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Will of Lucretia Good of Broad Chalke Wiltshire 1709

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Date: [unknown] to Nov 1709
Location: Broad Chalke, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Good Johnson
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The Will of Lucretia Good of Broad Chalke Wiltshire 1709

Lucretia Good's estate passed probate in 1709. Her last residence was Broad Chalke, Wiltshire, England.[1]

There follows a transcription of the digital image of her will obtained from the ancestry website on 4 Feb 2024. Spellings and layout have been retained.

in the name of God Amen Being of
perfect sence & sound Judgment I doe make
and apoynt this my last will & testament
as foloweth.
first I comend my foule Into the hands of my
God hopeing to be faved by the mervity of my
Blessed Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ And for that
portion of worldly Goods which Divine providence
hath Intrusted me withall, I give & bestow In
monner following
Imp - I Guive & Bequeath to my Broth Robt Good fivety pound
Item I guive to my fifter Allice Good fivety pound,
Item I guive to my fifter Elzabeth Penn tenn found
Item I guive to my Brother Ralph my Broth Rodger & my
sifter Jane twelve pence Each
Item I guive to my niece Elizabeth Good fivety Pound
Item I Guive to thy niece Lucrehia Good fivety Pound
Item I Gurve to my three nieces Jane Penn Elizabeth
Penn & Mary Penn And to my nephew Henry Penn
tenn pounds Each
Item I Guive to my five nephews Ralph Good Henry Good
Robrt Good Charles Good & John Good sons of my Broth
Ralph Good five Pounds Eash
Item I Guive to my nephew Henry good son of my Broth
Rodger Good, and my niece Jame good Daughter of my
sayd Broth Rodger five Pounds Each
now my will & pleasure is that my sayd Brothers &
fifters shall have theyer legacyes in twelve month &
a day after my deceafe. And that my nephews &
nieces shall have theyr legacges without Interest
when they shall come to the age of heenly one
And also my will & pleasure is if any
one or more of my nephews or nieces above sayd
shall dye
belore his or her or theyr Legacyes shall
become due
his or her Legacys
shall be equally deveded among the
survrveing Brother or sister or Brothers & sifters of
the deceased
Item I guive to my Cozins Aithony Johnson & Richard
Johnson five shillings Each
Item I Guive to such poor people of the Parish
of Bower Chalk who have not Relief of the parish
the sum or fourty shillings to be devideded among
them at the discretion of my Executor
Lastly I guive all the
Rest of my Goods & Chattles
to my well beloved brother Charles Good, whom I hereby
make Executour of all, and this of this my last
will & Testament
Pronounced siqned &
Sealed In the Presence
John Comer
Mary Quinton
Lucretia Good


  1. Probate: "Wiltshire, England, Wills and Probate, 1530-1858"
    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference Number: P2/G/630; Reference Number: P2/G/630
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61333 #81070 (accessed 4 February 2024)
    Lucretia Good probate in 1709. Residence Broad Chalke, Wiltshire, England.

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