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Will of Luke Ivory of Ealing, tallow chandler 1679

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The Will of Luke Ivory, tallow chandler of old Brentford, Ealing was written on 25 July 1679 and proved on 4 March 1679/80 in London.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in the Will:

  • Luke Ivory of old Brentford (testator)
  • John Hovey now in New England (son in law)
  • Dorcas, wife of John (daughter)
  • John Jackson
  • Luke Grindy, second son of Johnathan Grindy
  • Elizabeth Thompson, servant of John Jackson
  • Priscilla Laird or Laud, servant of John Jackson
  • Robert West
  • Edward Allen
  • James Tucker of Isleworth, bricklayer
  • Simon Sirett, cheesemonger (executor)
  • Mr Wiggins of London (overseer)
  • Mr Patten of London (overseer)
  • Witnesses: Thomas Daye, Wm Phillips, Joseph Collens, Rob: Peppitt Sr .

In the name of God Amen the Five & twentieth day of July in the one and
Thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second King of
England &c Annoq[ue] Dom[ini] 1679 I Luke Ivory of old Brentford in the p[ar]ish of Ealing
als[o] Tealing in the County of Midd[lese]x Tallow chandler being through the Goodness of God
caleing to mind that it is appoynted for all men once to dye and at the time
of makeing hereof being sick & weake in body but of perfect mind & memory
being mindfull of my latter end & to waite all the dayes of my appoynted
time till my change shall come & knowing yt it is my duty to settle my
affaires in order before I die DOE hereby Constitute make and ordaine this
my last will & testament in manner & forme following anulling and makeing
void all & every other will or wills heretofore at any time by me made
Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my Sonn in law John Hovey now in
New England my Brass watch Item I give unto the Children of my daughter
Dorcas wife unto the s[ai]d John the Sum[m]e of one hundred pound to be distributed
amongst them according to the discretion of their mother the s[ai]d Dorcas and
in case of her death before the distribution of the whole or any part then to be
paid unto them share & share alike & in case any of the Children die[...]
before the receipt of their respective legacies the surviveing to have the
share or shares of the deceased equally divided among them & I doe appoynt
that fifty pound[s] of the s[ai]d hundred pound[s] be paid by my Executors hereafter
named within twelve monthes after my decease & the other fifty pounds
in Eighteene monthes after my decease Item I give unto John Jackson
formerly Minister of Moulsey in the County of Surry & now living in old
Brentford the sum[m]e of Five pounds Item I give unto Luke Grindy
Second Sonn unto Jonathan Grindy the sum[m]e of Twenty Shillings Item I
give unto Elizabeth Thompson now Servant unto the s[ai]d John Jackson the
sum[m]e of Twenty Shillings provided that after her decease or before as she shall
see cause she distribute amongst the Children of the s[ai]d John Jackson the s[ai]d sum[m]e
of Twenty Shillings Item I give to Elizabeth ^Priscilla Laird servant [...] to the s[ai]d John
Jackson the sum[m]e of Tenn Shillings Item I give to the three Children of Robert
West to each of them Six shillings & Eight pence Item I give unto Edward
Allen the sum[m]e of Tenn Shillings Item I give unto James Tucker of Isleworth
bricklayer the sum[m]e of Twenty Shillings Item I do appoynt & ordaine that all
those above menc[i]oned Legacies be p[ai]d by my Executors hereafter named
within the space of Six weekes after my decease ( the hundred pound[s]
given to my daughter Dorcas her Children onely excepted as is above
specified ) Item I give unto the poore of the p[ar]ish of old Brentford the sum[m]e
of Five pounds to be given them in money according to discretion left in writein[g]
w[i]t[h] the overseers of this my last will & testam[en]t hereaft[er] menc[i]oned Item I
doe order & appoynt five pounds & no more to the defraying the charge of
my buriall the manner whereof I leave to the discretion of my Executors Hereafter
menc[i]oned furthermore I give unto my said Daughter Dorcas all my bonds
bills & the p[ar]ticulers of householdstuff hereafter menc[i]oned one fether bed bolster
one red & yallow cover lidd my best suite w[i]th the silver button[es] thereto & the [deleted]

[Page 2]
best Coate the best Chest w[i]th fower paire of Sheetes in it & the least Chest being
empty two paire of my best Shoes two of my best Shirts one paire of my
fustion[2] lyneings & the bookes hereafter menc[i]oned (vizt) two bibles one testam[en]t
one Burroughes Jewell of contentm[en]t one Jerusalems Glory one Strong constanty
of heaven one milke & hony and Assemblyes Catecism[es] one life & death of [...]
Wilson on Gods [..]sufficiency Item I give unto the afores[ai]d Priscilla Laird
my old Chest one large Cuppboard[...] one p[air] of [...] & one p[air] of tonges
All the rest of my Moveable goods not yett disposed off by me & now
remaining with the said John Jackson I doe give & bequeath unto the
said John Jackson Lastly I doe by this my last will & testament ordaine
make constitute & appoynt my trusty and well beloved neighboure
Simon Sirett Cheesemonger my sole & onely Executor and do also
appoynt & ordaine my loveing friends Mr Wiggins of London Woollen[...]
at the Signe of the three horseshoes in gracious streete And Mr Patten
of London Grocer at the Signe of the Musk Catt & Sugar Loafe in Hony
lane Markett place to be the two overseers of this my last will and
testament desireing them to take caire that all things be p[er]formed
according to the true intent of this my last will and as a thanckfull
accknowledgment of their caire & paine I doe give & bequeath unto
each of them tenn shillings to buy each of them a ring In witness of
of this my last will & testament of the said Luke Ivory have here
unto put my hand & Seale this day & yeare first above written ./
[Signed] Luke Ivory
Signed Sealed published & Declared
by the said Luke Ivory as his last will
& testam[en]t in the presence of ./
Thomas Daye
Wm Phillips
Joseph Collens
Rob: Peppitt Sr ./


  1. Probate: "London, England, Wills and Probate, 1507-1858"
    London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, Clerkenwell, London, England; Reference Number: MS 9172/68; Will Number: 18
    Ancestry uk Record 1704 #406814 (accessed 16 September 2023)
    Luke Ivory probate on 4 Mar 1679.
  2. fustion - a heavy woven cotton cloth

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