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Location: St. Mary's County, Province of Maryland
The following is the complete will and codicil for Luke Gardiner (Gardiner-470), (1622-1674)
Written: 4 Dec 1673 Probated: 12 Aug 1674
In the name of God amen. I, LUKE GARDINER of St. Mary's County in the Province of Maryland being in perfect health and memory thanks be to God, but yet Calling to mind the uncertain Condition of the Transitory Life Do make ordain and Declare this my Last Will and Testament by these presents. Revoking annulling and makeing void all wills by me formerly made whither by word of mouth or in writing. Imprimis I give and bequeath my Soul unto the hands of Allmighty God that gave it, and my Body to be Decently buried in the Earth according to the Ceremonies of the holy Roman Catholic Church believing assuredly that I shall be Saved by the merits Death and passion of my Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ and that at the General Day of Judgment my Soul Shall be united with joy Eternally to possess the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for the Elect and Chosen of Allmighty God. Item my will is that all those Debts and Duties that I owe in Right or Conscience to any person or persons whatsoever be well and truly Satisfied and paid or ordered to be paid in Convenient time after my Decease.
- Item I give and bequeath unto the Pastor of the Church at Newtown one Thousand pounds of Tobacco and unto the Pastor of the Church at Port Tobacco four hundred pounds of Tobacco and unto the Pastor Living at the Governors by name Mr. Massey four hundred pounds of Tobacco and unto Mr. Carew Living at the Chancellors four hundred pounds of Tobacco in Token that I died a Roman Catholic and do desire the prayers of the holy Roman Catholic Church.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my Ever Loving Wife ELIZABETH GARDNER my plantation and housing and all that Tract of Land of mine at Canoe neck for ever and St. Clement's & Land the term of time that I have at my Decease in it.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son RICHARD GARDNER all that Tract of Land Lying on the north Side of Piscadaway Creek in Charles County Called by the name of Barberton Manor & with all the houseing thereon to him and his heirs for Ever and likewise one of my horses the which my said Son RICHARD GARDNER Shall Choose out of all my Stock of horses to him for Ever.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my next Eldest Son JOHN GARDNER all that houseing and Land of mine Lying in the Woods in St. Mary's County Called St. John's to him and his heirs for Ever. Except three hundred acres thereof which I give and bequeath unto my Son LUKE GARDNER to him and his heirs for Ever Injoining my Said Son LUKE GARDNER to take his said Three hundred acres of Land on the west Side of a main branch Running by the Said Tract of Land Called St. John's unto the head of St. Clement's Bay but at which End of the Said Land the Said LUKE GARDNER please to take it.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN GARDNER all my right Title and Interest in a tract of Land Lyeing at the head of St. Clement's Bay Called St. John's Landing to him & his heirs for Ever.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my Son LUKE GARDNER all that Tract of Land of mine Lying near the head of Chaptico Bay Called Hillilee and the landing by Chaptico Bay Called Gardners Landing Containing about two acres of Ground with all the Marsh that Lyeth opposite to and bequeath unto my Son LUKE GARDNER to him & his heirs for Ever all that Tract of Land of mine Called Grimditch with the Land thereunto belonging Situate Lying and being in Charles County near Mattawoman.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my youngest Son THOMAS GARDNER to Him and his heirs for Ever all that Tract of Land of mine that Lyeth up the branch of Piscadaway Creek the which I have a Warrant to resurvey and to make it up Eight hundred acres and likewise my half of a tract of Land that is Betwixt my Brother in Law MR. ZACHARY WADE and to him and his heirs for Ever.
- Item my will is that immediately after my Debts that I owe and my Legacies aforesaid are paid that then my Ever Loving Wife ELIZABETH GARDNER and my fours sons RICHARD, JOHN, LUKE and THOMAS GARDNER make Choice of four Sober honest men of their Relations which shall divide all my personall Estate whatsoever they Can or may come to the knowledge of into five Equall parts all Except that horse afore mentioned which I have given unto my Son RICHARD GARDNER.
- Item my will is that immediately after the Division of my personall Estate as aforesaid that my Ever Loving Wife ELIZABETH GARDNER have her fifth of my personall Estate the which I give and bequeath unto her for Ever and that my Eldest Son RICHARD have immediately his par t being the fifth part of my personall Estate so divided as aforementioned the which I give and bequeath unto him and his heirs for Ever.
- Item I give and bequeath unto my three Sons JOHN GARDNER, LUKE GARDNER, and THOMAS GARDNER to Each and Every of them his fifth part of my personall Estate aforesaid to them and their heirs for Ever.
- Item my will is that my Children be not of age until they attain unto the age of Eighteen Years and that they be not of age to Sell or give any part of parcell of Land until they attain unto the age of twenty and five years.
- Item my Will is that Each of my Sons know his own particular Estate but not to possess any part of his Estate until he attain unto the age of Eighteen Years and not to dispose of or Sell any part of his Land until he attain unto the Age of Twenty five Years as aforesaid.
- Item my Will is that if any of my aforesaid Children Should Chance to dye before he attain unto the age of Eighteen Years that then his part of Land and goods shall be Equally divided among the rest of his brothers which are alive to them and their heirs for Ever.
- Item I do Constitute and appoint my Son RICHARD GARDNER Overseer over the Estate of my Son THOMAS GARDNER in the behalf and for the profit of him the Said THOMAS GARDNER Until the Said THOMAS GARDNER attain unto the Age of Eighteen Years and then the Said THOMAS GARDNER to have his Estate in his own possession.
- Item I do Constitute and appoint my Son JOHN GARDNER overseer over the Estate of my Son LUKE GARDNER when my Son JOHN GARDNER do attain unto the age of Eighteen Years and that then he Oversee and Manage his Said Brother LUKE GARDNER'S Estate until his Said Brother LUKE GARDNER Do attain unto the age of Eighteen Years and then his Said Brother to have his Estate in his own possession.
- Item my Will is that my Ever Loving Wife ELIZABETH GARDNER and my Son RICHARD GARDNER be Guardians over the Estates of my Sons JOHN and LUKE GARDNER until my Said JOHN GARDNER attain unto the age of Eighteen Years and then the Said JOHN GARDNER to have his Estate in his own possession and be Guardian over his brother LUKE GARDNER as aforesaid.
- Item my Will is that my three Sons JOHN, LUKE and THOMAS GARDNER be kept at School and have Such Education as this Country and their Estates afford them Until they Successively attain unto the Age of Eighteen years.
- Item my Will is that if in Case my Eldest Son RICHARD GARDNER Should dye before my youngest son THOMAS GARDNER cometh to Age that then the next Eldest Son with his Mother shall be guardians over the Younger and So Successively and if the Mother and all the Elder Brothers should dye before the Younger Come to age Aforesaid then I Constitute & appoint My Brother in Law Major THOMAS BROOKE to be Guardian over the Estate of my Youngest Son until he attain unto the age of Eighteen Years.
LUKE GARDNER wrote the following codicil to his will:
- Item my Will is and I Command all my Children that they be obedient to their mother and to ask her advice in all their undertakings that are of any Consequence and of any Difference should arise amongst them that they Choose some Sober honest men among their own Relations to End all Differences betwixt them that in no ways they go to Law one with another.
- Item my will is that if any of my Children before he Cometh unto age of Twenty and five years, should prove Irreverent and Stubborn and Change his Religion that he be no Roman Catholic that then that part of his Land and Goods that doth appear of what I gave him shall be divided Equally amongst his Brothers to them and to their heirs for Ever.
- Item My will is that if my Sons should Chance all to dye before they come to age then I give and bequeath unto my Ever Loving Wife ELIZABETH GARDNER all my Land and half the moveables belonging before to my Said Children to her for Ever and the other half the moveables to be given as followeth (viz) one moiety to the Church the other moiety to poor people Such as my said wife shall think Convenient to give it unto and if my wife and Children should all be dead before any of my Children Shall Come to Age then I give and bequeath all my Land aforesaid unto my Brother in Law Major THOMAS BROOKE'S his Children and the half of my Moveables unto my God Daughter MARY BROOKE and the other half of my Moveables to be divided as followeth (vis) one moiety to the Pastor of New Town Church and the pastor of St. Mary's Church the other moiety to be Divided amongst poor people to whom the Said Pastors Shall See fitt. In Testimony of this my Last Will and Testament I hereunto put my hand and seal the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy and Three. <Prerogative Court Wills LIber 1/631
Luke Gardiner Test. Proc. 6, 263 Elizabeth his wife Administration Bond August 12, 1674 Double value of estate
- As no executor named in will, dead as intestate.
- Thomas Brooke, Zachary Wade, William Hatton and Randall Hanson or any 2 apprs.
- Benjamin Solley or John Stone to swear, Widow unable to travel so far as St. Marys.
- Thomas Solley and Benjamin Solley to administer the oath to her.
Nov 11, 1674
- Richard Gardner son and heir of Luke exhibits an inventory for his mother.
More time asked as there is one Plantation mofre not brought to the iew of the apprs. yet.
- November 14, 1674 Test. Proc. t6, 319-20
Commission Returned
- Thomas Notley returnes bond he took of Elizabeth in 200,000 lbs. tob.
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