum of one thousand pounds to be in trust for all every or any the child or children of my said daughter Elizabeth Burton who shall be living at the time of her decease, equally between them. And in case of the decease of any or either of them unmarried and without issue then the share of such child of children to survive to the others or other of them and to be paid ar their respective ages of one and twenty years or marriage which shall first happen. And in the meantime the interest thereof to be applied towards the maintenance and education of such child or children respectively. But if my said daughter Elizabeth Burton shall not leave any child or children which shall be living at the time of her decease then the said sum of one thousand pounds to be in trust for such person of persons and for such intents and purposes as my said daughter Elizabeth Burton shall by any writing under her hand and seal direct or appoint. And in default shall not leave any such child or children as aforesaid then the said sum of one thousand pounds to be in trust for the executors or administrators of my said daughter Elizabeth Burton and to and for no other trust intent or purpose whatsoever. And I give my said daughter Eliabeth Burton one hundred pounds for Morning
- Also I give to my daughter Lora the wife of Francis Gwynn Esquire the sum of 1 thousand pounds to be paid to my son John Pitt and to be placed out by him on Government or real securities upon trust nevertheless that he my said son his executors or administrators do pay and apply the interest and proceed thereof to and for the separated use and benefit of my said daughter Lora Gwynn for and during the term of her natural life And from and after her decease Then that he my said son John Pitt his executors or administrators do pay and apply the said principal sum of one thousand pounds and the interest then after to [ ] and grow due for the same amongst amongst all and every or any the child or children of my said daughter Lora Gwynn at such times and in such manner and proportion as my said daughter shall by any writing under her hand direct or appoint And in default of such direction or appointment then the said sum of one thousand pounds to be in trusr for all every or any the child or children of my said daughter Loral Gwynn who shall be living at the time of her decease & equally between them and in case of the decease of any or wither of them unmarried and without issue then the share of such child or children to survive to the other or other of them and to be paid at their respective ages of one and twenty years or marriage which shall first happen and in the meantime the Interest thereof to be applied for the maintenance and education of such child or children respectively But if my said daughter Lora Gwynn shall not leave any child or children who shall be living at the time of her decease then the said sum of one thousand pounds to be in trust for such person or persons and for such intents and purposes as my said daughter Lora Gwnn shall by any writing under her hand and seal direct or appoint And in default thereof and in case my said daughter shall not leave any such child or children as aforesaid Then the said sum of one thousand pounds to be in trust for the executors or administrators of my said daughter Lora Gwynne and to and for no other trust intent or purpose whatsoever And I give to my said daughter one hundred pounds for mourning And it is my will that the receipts of my said daughters Elizabeth Burton and Lora Gwynne shall be a sufficient discharge to him and my said son for all payments that he shall make to them respectively pursuant to the trusts in this my will before mentioned And that he my said son shall not be answerable for the failure of any securities wherein the said trust money shall be invested provided the same securities be taken with the approbation of my said daughters respectively
- Also I give to my daughter Ann Pitt one thousand pounds as a legacy and one hundred pounds for mourning Also I give to my said son William Pitt the little picture of his late father done by Cross and set in gold Also I give to my said son John Pitt a small enamelled picture of his late father done by Ziurke? And I recommend it to my said sons William Pitt and John Pitt that the said two last mentioned pictures maybe so ordered and directed by them that the same may be continued in their family Also I give to my son John Pitt my small picture of a Duchess of Richmond drawn by Cooper and set in gold Also all my Gold and silver medals Also I give to my daughters Elizabeth Burton, Lora Gwynn and Ann Pitt All my watches rings and trinkets not otherwise given and disposed of by me to be divided equally amongst them.
- Also I give to my sons in law William Burton and Francis Gwynn Esquires one hundred pounds each for mourning
- Also I give to my grandaughter Lora Burton One thousand pounds for a legacy and my gold repeating watch and chain
- Also as an acknowledgement of the friendship I have always received from him and his family I desire the Right honourable Edward Lord Stawells acceptance of my large brilliand diamond ring And I give the same to him accordingly. Also I give to the "honourable Mrs Mary Stawell daughter of the said Edward Lord Stawell the little picture of her Grandmother, Abigail Lady Stawell set in gold and also the little Brilliand diamond ring her said grandmother left me by her will Also I give to the Rght honourable Elizabeth Lady Stawell '" the sum of one hundred pounds
- Also I give to my neice Mrs Elizabeth Hildyard one hundred pounds as a legacy
- And whereas in the last session of parliament an Act was made to impower me to erect a Bridge or Bridges over the River Froome and to make a causeway to the East end of the town of Dorchester over Forthington moor in the county of Dorset,now I the said Lora Pirr so give to my sons William Pitt and John Pitt the sum of one thousand pounds in trust that they lay out and expend in erecting such bridge or bridges and making such causeway and maintaining and keeping the same in repair for the space of three years from the time of making and erecting thereof if I shall not have done the same in my lifetime And it is my will that the said bridge or bridges be made sufficiently wide for coaches and other carriages and be called Greys Bridge. And in case the whole of the said sum of one thousand pounds shall not be necessarily applied and expended for the purposes aforesaid then and in such case I give the residue of the said one thousand pounds if any such there shall be, fo the benefit of the workhouse in the town of Dorchester in such manner as they my said sons William Pitt and John Pitt shall for that purpose order and direct
- Also I give to my executors for the use of the infirmary or hospital called Saint Georges hospital at Hyde Park Corner the sm of one hundred pounds Also I give the sum of one hundred pounds to the Minister Church Wardens and overseers of the poor for the time being of the parish of Stinsford to be by them from time to time placed out at interest for the benefit of the poor of the said parish But it is my will that in case the same principal sum or any part thereof shall by the said minister , churchwardens and overseers be judged and found necessary to be applied for the real benefit of the said poor that then and in such case then shall be Impowered so to do And I give the said principal sum of one hundred pounds or such part thereof as shall be found necessary to and amongst the said poor of the said parish in such shares and proportions as the said Minister, churchwardens and overseers shall from time to time direct and appoint Also I give to the poor of the parish of Stratton and Grimston in the County of Dorset twenty pounds to be distributed amongst them by the Minister, churchwardens and overseers of the poor.
- Also I give to the trustees of the charity schools in Wales the sum of one hundred pounds Also I give to the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts the sum of one hundred pounds to be applied towards carrying on the charitable purpose for which they were incorporated to be paid to the Reverend Coctor Bearcroft their secretary at the Charter house London
- Also I give the sum of one hundred pounds to be applied towards finishing and completing the Workhouse at Dorchester But if the whole shall not be found necessary to be laid out for that purpose then I give the residue thereof for the benefitt of the said workhouse
- Also I give to my cousin Ann Wyndham for and during the term of her natural life one annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds by the year clear of all parliamentary and other taxes outgoings charges and deductions whatsoever to be issueing out of my said house in Arlington Street aforesaid and be paid half yearly And I do by this my will attested in the presence of three credible witnesses in virtue of the power reserved in and by the said Indenture of release and settlement bearing date the said twentieth day of March last past charge the same house with the payment thereof accordingly The same to be paid by the person or persons who for the time being shall by virtue of the said release and settlement be in the actual possession of my said house in Arlington Street
- Also I give to Mrs Margaret Chapman the wife of the Reverend Walter Chapman of Stratfield Sea aforesaid the sum of one hundred pounds to remain with my son William Pitt and by him disposed to and for her separate use benefit and disposal exclusive of her husband and in such manner as she shall for that purpose direct.
- Also I give to Mr Israel Woolaston the sum of twenty pounds to buy him a peice of plate Also I give to my godson Mr John Ping of Dorchester twenty pounds to be paid to his father John Ping for the use of his said son. Also I give to the servant who waits upon me in my chamber and shall be living with me in such service at the time of my decease all my wearing apparel and twenty pounds for mourning Also I give to Mr Frances Brook my steward one hundred pounds Also I give to Mrs Martinee who formerly lived with me twenty pounds Also I give to Mrs Hannah Witton twenty pounds Also I give to Mrs Elizabeth Stephens twenty pounds for her own separate use and benefit Also I give to Nurse Lavington twenty pounds for her own separate use and benefit Also to Nurse Brown twenty pounds Also I give to the two women servancts who shall wait upon my daughter in law the said Lucy Pitt and my daughter the said Ann at the time of my decease the sum of ten pounds each. Also I give to the footman who shall wait upon them my said daughter in law and daughter at the time of my decease five pounds. Also I give to John Walker my son John’s man five pounds Also I give one year wages to all and every of my servants who shall be living with me at the time of my decease except such of them to whom I have given any legacy in and by this my will Also I give to Penelope Keats of Poole in the County of Dorset ten pounds Also I give to Mrs Martha Cox of Forthington ten pounds Also I give to Mrs Jane Cox of Forthington ten pounds
- And I do hereby direct that my funeral expences and all and every the legacys herein before by me given unto and amongst my servants shall be paid by my executor hereinafter named within two months after my decease And that all such debts as I shall owe at the time of my death and all the other legacies herein before by me given shall be paid by my executor within one yeare to be computed from the day of my death or sooner if the same can be done with conveniency And I also direct that the housekeeping in such house as I shall happen to dye shall go on and be continued for the convenience of my children and servants who shall be living with me at the time of my decease in the same manner as at the time of my death for the space of two months to be computed from my decease
- Also I desire that the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham will be pleased to accept the sum of one hundred pounds each which I give to them and hope they will execute the trusts reposed in them by this will.
- Item
- As to all the rest and residue of my real and personal estate of what nature or kind soever the same be not herein before given or disposed of I give and bequeath the same to the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham Esquire in trust nevertheless to and for the uses intents and puposes hereinafter mentioned concerning the same That is to say upon trust as to my personal estate that they the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham and the survivor of the and the executors or administrators of such survivors and shall so soon as to him and them shall seem meet together with my executor hereinafter named and by and with the consent and approbation of my son John Pitt if living or in case of his decease then with the consent and approbation of such person or persons who shall for the time being from time to time be in the actual possession and seisin of my said messuage and farm called Carrants farm in the said parish of Winterbourne Saint Martyns otherwise Martyns Town by virtue of the said Settlement by me thereof made previous to the making this my will call in all outstanding debts due to me and make sale and dispose of all my goods and effects nor devised by this my last will and convert the same and all other my personal estate into money and do and shall by and with the like consent and approbation lay out and invest all and every sum and sums of money which after payment of my said debts and legacies shall be or remain, in his or their hands in one or more purchase or purchases in his or their own name or names of the fee simple and inheritance of mannors lands or hereditaments of a good title such as council shall approve of,free from incumbrances and not above one fourth part thereof to be at any one time copyhold and to be situate being or arising within the counties of Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester, Wilts or Southampton or some of them or in some adjacent county or counties and do and shall effectually convey settle and assure the said mannors lands and hereditaments so to be purchased together with so much of my real estate as shall remain vested in them or their heirs by this my will, to the use of such person and persons and for such estate and estates and with such remainders over and by with and under such provisions powers and limitations as my said farm and lands called Carrants farm in the said parish of Winterbourne Saint Martyns otherwise Martynstown stands limited and settled in and by the said settlements by me made previous to the making of this my will bearing date on or about the twentieth day of March last past or to such of the said uses as shall at the time of making such intended settlement be then existing undetermined and capable of taking effect. And my will and meaning is that in the meantime and until such purchase or purchases shall be made the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of the survivor of them should and may with the consent of such person or persons who shall for the time being from time to time be in the actual possession and seisin of my said farm and lands called Carrrants farm in the said parish of Winterbourne Saint Martyns otherwise Martynstown in the said county of Dorset by virtue of the said settlement by me thereof made either continue the surplus of my monies and personal estate on the securities in which they are now invested or else place out and dispose of all the said residue and surplus of my said personal estate and monies or any part thereof upon new or other securities or interest or upon any parliamentary funds or in the purchasing of any public stocks And my will and meaning is and I do hereby declare that my said trustees shall from time to time and at all times permit and suffer all the dividends interest proceed and produce to arise by such placing out or disposing of my said monies as aforesaid or otherwise to be had received taken and enjoyed by such person or persons who for the time being shall be intituled to receive the rents and profits of my said message and farm at Winterbourne Saint Martyns otherwise Martynstown in the said county of Dorset by virtue of the said settlement by me made thereof as aforesaid provided always and my further will and meaning is that it shall and maybe lawfull to and for the said Edward Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham from time to time in the first place out of my said estate or out of the interest and produce thereof so be invested as aforesaid to deduct and take to themselves all reasonable costs charges and expences whatsoever which they shall or may be put unto in or about the execution of the trusts by this my will in them reposed And that they shall not be answerable for any defect in titile or failure of any of the securities in which the said mony’s shall be invested And likewise that they shall not be accountable for any more moneys than shall actually come to their respective hands And that one of them shall not be chargeable of accountable for the acts or receipts of the other But each for his own Acts only
- And I do ordain constitute and appoint my said son the said William Pitt the full and sole executors of this my will And I hereby revoke all former and other wills by me at any time theretofore made and do declare this to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I the said Lora Pitt the testatrix have to this my last will and testament contained in seven sheets of paper subscribed my name at the bottom of each sheet and have also at the top of the first and bottom of the last sheet affixed my seal and set my name this fifth day of October in the twentieth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the faith etc And in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty six, Lora Pitt signed sealed published and declared by the said Lora Pitt the testatrix and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request as also in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto
- George Lacy,vicar of Stinsford, John Ping of Dorchester, John Meaden of Witcomb
- A Codicil to my last will and testament
- Whereas I have lately purchase to myself in fee of Mrs Mary Bekett a farm and lands called North Bowood farm in the parish of Netherbury near Bemister(sic) in the County of Dorset Now I do by this my codicil give and devise and bequeath to the Right honourable Ed. Lord Stawell and Thomas Wyndham Esquire and their heirs the said farm and lands to and for the several uses intents and purposes and subject to the trust whereto I have in and by my said will given ordered and directed the residue of my estates witness my hand and seal this twenty second day of December 1746 Lora Pitt-signed sealed published and declared as a codicil to the last will and testament of the above named Lora Pitt in the presence of us James Brooke, Eman’ll Meaden, James Chapman
- This I declare to be a codicil to my last will
- whereas I have entered into articles with Alexander Thistle[this?]wayte Esquire for the purchase of the mannor Lordship and farm called Compton Valence with their Appurtenances in the County of Dorset I so direct that the said estate chargeable with the payment of such legacys given by my will as in my personal estate will not be sufficiently discharged And in case I dye before such purchase be completed and perfected then after the payment of such legacies as aforesaid I direct that the said mannor and farm so contracted for be conveyed to and for the benefit of such person and persons and for such estate and estates and in such manner as I have by my said will directed concerning the residue of my said personal estate And I do hereby confirm my said will in all other respects. I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of November One thousand and seven hundred and forty nine. Lora Pitt
Signed sealed published and declared by the testatrix Lora Pitt as and for a codicil to her last will and testament in her presence and in the presence of each other of us have subscribed our names as witnesses hereunto Able Moysey, John Horton ,John Morgan
- Memo’m Bath Wednesday May ye 23d 1750. When I dye give to the hospital at Bath and to the Charity school there One hundred pounds to each of them Twetny pounds to the lepers Bath to the Minister of the parish that attends me in my sickness twenty pound And to the poor of the parish that I shall dye in twenty pounds I give towards the propagation of the Gospell in our foreign plantations, if it not already in my will two hundred pounds. To Barnabas Wils my old servant fifty pounds To my old servant James Chapman fifty pounds. To my now servant Jones that waits on my £50 for her care of me in my sickness.To Morgan my butler £10 .To my two footmen £5 apeice for their attendance here.To Mrs Tyler,Mrs Mary Sabatier £5 a piece.And to Betty Owen and Martin Clark and John Walker £5 a piece, to each my childrens servants
- I give my daughter Lucy Pitt £200 to be laid out in table plate, a dozen of knives, forks and spoons, To my daughter Ann Pitt £100 to buy her some usefull plate To my daughter Burton ,daughter Gwynn and son John Pitt one hundred pounds a piece to defray their journeys from the Bath and likewise the same to my son William Pitt, In witness hereof I set my hand and seal Lora Pitt, Witnessed by John Morgan, Joseph Lovelace
- This is a codicil to my last will and testament. And I hereby give and devise Kingston farm in Purbeck adjoining to Encombe to my son John Pitt and his heirs for ever Witness my hand and seal the thirty day of May One thousand seven hundred and fifty, Lora Pitt signed sealed and delivered in the presence of John Morgan, Joseph Lovelace, Jonathan Hunt
- This will was proved at London with four codicils annexed the twenty sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and fifty […] William Pitt Esquire, the son of the deceased and sole executor named in the above will
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